My wedding anniversay

Jul 22, 2008

Yesterday was my 10th wedding  anniversary.  My husband wanted to take me on the princess boat (the one that goes down the river). I was like what is the cost....$54.00 per person.  I was like I don't eat that much food first of all to be paying that. The thought was good and I suggested we go to The Texas Roadhouse.  I thought this place was going to be like all the others, too much food, too much money.  I ordered the Dallas, it was small and petite with a baked sweet potatoe minus the marshall mellows and caramel.  Anyway, dinner went well.  I went home and my neighbor bought me a litle wine cooler.  I know, i am not suppose to have alcohol.  But i have drank beer (small amount) before.  Somethings you do miss the taste of.  Anyway, i figured it was a wine cooler, can't do much harm.  It was late when I had it.  Woke up the next morning, took my usual pills, vitamins, levothyroxine, blood pressure medicine, grabbed my slim fast drink and headed to work.  When I got there i got into a discussion with one of my co-workers and we discussed one of our other co-workers who just had the surgery and I was telling her about my progress and stuff. I was like I have yet to experience the dump syndrome.    Well do you know it was not 15 minutes after i talked to her, i started sweating profusely, i was breathing fast and hard. I had the most horriblest stomach ache ever.  See one thing about me is that I almost NEVER, NEVER,EVER have a stomach ache.  This ache was so bad,  i was lifting my breast off my belly for relief. I went to the bathroom to try and throw up.  Nothing.. I had not eaten any food, just drank the slimfast but i was heaving, sweating and I was like I hope I don't pass out.  I leaned on the counter hoping that the marble top would cool my skin along with the water.  NOT.  I went back into the office, and tried to work, NOT, Like most people in a situation, i turned to the internet to look up dump syndrome. Dam!  I had every sympton but 3 and was hoping not to have them. Then I saw part, when to seek medical assistance. I was like, no, i am not going there. I started thinking, i am going to have to have someone bring my husband to drive me home. I went into one of the other offices, close all the doors, turn off the lights and lean back in the chair.  My head, hair and face was wet with sweat.  I found myself talking to my stomach.  The air finally cooled me down and I started slowly breathing slow and I was praying that this thing passed.  I still felt like I wanted to vomit. I had nothing to vomit.  So after going through that, I emailed by bbf.. she was like in four words, yeah that was dumping.  I was like WHAT!.  She was like did you have diaherra.  I was like no.  Don't want it.  Well it came too. We discussed what I had eaten and what was different.  See it ended up being that darn wine cooler, I usually look at bottles and check out everything I eat.  Coolers don't tell you how much sugar is in them..  They list the alcohol by content.  So that is a wrap on that.  I did not even drink the whole bottle.  That is what I did not understand.  I only took in about 1/3. 

Anyway, since my last check in, i have been exercising 3 times a week at my church.  I went to my doctor for a check up on my thyroid levels and blood work and diabetes result.  He told me, that according to all the readings that i had given him (taken before my surgery) that I was labeled as diabetic ....forever.  I am not on any medicines because she said it did not make sense since i will be losing the weight and any signs of it will go away.  The reason for being labeled this is that diabetes affects the blood vessels in your body.  By me not knowing that  I had it for a while he said my body probably struggled to process insulin, so if i become ill somewhere down the line, that labeling will be helpful in ruling or determining any artery or heart problems.  Then he told me his brother in law was going to have the surgery.  His personal physican referred him to Dr. Wood - my doctor.  I told him he had the best.

Right now,all of my weight is coming off my legs, hips, thighs, arms and face.  My belly is getting smaller slowly.  I do have much more energy than i did before the surgery.  I got a new hair cut, color and clothes.  I am on my way to that new me.   Until next time.  Also, for all of you that have had your surgeries since my last entry.  Congrats and I will pray for you and please pray for me. 


Jul 16, 2008

Hey everybody.  Been doing things and being places. I have so much energy now.  I don't get tired like I use to and just wanna go home.  I use to do that alot.  Now, everyday, i am doing something if it ain't nothing but walking.  I have been eating more different foods.  I have switched my vitamins to flintstones. I could not bare the other ones anymore. 

