*~*~My ReAsOnS~* ~*

GooD LaBs...

Sep 08, 2006

This afternoon I was in the shower getting ready for work and my little boy insisted that I *needed* to answer the phone. Now he knows that it's MY time when I'm in the restroom so I was a little irate when I finally opened the door. Weellllll....it ended up being Linda from the weight management program. She let me know that my labs were great and that I'd been approved by all three docs and that I'd be going to see Dr. Murayama next to deal with my insurance paperwork. I was rejoycing that I didn't have to get that liver ultrasound...I've heard that it isn't too pleasant. Believe me... I was so thrilled. I was butt booty naked and sopping wet with a toothbrush in my mouth and all I could think about was getting on my knees and giving praise to the Lord. Only through Him has this been possible. He has blessed me in so many ways...I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have faith that the Lord handles everything.

I'll be seeing the surgeon on October 4th...I can't wait...

MoRe WeIgHtLoSS????

Sep 07, 2006

First of all...let me give praise to The Lord. Without Him, all this would never have been possible. He has blessed me in so many ways...because God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

Without further ado...the Lord has given me the strength to lose six more pounds in two weeks...I am now at 273.6 pounds. Both Dr. Inouye and Dr. Curtis (psychologist and nutritionist respectively) have given me their recommendation for the surgery. All I need is the OK from Dr. Ramsdell...but I needed to get some bloodwork done before she could give me her recommendation. Basically I needed a CBC, iron, blood sugar, liver, kidney and thyroid function...so I got all that done today. According to Dr. Ramsdell, the lab can get it to them in a few days and she can let me know if she needs me to go get a liver ultrasound. I know there will be no problems. On another note...my blood pressure is slightly down and my EKG/heart sinus are totally normal. Losers bench here I come.

In an attempt to speed things along...I did contact my PCP's office to have the pre-approval ready for HMSA so when I submit my surgery packet, it'll be ready with no hold ups. My PCP's office didn't know what a pre-approval was exactly, so she will be calling patient services tomorrow to find out what she needs to do for the pre-approval. I'll call them back on Monday, along with the CWMP to double check on the status of everything.

Things are coming along sooo quickly. I know I'll be all set for surgery very very soon....toodles....


Aug 24, 2006

Check on the EKG...got it done this evening. What's left? The rest of my blood work, which I will get next, next Tuesday and that's it.

I praise God for allowing me to get that EKG when I got it...I swear I had the devil himself trying to prevent me from going through with getting it. First, I was running late and didn't think I'd make it to the center in time. But God got me there in time. Next, I didn't know I had to register at admissions before going to the imaging center. But God made sure that there was no line and that admissions would breeze me through there in 10 minutes, with 15 mintues to spare before the imaging center closed. Then the super sweet guy in admissions told me that they can't let me get it because they need authorization from HMSA before they can and HMSA's officers are closed. But God showed me once again that He provides for His children...instead of making me wait for another day that sweet guy in admissions just told me not to worry and just go to get it. AND he offered me a job there at the hospital...lol. Too cute. Thank you Lord!

I aM ThE PrOtEiN QuEEn...

Aug 23, 2006

Well...Dr. Curtis gave me my goal of consuming 70-75 grams of protein daily so that while I lose weight I don't lose as much muscle. I thought that this was crazy stupid...but I tried to do it. Today I had 120ish grams of protein! I couldn't believe what a meal replacement and some fish can do for 'ya. I had a Muscle Milk (Cookies 'n Cream), a South Beach Wrap ready made meal, some sushi and tuna! I was so happy...not to mention I finally had energy! The dietary changes with WLS don't look so daunting now....as long as I can have sushi and fish! That alone had 70 something grams of protein. My whole day's consumtion was under 1000 calories...yeah for me! Not to mention I was soooo full ALL day for once.

Tomorrow I have to go walk in to get my EKG...and I plan to buy one of the Magic Bullet blenders from the As Seen On TV store because they're at Ward and they offer a discount for us folks. I'll just leave that at work...'cause at home I got a regular heavy-duty blender that I can use. And I guess I'll try some other Muscle Milk flavors...Mocka Joe sounds alright. Oh...and I need to buy flavorless protein to add to my SF oatmeal in the mornings...I bought the wrong kind of oatmeal and it needs higher protein. Oh well...there goes the paycheck...hehehehhe.

