Karen N. 20 years, 12 months ago

CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the Century Club! I wish you continued success as you work toward your goal.

Sharon Neva 21 years ago

DANACONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESS~~100 pounds!!!! WOW!! Dream what you want to dream...... Go where you want to go...... Be what you want to be because you have only one life and only one chance to do all the things you want to!! Please keep us posted on your progress. You are doing an awesome job. You are an inspiration to us all.~~WEIGH TO GO!

resurrected_2002 21 years ago

Hi AMOS members, visitors and friends! Well, I'm 9 months post op and have some wonderful news...I have officially made the Century Club! I'm down 100 lbs!!!! I've always made it a habit never to weigh myself. I only weigh in at my doctor's appointments. Well, the other day I was at WalMart and just couldn't resist. I was so curious. Well, I jumped on a scale and couldn't believe it. So, I jumped on another, then another, then another and before I knew it I had about 6 scales laid out in the aisle. Each one said the same thing: 158 lbs! It's amazing that I'm just short of [officially] making 9 months post op (6/18/03) and I've already lost 100 lbs. This surgery has been the absolute most wonderful decision I have ever made in my life. I'm now playing with my children doing some of everything like skating, bike riding, walking and running with them. My intimate relationship with my husband has done a 360 degree turn around. Where I was once embarassed to take off my clothes in front of him in the light I'm now not ashamed at all. He even marvels at the difference in my physical body and emotional being and congratulates me all the time for having the courage to do this for all of us. My clothes sizes are shrinking by the month. I've gone from a 24W/26W to a Misses/Juniors 12/14 and even some 8/10's. I just can't believe it. So many new things have taken place since I last posted. Not am I down 100 lbs. but I resigned from my job. It was a decision that I had been contemplating for quite some time now and things just seemed to get worse and worse. So, I consistently prayed and asked God for confirmation regarding my desire to leave. Well, He came through and I must say with my resignation, my family hasn't suffered one bit. All of our bills are paid and I now even qualify for "no cost" school for my two youngest boys. I tell ya, God is an awesome God and He always makes a way out of no way. If you just hold onto Him and his promises in no way will he disappoint you. So, if you're in the beginning stages of your wls journey and don't know how it's going to turn out (approved/denied) keep the faith, God will surely take care of you. I just wanted to update you all with what's been going on with me. I'll soon be posting my before/after pics (finally) so look forward to checking them out. Good luck to all who are beginning this journey, have already begun this journey, and who are on the other side of this journey. Keep the faith and you can accomplish anything you set your heart and mind to.