My church has started a biggest losers club.  We work out monday, wednesday and friday.  That will help in my weightloss.  I went to the doctor today.  I went because i was out of my blood pressure and thyroid medicine.  Before the surgery I was being evaluated for diabetes.  Based on the information i gave my doctor, he determined that i had diabetes, but i won't have to take the medicine because my weight loss will turn it around.  Now what i did not know was that even though, my blood sugar will be control (based on my weight loss) that during my life- younger years- he said i had developed it and that during that time because my body probably had problems trying to do its job in processing my sugar that my blood vessels probably were attacked in some kind of way (which is what diabetes does-that brings on clogged arteries and kidney failure) that I would have to be labeled as a diabetic for medical reasons.  Hopefully, I won't have no problems from this.  He advised me not to follow a diabetic diet but continue with my bariactric diet.    He also shared with me that his brother in law had decided to have the lap band surgery and guess who he was referred to....Dr. Wood, all the way in Adrian Michigan.  Dr. Wood is the bomb!. 

So where my confusion comes in is that last week, my husband made me get on the scales (the ones we have here at the house)  He said it read 275.  I was happy as you can see from my other entry.  I went to the dr today and they took my weight and their scales said 300.  Either way, i lost weight.  I asked my friend, could my scales be wrong?  But then, I am wearing a 24 in pants and 28 in a blouse the last time i bought anything.  I remember before I gained weight, I only wore a 24 when I weighed about 280. 

When I went shopping yesterday, i was in the frozen food isle, i was looking at all the food-like lean cuisine and stuff  and it literally started making me sick.  I had to leave the isle. My bbf laughed at me, she just don't know I was 2 seconds from in the store. I don't know where that came from. It has never happened before. 

Anyway, I go see Dr. Wood on the 28th.  I will know for sure what my weight is. All that matters is that the pounds are going away.  Remember that problem I had with my kids eating my stuff!.  Resolved as of today, i bought a small refrigerator to go in my room, now all my stuff, yogurt, popsicles, fruit, juice, water, lunch meat is in my refrig. 

We bought some fishing poles yesterday and we are going fishing tomorrow.  Monday is my 10th Wedding anniversary, so my weekend may be a little bit busy.  I don't mind though.

Since the weight loss, i am beginning to notice that i am getting a little bit more attention from the opposite sex (if you know what I mean) and I am not all that skinny either.  My friend is on hot mode. Meaning she getting all the attention.  She is doing good.  She is at 60 lbs loss.  That is her on the pic with the yellow shirt and sun glasses on. 

Until next time. 

I Can!

Jul 08, 2008

You know before the surgery and weightloss there were things i could not do and needed help doing.  Like now, I can bend down and tie my own shoes. I can get off the couch without having my sons help me up, sit down in chairs instead of  standing for fear I won't be able to get up or break the chair, or leave that annoying wet spot. I can get out my car without struggling anymore.    I can lotion my legs, touch my back with my hands, things that most people don't even realize they can do.  I can put my clothes on without sweating or being tired or trying to squeeze into something. I did not even realize i could not do these things before, i had gotten use to the disability.  Yes, disability, being unable to do something is a disability.  I can't wait until i can look down and see my feet without having to bend over and be able to run without holding my chest still.  Let me not forget, i can get on a plane without having to have the extender (for the seatbelt).  I can give my clothes away now because they too little instead of buying more because I was getting to big.  You know what happened to me today?  I saw this girl whose baby daddy lives down  the street from me, i called her name and she looked at me and did not recognize who i was (she comes over every other day to pick her son up). I felt good, that losing the litle weight that I have has made me unrecognizable, meaning I am changing and changing for the better. I'm not so distressed anymore, I smile more and I look forward to being able to do the things I use to do. Weight disabling handicapps you from doing and being the person you should be.   You tend not to do things because of being uncomfortable or not getting the attention (from the opposite sex) you deserve.  .  My aunt was talking to me this weekend when I dropped off some of my too big clothes and she told me she was siting on the porch in her plastic chairs.  She said the chair collapsed under her weight and she fell on the porch and could not get up. She had to wiggle herself to the steps in order to get up. See that is what excessive weight does...disables you.  I told her she needs to go see a doctor for a consult about getting some of her weight off her. I understood exactly what she was talking about and I could see me (before the surgery) being her.She is on a cane, she is diabetic and excessively overweight.  Don't get me wrong, I love my auntie.  I know right now, she is scared but she is watching me and I hope I can be a big influence in her getting some help to get herself healthy again. 

