Day 4 Post-op

Mar 16, 2009

I went to Mississauga, ON, which is an hour from Cambridge, ON, they operated (had the lap band put in)and 5 hours later, I was home!  How's that for efficient?! 
Weird thing is that when I woke up from surgery, I was super chatty, just talking away to the nurse and happy as can be.  This really surprised me because, I'm not normally like that!
So the doctor came to explain to me that I had a hiatus hernia and they had to fix that during the lap band surgery.  Apparently some of my stomach was up in my chest!  The doctor also explained that this is common enough and easy to fix.  So that was great that they could do that.  
I have three small incisions and one that is about two inches long. They are all healing nicely and only one is showing some bruising so far.

As far as food goes Ithink I am going to have to keep a record of what I eat because I am not sure how many calories I am getting in.  So I have no idea if it is enough or not enough.  I have not been feeling hungry, I think it might be because the stomach is swollen or irritated from the surgery.  So I feel really good but spacey.

Pain has been really manageable and alot better than when I had a C-section.

That's it for now.  Take care to all of you!


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 04, 2009
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