Oct 01, 2008

 I think I have the sorest legs in my county today. I went ahead and walked about three miles just to sorta get the soreness out and it finally let go. I feel at times I live in the biggest wonderland for exercise outdoors there could be created. Just being able to rattle off several miles without gulping down huge amounts of air and feeling like my body went through a meat grinder is so good. I wont get to go out and walk tomorrow but friday I plan on getting in a few miles then a big trip in high altitude to Graveyard Fields or somewhere near there for an overnight backpacking trip. I still want to get in some fishing near Yellowstone (not the real yellowstone) falls at the fields. I am pretty stoked that I can handle the trip without as much trouble as my misadventures at Wolf Laurel in the Joyce Kilmer Wilderness area last year.. I was a wuss on that hike.. 

one hundred pounds to go..

Sep 29, 2008

Today was a banner day. I finally got off the first 35 pounds in 5 weeks. It took an eight mile hike and a half mile boulder hoping fishing trip to get it down but I was so stoked I could do it I think I would do it again tommorrow. I can actually see some slack in my stomach.. Its so wierd not having that maximum pregnant look. I know many people may not even look at this blog but hell I get stoked up when I can finally say a few positive things about what happens to me after WLS. its a little like going to AA without the meetings so this place is where I get to open up my life book and share little goals that mean alot to me. Three pounds in one day well less than one day was a keeper. I hit the scales this morning at 268 and just after supper at 265. Just hiking without getting out of breath and feeling like a coronary was really fun. I actually was able to maintain speed of about 2- 3 miles an hour on a trail that for four miles  climed a 60 story building overall. I think I may take the stairs from now on.. I feel so dang good right now even though I am still a big ol man and I still have a ways to go getting into double digits is heavenly and hopefully in the morning I will be there. If you take the time to read this ol foogies blog thanks in advance and I will try to throw in more humor as it comes to me.

Started the new month at 269

Sep 21, 2008

I went out for a new pair of jeans since I was about swallowed up in the others. I figured ok I was wearing a 48 nicely prior to surgery so I picked up a few pairs of 44s. My wife took one look and nope they would be rather big so take some smaller ones with you. I took three pairs in the dressing room and well the others were 42 and 40.. Just for grins and ha ha's I tried on the 40;s.. OMG.. they were snug but fit me. Sheesh I was amazed. The next step now is getting down into some 38's.. I cant wait to see that day get here.. Maybe in a month as things I shrink a bit more.. I feel like a kid on a roller coaster ride..

heres the tracker

Sep 21, 2008

Finally the first thirty is over with.

Sep 19, 2008

I got  on the scales this morning and to my relief the bouncing has subsided and I finally got the first thirty pounds off in 31 days. Even I whom is the bigest skeptic mainly because in the mirror I look like orca the killer whale dressed up in the michelin mans suit all the time. I saw a slight difference in the girth which was at best very motivating. A person that does not see me all the time stated the other night I looked different .. That was a bit scarry but then I dont seem to see the change like others do. I am wondering if I can repeat this same thing for next month and then I will almost be back to where I was in my twenties again.. If not I will settle for the thirties..

bouncinbg around

Sep 18, 2008

 For the last week or so I have been bouncing around between 273 and 275 and it was about to make me nuts for some reason. Patience is not one of my best things in life when I am hot to see things change. Finally I got on the scale today and wala 271.. Just one itty bitty pound to make it to thirty pounds lost. I was stoked about it but figure it may bounce around a little bit as well so I need to learn to expect things of that nature. Well i finished up my first 4 mile walk day before yesterday and was sore as a well spanked school child yesterday. However I will tackle the four miles again today and see how that works out. I did the last hike without huffing and puffing like a steam engine to get to the top and back down but the trail was not that inclined. Today depending on the weather I may attempt the Horse Trail which is a hill that has winded me every assault I have made on it. I have been over it many times but its been at times ten feet at a time to the top then an easy walk down hill. The beginning is a half mile up and a half mile down then depending on the trip back if I go back the same way I went up its the same going back just a little steeper. Thank goodness it connects to the not so steep trail at one end so if I get tired I can always go back on it. 

What is it about magical numbers.

Sep 03, 2008

 Todays scale read out I had lost 25 pounds.. I am not right now even supposed to be lifting that much post surgery so I guess my body is a bit happier. Something about twenty five people identify with. Alot like Fifty or a hundred. Could be we see that in terms of money and can relate to it in weight. Or perhaps its just the multiples of ten that attract our eyes and understanding more. I often wonder if I felt more oddly if the number were 24  or 17.. it for some reason does not seem like a milestone. Anyway I am just tickled to be slowly shrinking down a bit. I guess I still see the fat guy in the mirror but maybe one day I will scare me to death and see the thinner one. Today marks two weeks post op and I only thought I liked liquid protein and grits. I guess i am lucky I have not hit a bad food yet  but solids are a ways off the chart right now. 

Holy Moly

Sep 01, 2008

 Ok so I thought I was gonna like do five pounds a week or so with the post surgery and have a little time to say goodbye to the lard I have so diligently processed for half a century. It was not to be. I got up today 11 days out 23 pound lighter.. Holy Moly I am what I was two years ago. I had a hard time believing that it would Fall off .. Sheesh I could not be happier. I went to a Bike Rally this weekend to give some of my friends a look at the old me less a few pounds for the last time. I wonder what next year is gonna look like. My biggest problem is my eyes are still bigger than my stomach. Well that may just hold true as well. I have not dumped yet or retched so Im keeping my fingers crossed adjusting to the soft stuff in stage one. I do love the liquid protein tubes and will probably retract that statement before its over with. I a so ready to get into a good hiking program again without having to lug two people around to get somewhere. 

Alomost One week out

Aug 27, 2008

Well there I was eating Crawfish bisque and fried crawfish tails as my last supper at a place I would have bought stock in had they had one near my house. Anyway I was pumped up for the big day. Today Im still somewhat sore and the last of the openings has seemed to seal up finally. I guess painting it in super glue was the route to take( just kidding). I had some blended stuff tonight it is took forever to get it down. Now I see what my wife went through when she got to solid real food. I felt like a milk cow chewing my cud. My pouch is really performing well. I have not had a single problem so far. Im sure that will remedy itself one day and Ill be in the bathroom wishing my insides would just turn inside out. I am overjoyed in the total lost so far as well. 13 lbs. Hell I could not have done that eating diet pills and drinking only water for a month.  

Hello My Name is Push

Jan 05, 2008

Gee that sounds like the entrance to the AA meeting. Ok Im a big ol boy and that is a fact. I am in the process of getting my ducks in a row after a visit to the pulmonary doc that suggested weightloss would be a good option. I am an active man in that I tend to walk several miles a week most of that up in the mountains and trout fish and play mountain music. I also can devour large amounts of food when the urge hits. I am a carb junkie as well and working on getting that switched into higher protein. I tip the scales about 290 give or take a pound or two either way and for me that number has been consistant for a long time now going on a couple of years. Even the long hikes in the mountains rarely drop more than a pound or so off and I figure that is water. I am married and have four grown kids. My wife had wieght loss surgery done almost two years ago and now I cant find her most of the time. I am interested in getting as much information on outdoor type people that have had the surgery and how they cope with high caloric burn days and replenishment.

About Me
wittier, NC
Surgery Date
Jan 05, 2008
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 20
A weekend to remember
Shivering but happy.
sometimes things just pop out and give you a reality check.
Cold cold Cold
12 miles two days and carried forty pounds.