Now, since i am 1 month out from the surgery, I still am trying different foods and still throwing up but not alot.  I am learning I can't eat after 11:00, my pouch don't like food after that time. I can drink and suck popsicles anytime.  I can't talk on the phone and eat at the same time, I eat too fast and my pouch don't like that.  I have not had gas since my first episode with it and that is good.  No, I have not eaten any more ribs, but I did eat a few pieces of steak (trimmed the fat off).  I am thanking GOD everyday, that I was blessed to be able to change the way I was living, eating, drinking and my thinking.  I thank GOD too for being able to live a second life.  Many don't get the opportunity to have something done to extend their mortality. 

I am wearing a size 24 pants and they still baggy  I dont think the twins are going no where soon.  In any case, I am in a smaller size top.  P.S. I still have not bought a scale and I don't know my weight.  The numbers are not important to me right now. What is important is that the pounds are falling off.  Do I have a particular size in mind?  No, it is what it is.

My Name

Jul 02, 2008

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Jul 01, 2008

Ok, I know it has been a while since i have checked in.  I have been busy dieting, going back to work and exercising.  My last weigh in was June 23 and I had lost 27 pounds.  As of today, I don't know how much I weigh.  I want to buy a scale but i don't want to be steppin on it everyday, tryin to count  a pound a day.  

I have had some unsettling experiences with food.  My doctor and the dietian told me during consult that some of the foods I liked before, I might not like and I have experienced that.  I ate some peaches (just 2) in their natural juice.  They made me SICK!  It was not even 10 minutes,  I had to go straight to the bathroom,  Thank God I was not out nowhere.  The other food that I ate was some pinto beans.   I ate pintos and cheese from Taco Bell, the dietian said that and wendy's chilli are good sources of protein.  So i cooked those beans and ate them.  Well not more than 1/2 hour, .  What I don't understand is that i was able to get the pintos and cheese but not my own beans ????   

As far as my exercising goes, I walk every day to every other day (if i am busy). I even walk during lunch hours at work.  I don't eat the required 6 -8 meals a day.  Why they think you will be able to eat that much I can't seem to figure out.  I am full on whatever i eat at least most of the day.  I drink my water as required.  

Everyone is saying they can see the weight coming off. I can't see it, maybe because i look in the mirror everyday and see me.  I don't go back to see my doctor until the 28th. Hopefully, I will have gotten the nerve up to buy a scale.  I guess a part of me is still in disbelief that I am losing weight after all the years of trying by cutting back what i eat and skipping meals.  This surgery just seems to make it too simple.  My family is getting use to me not being able to eat like I use to and they are getting use to the way I have to prepare stuff now ( i don't hear all those complaints no more).  

I am thankful  that i got my buddy - anytime -anywhere to listen when I got a problem. She is 50 lbs lost at this point.  She is introducing me to different stuff as well as me introducing her. Sometimes when you think about eating something you get scared cause they explain to you how small your stomach is and the stoma and you don't want nothing to get stuck down there.  The chewing your food (excessively well) makes you less hungry too, once you chew, chew, chew, chew, you be like I am done.  I find the softer the food, the better it goes down.  

Yes, I am an experimental person.  I read that book nightly.  It tells you if there is food that makes you sick, try eating it later.  Well, i wanna know now if i am gonna be sick. I don't want to be going through this  phase 6 months down the line.  Since, the surgery, I still have to take the prevacid.  My stomach bubbles and it bubbles alot.  I don't know if that is because i had the gastritis or what.  I have read other people's blog and they say listen to your pouch.  That is true.  It tells you what it likes and don't like.  Do I miss sugar?    No. I don't even think about it.  I do enjoy the popsicles and the frozen yogurt, to me now, they taste just like the real thing.  Do I miss steak. YES.  But i know later on, I will be able to eat it.  I had a craving for lettuce one day.  So i made me some chicken salad and rolled it up in the lettuce and ate it.  Don't be scared to eat.  Just make sure you chew.  Food is still friendly.  There are still things to stay away from and I am quite sure, your doctors and dietians will tell you what.  I still have not eaten a piece of bread. The fear that it might get stuck is stopping me.  I will get my nerve up one day to eat it, but not right now.  