resurrected_2002 21 years, 2 months ago

Hi everybody! It's been a while since my last post and I've missed you all very much. Not much has taken place since my last post. My weight loss is going absolutely FANTASTIC! To this very day I have never experienced dumping, vomitting/nausea, or pain of any sort. It's been smooth sailing from day one and I only have God to thank. Never in my wildest dreams did I think my wls journey would be like it has been. My life has changed so drastically during the past 6 months it's hard to put it in words. I mean, just six months ago I was weighing 258 whopping pounds. I couldn't stand or walk without suffering from back, leg, joint pain, did't want to go outside or anywhere in public with my husband and kids, couldn't play with my kids because I couldn't keep up, had trouble even lying down sleeping due to pelvic pain from the pressure of all my weight. I can go on and on with the list of complications I had because of being morbidly obese. But today, I'm so thankful to my Almighty God in Heaven who looked down on me from above, heard my cry, and blessed me with this wls tool. I am a different person today (6 mos. later) that I was on Sept. 18, 2002. When they wheeled me into that surgery room on 9/18/02 all my fears, worries, concerns and feelings about my weight were totally put behind me. God told me it was time for me to move forward and stop being held captive by the bondage of obesity. My walk with Him has been ever-so-increasing and I just can't get enough of Him. If you don't know Him for yourself then you should take the time to get to know Him. Especially if you're in the beginning of your wls journey, just requesting approval or thinking about having wls. You'll totally need your faith to get you through the transformation; help you deal with the emotional issues of weight loss because it's not just about losing pounds/weight. If you've ever heard that before and can't understand it, take it from me there's soooo much more...I'd be happy to answer ANY and ALL questions if you have them. I was granted this gift of wls to be a testimony to those out there who need encouragement/motivation. I have a story to tell through my [wls] journey and I'm here for anyone who has doubts, questions, concerns...anything. No matter what the question or issue, just ask. You can email me at [email protected]. Yep, that's right: resurrected_2002. I was dead up to Sept. 18, 2002 and was brought back to life. I lived life and acted as though I was dead. But, never again! Oh, now I remember what I was going to tell you guys. I have a new weigh in report. I went for my 6 month follow up appointment yesterday, 3/27/03. Want to know what my new weight is? Huh? Huh? Ok, let me stop playing. Can I get a drum roll please........178 lbs! Did you hear me? I said 178 lbs from 258 lbs. 6 months ago. That's a total loss of 80 lbs. REMARKABLE! I've gone from a size 24W/26W bottoms and 22W/24W tops to a 14/16 bottoms and a 12/14 top. I'm now shopping in the Junior/Misses department instead of the Women's department. It totally feels awkward when I go to buy clothes because I naturally go to the women's section of the store. There are women who look at me like what am I doing in "their" section of the store. After I've looked through everything and realize that NOTHING there is going to fit me it hits me that duh, I'm in the wrong department. I actually have a waistline now. I'm able to buy jeans and fitted clothes now. I even bought myself a belt the other day from WalMart. I know that's not a big deal to some but I haven't worn a belt in over 2+ years. I now am able to wear a belt. It's small things like this that make me smile. My energy level has gone off the chart. My kids and husband now tell me, "Slow down mommy" or "I'm tired, let's go home". I have so much energy now that I just want to stay out all the time. I've done so good in my weight loss and have had such tremendous success that my doctor's have asked me to speak at their support group. I was so honored. I gave them my contact information for them to let me know when. I'm really excited about it. I recently took some pics so I guess I'll go ahead and post them to the site for you guys to see. I hope this post reaches each of you in great spirits. For those of you who recently had wls I wish you a speedy and painless recovery. Congratulations on making it to the "losing" side of life. It's great to be a loser (wink wink)! To those of you who are thinking about having wls, email me with your questions/concerns and good luck to you. That's all I have to report for now so until next time....

resurrected_2002 21 years, 4 months ago

Hello everyone. It's been a few weeks since my last post. I hope this message finds everyone in great health. I don't really have too much to report on. I haven't weighed in since my last doctor's appointment back in Dec. 2002 so I'm not sure what I weigh. I do know that my clothes are shrinking by the day. The last time I bought clothes I bought an 18/20 bottom and 14/16 top. Well, now those clothes are too big and I recently bought a 16 bottom and 12/14 top. Can you believe it? In just a matter of weeks the weight and inches are just dropping off. Things are going really well for me. I've never had any complications or intolerances to any types of foods and can pretty much eat whatever I want to with moderation. I'm very conscience of what I eat. I read every label before I buy something and purposely stay away from fried foods, carbs and sugars. Everything I eat is sugar free. I must say that I'm very proud of my efforts to eat healthier. Knowing that I can go back to eating unhealthy foods and choosing not to do so makes me feel like I'm putting forth great effort to take full advantage of having wls. I can't say it enough that this was the best decision I've ever made in my life and I would do it over and over again. Now that I'm down [at least] 50 lbs. people are really starting to notice now. Everyday when I go to work at least 5 people (everyday, all day long) are asking me, "what's your secret?", "are you working out?", "what kind of diet are you on?", "do you eat this or do you eat that?" and the list goes on. Sometimes I find it kind of overwhelming and just wish they would leave me alone. But, I guess that's to be expected. I should be proud that people have notice my weight loss; and I am. Please don't get me wrong. I'm just not used to all of this attention. It's unbelievable! Sometimes I can't even see what they're talking about. When I look in the mirror I still see the same [overweight] person. I don't feel the same though. You wouldn't believe how much more energy I have. Before wls, I used to stay in the house on the weekends. I mean literally when I got home from work on Fridays I wouldn't leave the house for anything! But now, I can't wait to get out in the fresh air with my kids. I'm soooo proud to be able to go out with my husband and not be embarrassed. I don't know where many of you are in your wls journey but if you're thinking about having wls I strongly urge you to do as much research as you can and if it's your heart's desire then GO FOR IT! Don't let anyone discourage you because of how they feel. Do what's best for YOU and not them. Ok, at first I didn't have much to say and now I can't keep quiet. If anyone out there has any wls questions I would be more than happy to talk to you. Feel free to email me anytime. Until next time.... By the way, my next doctor's appointment is in March 2003. I'll have a new weigh-in to report. Keep me in your prayers. I'm hoping to be out of the 200's. My last weigh-in (Dec. 2002) was 210 lbs. If I'm out of the 200's I'll just be estatic!!!!!