PS - Muscle Milks not that bad...I semi like the Cookies 'n Cream flavor. I'm going to play around and add some other things to it...maybe it'll taste even better.

Oh My~~ WeIgHtLoSS???

Aug 22, 2006

I met with Dr. Curtis (dietician) for the second time...the appointment went really well. First of all...I LOST weight!!! I now weigh {{{{{drumroll please}}}}}}} 280.5 pounds. Oh yeah...I realize that this may be different when I began...but apparently I am an inch and a half taller and I weighed a lot more when I first started. Oh boy....yeah it sounds bad...but the good thing is I'm finally going DOWN and not UP!! I was so worried about gaining weight because of my birthday and all the parties I was having...but God showed me where faith gets you. I think I've lost 3 pounds, but the nurse says it's 6....either way I'm happy I've lost weight period.

Basically, Dr. Curtis says that I've done so well on the pre-op dietary changes that she thinks I'll only need to see her once more. She says I've improved with the soda and sweets...but she needs to see me do better with the protein intake and getting more meals in. More meals?!?!?!?!? Hahahaha...are you sure you want to tell that to a fat gurl? She actually says that I should be adding either a protein shake or a bar in as a meal. My buddy Jerry says that I should try Muscle Milk...that's what he takes for low sugar/good protein and it tastes good. He's familiar with my infamous gag reflex and weirdness with thick stuff. Hehehehe what are friends for? =) I'm going to Wal-Mart and pick some up tonight.

I'm so proud of myself...it's the first pounds that I've got off all alone! I need to keep this up so my next meeting will be just as positive.

ChOcOLaTe...I MiSS U

Aug 11, 2006

Sigh...diets aren't fun. I know that this needs to be done...I know that I need to do it. The daily food diary really keeps me on my toes, too. I mean, before it was so easy to just pop whatever I could find around the house in my mouth because I was bored/didn't have healthy food around/bored/hungry/bored...lol. But now I find myself looking for nutrition facts on the back and finding something more healty. FitDay is really a great tool. I keep track of all my carbs, protein, sodium and water on there. I need to understand that my body is a temple and it's about time that I start treating it as such. I need to be more conscious about what I am putting in my mouth and the damage it is doing.

I want chocolate...lol....

TwO PoStS In OnE DaY HaHaHaHaHaHaHa

Aug 09, 2006

So I forgot to add that I asked about my co-pay yesterday at my appointment. The person doing all the insurance stuff let me know that it was dependant on my insurance plan (okay, like I didn't know that before) but what I really wanted to know was a dollar amount. She was like...well it can be anywhere from nothing to $5000 or so dollars. She recommended that I call my insurace company...so I did that today.

I spoke with this girl and she checks my plan. I have to pay my physician and anesthesiologist co-pay...and my stomach just starts turning. I'm like...geez...that's going to be an arm and a leg if I have to pay 10% or something. So I asked her how much my co-pay or percentage was...she says $12 each appointment. So I was like...okay...is surgery considered an appointment...and she says "Yes." I'm so happy...my surgery total will be $12 for the surgeon, $12 for the anesthisiologist and $250 for my dietician. Nice...however...she tells me that first I will need a pre-certification letter before they will approve me for surgery. So I was like...oh okay...I already got my referral. She says referral and pre-certification are different. Sooo...I ask her how to get a pre-certification letter, I have to go back to my PCP and get him to call provider services and write me that letter. No biggie...I have to go soon for cortisone anyway and I can do it thme.

So before I hang up with HMSA...I ask the girl if she could check to make sure that my refferal was sent through for the appointment. She tells me that she has no referrals for me. Ummm...that scares me because the appointment total for yesterday was $640 if insurance won't cover it. Uhhhh...I asked her if she was sure. She spent about 10 minutes looking all over for my referral papers...nothing. I go back to my daily planner and give her the date that I called and got the go-head from their employee telling me that I was approved 5 days prior. All of a sudden the referral pops up. Hmmmm...whatever...I don't even want to know how that happened but I will say that God is good. I love me some Jesus...yes ma'am.

My cOnSuLt...