Since those 27 lbs have gone, i feel good.  I don't feel sluggish anymore.  I am more motivated to move too.  The best thing about the whole thing is to hear people tell you how good, how well or how much younger you look.  To me that is worth it.  I know I still got  long road ahead of me, but I am willing and ready to go down it. I am already baggin up clothes, i can't wear anymore.    I hope every one has a great 4th of july.  I won't be eating anymore ribs,  At least not this year. 

Father's Day Banquet

Jun 16, 2008

I went shopping the other day because the weather was so hot and I could not find my summer clothes (no, my kids could not find my summer clothes packed away in the basement).  I bought a few outfits.  Being paranoid i bought my normal size.  I know i have lost some weight, but i was still a little paranoid i had not loss enough to be in a different size.  I bought 2 blouses in a size smaller than normal and a skirt.  To my suprise when i put the skirt on I could wear it.  Then today, i put on a top that was a size smaller -28 -than my normal 30/32, I could wear it and it was not tight.  I was amazed.  I went to my church's father's day banquet and of course they were serving food.  Since I have been on this pureed regime, i figured, if i chewed up the food real fine i could handle it.  Well, they had bbq some ribs, chicken, baked beans, corn on the cob.  I was like I am going to eat me some ribs. (thinking i got less than 6 days, i will be eating regular food anyway).  I took the first bite of the rib (let me say this,  I still have the side pain and the pain in my belly by my navel and wearing my binder on top of all that- i don't want a hernia). I chewed it up, and put it in my napkin to eat off it slowly.  That first portion went down ok.  But the second bite, with the binder on, was not working. That binder was blocking everything from going down my throat. My friend looked at me and said, are u okay? I could not answer her because my concentration was on trying to get that rib down. She was like your eyes are watering. I finally told her, i got to go to the bathroom and take off the binder, it was choking me.  

I finally got it off.  The food went down, but it was not easy, it was too course.  I had my taste of rib for the summer. I think that introduction will be much later down the line. As for the rest of the food, I was finished.  I drank water the rest of the evening. 

I am now 316lbs.  I went to the doctor today about my pain.  This pain is because when they do the surgery they go through one of the muscles in your stomach, normally, this pain goes away after a week.  I on the other had must have stretched or did something to cause a tear in my stomach muscle.  That is what is causing the pain.  If you ever had tendonitis, magnify it by 3 times and that is how bad the pain is. I am glad it is not a hernia.  I got more medicine though and I am still off work.  My trainor "Deb" can't wait to start training me again.    Until next time.

Losing weight

Jun 10, 2008

Hey everyone, it sure has been hot for the past two days.  I love the heat but it is rough for a sister when you can't get  a pool to sit in or go to a beach. 
Let me first say, losing weight and keeping up with the protocol is hard.  I mean taking all these pills, trying to remember to do protein and how much you need a day is a trip and i know.. I HAVE TO DO THIS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.. that is okay and I accept that, i just did not realize that it was going to be like this.  I am still not hungry most of the time, i think that is what makes it more difficult to do the pill thing, i think once i get my routine down (after returning to work,) it won't be so hard.  I am going through this thing now at home, my kids are eating my stuff!  Everytime, i go to get something to drink or eat, they have eaten it.  Mind you, there is a refrigerator full of food, they want to eat or drink my stuff.  They want to make smoothies (using my fruit up), eat my popsicles,(couldn't get them to eat anything sugar free before), drink my juice, (they love pop), and then "I don't know" did it.  Boy, if I ever find out who "I don't know" is, they are in for some trouble.  

I went to my friend's office and weighed in.  I am 317 lbs.  I have lost 26 pounds.  That ain't bad at all.  My goal weight is 200 lbs.  I never thought that I would be able to ever lose weight again, especially after being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.  The last time weight came off me like this without hardly trying was when i was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism. 


The pureed food is going well. I am still not hungry.  But I do have the full feeling after I eat something.  It is really hard trying to get all those pills down, especially when the stuff is not the most tasteful.  I bear it anyway.  I know it will get better in time, after all this is a lifestyle change that will be with me. 