resurrected_2002 21 years, 5 months ago

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!It's been such a looonnnng time since I've posted and I apologize for not updating sooner. I hope that everyone's holiday season was a blessed one as mine was. I had my 3 month post op follow up on Dec. 19, 2002. My weigh-in on that date was, drumroll please, ddddddddddddddddddddd, 210 lbs.! Can you believe it? In only 3 months I've lost a whopping -48 lbs. I even bought a couple of outfits and you wouldn't belive the sizes. Pre surgery my sizes were top: 22/24, bottom: 24/26. Well, this holiday season I bought a 14/16 top and a pair of 18/20 jeans!!!! I haven't worn those sizes in years and couldn't believe it myself. I almost tried everything on in that store I was soooo excited. I haven't worn jeans in I don't know how long. It's amazing how this gift has changed my life. My husband is in love with me all over again. It's like we're dating again. He's so proud of me and my accomplishments thus far. Just think, I'm only 3 months out. Imagine what I'll look like at 6 months out, 9 months out and even 1 year post op. Now that I have some before and after photos I'll get them up ASAP. I just want to thank each of you for your continued good thoughts. I truly appreciate it. If there's anyone out there who has WLS questions please feel free to email me anytime. I'd love to chat with you. My next post op follow up is in March. I'll be sure to post before then and let you know of my progress. I don't weigh myself until I visit the doctor so you'll have to wait until March for my next weigh in. To those of you who recently had wls, CONGRATULATIONS, and to those of you thinking about having wls, good luck in your journey. Until next time...

resurrected_2002 21 years, 7 months ago

Well, today is Friday, Nov. 8th and I'm reporting that my desire to start my liquid diet didn't go well this week. Who knew that once you started back on solid foods that it would be soooo hard to go back to the liquid diet? Boy I tell you I've had the hardest time sticking to just liquids. So, I'm revising my plan. Yes I am going to do the liquid diet but I need to incorporate some type of "chewable" food. For the goals that I'm trying to accomplish I think I will do the liquid diet along with fruits, sugar free jellos and sugar free popscicles. That way my calories will be limited and I'll have more of a "full" sensation from having eaten something. This week was totally shot so I'll start my diet on next Monday, Nov. 11th. I totally didn't realize it would be this difficult but it's truly hard work. Just because I have this [WLS] tool that's been granted to me doesn't mean that I don't have to do my part. I have to work hard at it. So, that's if for now. I'll keep you posted of my progress. It's a rainy day today and I'm kind of sad that I'm not at home with my husband and kids. But, we gotta work so I'm here.