Aug 09, 2006

So I spent all day in the comprehensive weight management center yesterday. Of course, I was running late, so instead of checking in a 11:45 (they require a 15 minute checkin prior to the appointment) and I got there at 11:55 am. So everything was running a little late. I was supposed to be there until 4 pm...I ended up leaving a 4:45 pm. Needless to say it was a long day. First, I had my psycho (oopss I ment psych) appointment....that went well, but that was expected considering I'm not a nut case. I had to take MMPI-2 (the one with the hundreds of questions). Then I went to the dietician...she was nice...just really boring. After 3 hours with nothing to eat or drink, I was feeling a little sleepy and hearing her talk on and on about simple and complex carbs was making my head nod downward. HOWEVER...I did pay attention and got a lot out of it. Then I went to see my bariatrician. We went over the risks and benefits of surgery and the proceedure itself. Had a little physical and went over the labs I would need. Soooo...basically....she axed the apnea test, the blood workup (because I have a current one...will just need to fill in where it's lacking), and something else I forgot. Basically, I'm halfway through with all the requirements. I have my EKG the same day that I have my second dietician appointment which is in two weeks. I asked her how long it would take to get to surgery...her quote was "a couple months" but she said that it could go by really quickly especially since I had surgery not too long ago and they should be able to pull up a bunch of stuff that they need. I asked her a billion and one questions...lol...she said that I'm the first person to come in there with a typed list. Oh...and she said that they had a hot anesthesiologist...I guess it's always nice to know that the last person you'll see before you get knocked out is a hottie.

I'm excited...everyone there is very very nice. AND...they were all woman. The energy is so positive there and they seem really dedicated to making it work for you. My bariatrician let me know that I will almost definately NOT be denied. I fit in all three medical catagories (ideal weight, BMI, and another one). Funny think I did find out though, is that I have grown an inch and a half in three years???? WTF! I mean, when I had my baby I was only 5'3", yesterday I was 5'4"...hmmm...a growth spurt at 24, I think not. Oh...and I gained 6 pounds...either that or the scale was off that I originally weighed myself on. My doctor doesn't require weight loss or a diet...but she said it's always a good thing to show insurance that you are internally motivated. Sooo...I am being a good WLS patient and at least trying to add more protein, water and excercise to my regiment. Today I will walk to pick my son up, instead of drive the 1/2 mile. One mile today, that should be good...well at least it's better than nothing. I also joined FitDay and started keeping track of my food. I am a "grazer"...geez...that sounds like a cow so I need to keep track of all the calories that snacking is adding to my daily diet. FitDay will be my food journal/diary since it's easier than carrying around the stack of papers my dietician gave me. So yeah, that sounds about right. It's really early in the morning and I'm tired...so I'll see what else I remember and add it in later.


Jul 21, 2006

Uhhhh, yeah. That was kinda silly. Wellllllll...to update the entry above....I called Queen's on Friday. In the morning, no one answered. I left a message and all, but by 4pm they still hadn't called back. I ended up calling again and finally speaking with someone. She said that they did have an earlier appointment, but with Queen's you have three set up for the day. She had openings for two of them, but I'd need to come back for the third one on another day. So I asked her what date she had opened for the third appointment...uhhhhh...August 8th. Okay...that's stupid. Why would I want to take off 2 days of work, instead of one. Ummmmmm...thanks but no thanks. Anywho...I'm cool with the 8th...I can wait.

Peace and hairgrease...


Jul 20, 2006

My Virtual Model pics...finally...it's about as close as it will get for now I guess.
Me at 277 pounds and 49.1 BMI

My Goal ~ 141 pounds, within normal BMI

It's really happening!
Late tonight Chris (hubby) called and let me know that I had a message on the house voice mail but he didnt' get the details. He mentioned something about WIC??? What the hell is that?? I was like, ummm...isn't that the thing for pregnant woman...and he just mummbled something and get off the phone. So I called thehouse back and listened to the message...it was Valerie from Queen's Weight Management Program! She said they had a cancellation and wanted to know if I would take the appointment on Tuesday the 25th instead. Unfortunately, I got the message at 10pm....grrrrr...I'll call first thing in the morning. I wonder why they didn't call my cell phone though? I pray they still have the appointment open...it's only 2 weeks earlier...but still. *big smile* Valerie...you'll be hearing from me in the morning....

About Me
Waipahu, HI
May 04, 2006
Member Since

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GooD LaBs...
MoRe WeIgHtLoSS????
I aM ThE PrOtEiN QuEEn...
Oh My~~ WeIgHtLoSS???
ChOcOLaTe...I MiSS U
TwO PoStS In OnE DaY HaHaHaHaHaHaHa
My cOnSuLt...