I thought today would have been my first day back at work.  I did not go back cause I am still experiencing pain on my left side by my navel.  I talked with Yolanda about this and she said that she had the pain too but it went away.  Hello! Mine is not gone yet, I called the clinic and Dr. Taylor said it was exo muscular skeletor pain, to keep taking my medicine and it will go away.  I can’t go back to work on Vickie (vicodin).  I will pass out at my computer. LOL!.  He said the pain will leave and this is common and to continue to wear the binder.  So I am going to try for Monday.  I still don’t do much by way of housework and I don’t lift, I don’t want a hernia.  I got enough issues to deal with and a hernia is something I don’t want.  I still have the pain from my breast and I know that probably won’t be resolved until I get a breast reduction. 


My bff has lost 38 pounds, she even has had to go and buy new bras (I am real jealous about that –not the weight – buying smaller bras). I am really happy for her and both of us.  We have been through so much together and we have been there for each other through them good times and bad times.   She went out last week and partied.  That is something that she loves to do. She had a nice time and she danced (she could always dance anyway) but I know she felt different cause she was dancing to that song called happiness.


If I don’t get to post this weekend, Happy Father’s Day to my OH sisters and brothers.

Weighing In

Jun 04, 2008

I went by my bbf  job to weigh myself.  I don't have a scale at home, but i intend on getting one, the main reason is that i don't want to be weighing myself every day to see if i have lost a pound and drive me and my family crazy.  Good news, my side has stopped hurting and now it has transferred to the right side of my mid low back .  I am on my last day of liquids..  I got on my pureed diet for 2 weeks.  I keep my booklet that i got from the dr office with me at all times to remind me what to eat and how much.  i am still new with this and i have to go over it alot.  

I went in and got on the scales, 2 pounds.  Not bad.  My bbf said if i wanted to speed the weight loss up - get out and walk.  I knew that but i could not do much of that with that pain in my side but now i am feeling better, it is a go.  I plan on walking later this evening. So now my weight is 322.  How do I feel?  Good.  I feel like darn it took this long to lose those pounds.  I am kinda mad at myself for not trying to seek this surgery before especially being diagnosed with the thyroid issue.  NO matter what i did not eat, the weight did not come off.  I felt hopeless.  But now,  I am okay.  The only other thing are my boobs!. They are going to take a walk to.  I love the twins but they got to pack up and move out some of their belongings. 

Personnally, i can't see where the weight is coming from  but it is leaving.   I also received a bag from my friend to keep in my car with emergency packs of food.  I intend on filling it up with stuff so I won't be without backup while I am out.  Thanks dreamgirl for your info too.

Well i gotta go.  Until next time.

Keep me in your prayers and I keep you all in mine.

Feeling full

Jun 01, 2008

I am doing well on the full liquid thing.  I was able to get the strained soup down and not feel sick.  I felt full, i added the whey to my 2/3 cup, it did not taste all that great but i ate it. 

I am all prepared with the protein and vitamin thing, but has anyone had any issues or ideas about Iron?  Or had any problems with not having enough iron?


May 31, 2008

I took my list and went shopping for the things i needed to make it to the pureed part.  I bought my carnation breakfast drink, yogurt, sugar free pudding, the protein (whey) from GNC, Solotron Chewable vitamins, adora chewable calcium (chocolate)  which costs $35.00 not too bad.  I tasted everything but the whey which i got unflavored and all is okay.  GNC policy is that within 30 days you don't like how it tastes you can bring it back with the receipt and they will refund your money, so keep that in mind when you go to buy your supplies.  I had strained cream of chicken soup last night, which was oh so good and for breakfast this morning, i had cream of wheat with splenda (only 1/2 packet).  I finally felt full.   Did I mention yesterday that i stopped at McDonald's and had a yogurt ( i had to pick and spit out the fruit). That yogurt has 2 grams of sugar.  I did not get sick or have that dump syndrome or i just got a steel bucket gut.    When you go to purschase bottled water, get those 12 oz bottles, it makes it easier for you to measure your water intake and it won't feel like it is taking you forever to complete a bottle.  

I had a long day today, i went to visit my son and did all that walking around shopping and stuff and I am really tired today.  

Until next time.

May his peace be with you.

About Me
Detroit, MI
Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2008
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