resurrected_2002 21 years, 7 months ago

Ok everybody, I know yesterday I stated in my comment that I wasn't going to weigh myself until my next doctor's appointment in December...right? Well, I realized that I wanted to be able to know how much I've lost while on my liquid diet (scheduled to begin 11/04/02) and that I would HAVE to weigh myself to have a starting weight to compare when I've completed the diet. Therefore, I was in WalMart last night and couldn't resist going to the section where the scales were. There I was with my oldest son looking at all the scales debating whether or not I wanted to get on one. Well, after looking and standing there for over 10 minutes (my son thought I was "crazy") I finally got up the nerve to jump on one. I absolutely couldn't believe what it said. I thought there must be something wrong with this machine. So, I got on another one and another one AND another one (I must have gotten on at least 5 scales). They all said the same thing. Now, at my last doctor's visit on Oct. 15th my weigh-in was 236lbs. Alright are you ready to hear my new weight-in report?????? Can somebody give me a drum roll please? 220 lbs. That's right 220 lbs!!!!! I've lost an additional 16 lbs in just 16 days! When I say that God is soooooooo good I can't express it enough. For YEARS, do you hear me YEARS, I've gone through every weight loss program, diet, trainer etc... to attempt to lose weight with no results and to have been given this second chance at life is truly a heaven sent blessing given to me by God. Oh how I love Him and just praise Him. So many times during our lives we sin, stray and even sometimes question God and his doings but I just thank Him today for his everlasting Grace and Mercy... I could go on all night praising God but I realize you all probably have additional things to do than to keep reading about me. In any case, I'm at 220 lbs and will start my liquid diet on Monday. My goal is to be at 200 lbs by Thanksgiving. I believe I can do it if I just stay prayerful and focused. I'll keep you all posted and you all keep me in your prayers.

resurrected_2002 21 years, 7 months ago

Well it's been 2 weeks since my last post. I don't have a new weight-in report because I haven't weighed myself since my last doctor's visit. I don't own a scale and will not purchase one. I fear that I will become "slave" to it and find that it's more encouraging to know that I've lost weight by how my clothing, jewelry and shoes fit. The other day I was ironing my family's clothes for the next week and had decided that I would wear one of my favorite dresses on Monday. It didn't need ironing so I didn't pull it out of the closet or anything. When Monday morning came I took the dress out and proceeded to get ready. Now, this dress I had just bought earlier this year and it's a size 24W. IT DIDN'T FIT! I couldn't believe it. Although it was a "wrap" dress there was no way to wrap that dress if I tried. It would have looked like a curtain on me. Yes I was disappointed because I was feeling rather good that day and wanted to look just a good. Oh well, on to the next outfit. I pulled out a skirt set that I wear and haven't worn in a while. It didn't fit and the sleeves to the blouse hung well over my hands and drooped under the arms. Ok, I was going through outfits like crazy because it was time for me to leave for work. I finally had to settle on something that of course was too big but had to do for the meantime. Isn't that wonderful? None of my clothes fit. My shoes don't fit and I now walk funny trying to keep them on my feet. My rings and my watch keep rolling around on my fingers and my wrist. What's a girl to do? LOL (that was totally a rhetorical question) Although I knew this was something I was going to have to deal with I just didn't realize it would be so soon. I don't want to spend a lot of money buying clothes that I'm not going to be able to wear the next month or so so I guess I'll invest in maybe a 3 or 4 piece suit that I can mix and match for work and get some sweats or something to wear outside of work. The clothing aspect is just one part of the WLS journey that I've dealt with thus far as well as my husband's experience in this journey with me. My husband has never been so attentive AND attracted to me than he is now. He is so proud of me for the decision I made and totally supports me. He makes sure that I have taken all of my vitamins each day, makes sure that I get plenty of (sugar free/caffeine free) liquids and that I stick to eating healthier meals daily. He doesn't "hound" me or "nag" me but in such a loving and caring way let's me know that he's in this for the long haul with me and I love him to death for that. Well, I guess I've rambled on enough to hold you over for a while. I've decided that once a month (7-12 days consecutively) I'm going to go back to following a liquid diet. I mean, 8 days after surgery and being on the liquid diet I lost a whopping 17 lbs! Well, I figure if I do a liquid diet for at least 7 days once a month that should "aide" in my desire to meet my goals over this upcoming Holiday season. Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers. I'm going to start my liquid diet on Nov. 4-11th. I'll keep you posted with my results. I don't go back to the doctor until December 19th so I won't have a new weigh-in report until then. For those of you thinking about having WLS or who have had WLS, good luck in your endeavors and always keep God first! Until next time...

Naes Wls J. 21 years, 7 months ago

Dana, I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to start losing also. May God be with you every step of the way. Continue to do well.
About Me
Perris, CA
Surgery Date
Jun 13, 2002
Member Since
