Oct. 24, 2006

Oct 24, 2006

I am feeling a little down today, because I really want to get this lap band surgery behind me, and it seems it's taking so long to get approved.  It is the seccond time I've tried to have WLS in the last 4 years.  The first time I was looking into RNY surgery, but this time around , I feel the lap band is safer for someone my age,(51).  I really feel it will change my sedentary life for the better.  I am looking forward to not having issues with my diabetes anymore.  I've been having problems controling it lately.  I really look forward to being more active and having more stamina.  Mostly, I don't want to loose any limbs to diabetes, which will happen in time if I can't control it.  Anyway,  I pray I get some good news soon.

10/23/2006 - Welcome to my journal

Oct 23, 2006

Today is Oct. 23rd, and this is the first time I've started any kind of journal.  It seems like latley there have been alot of "first times", for me.  I guess it's because of the life changing decesion I've made concerning my health.  It has taken me so long to get to this point, and I hope it's going to happen,( the WLS). 

I'm a lot apprehensive about the whole thing, but I realize it has to happen (WLS).  I am a diabetic, with high blood pressure, high cholestrol, depression, joint pain, to name a few of my ailments.  

Having this Lap Band Surgery, will either help me, or finish helping end my struggle with being so morbidly obese.  I don't mean to sound so morbid but I just finished reading the memorial page and it helped me come to the conclusion that there are serious risk involved with this surgery.  I guess that's why I decided to opt for the Lap Band proceedure.  

I really hope that everything goes thru with the insurance. I certainly meet the critetia, weight wise, for the surgery. My BMI is 45.2, and I feel bad most days.  I want to live, life, not just exsist.  I have a wonderful husband Sam, whom I really love, and I know he loves me.  He feels the surgery is the right way to go.  I also have a 25 year old son,and a 17 year old daughter.  They also like the idea, that I can possibly become healthier after I've had this surgery.  

I look forward to a better more productive life, (God Willing), after the proceedure.  As it says in the bible," And it came to pass",  I hope to be able to say this when all is said and done concerning, "Lap Band Surgery".  

I truely want to be on the losing side, and get my 100lbs. weight loss card. "May it come to pass".

Oct. 23 2006

Oct 23, 2006

Just logging on to try and get used to posting,and get in the habit of doing so.  Yesterday was my husbands 54th birthday.  He wanted me to fix my  pallea, for his birthday dinner.  I fixed the seafood  one, that includes shrimp, scallops, and calamari.  He just loved it!  Anyway, I also got him a very nice bar-b-que grill that he has been wanting for awhile now.  He just loved it too!  He was very happy with his day, I let him relax and watch sports all day long.  We usally go out for dinner on our birthdays, but just recently, we just started taking care of his 82 year old handicapped father.  We couldn't leave him alone.  So we celebrated at home and it was just fine.  Sam, my husband, is trying to get him in a nursing home soon.  My father-in-law, has stroke induced demintia, and requires around the clock help.  It's really hard work looking out after him, but I'm doing it for my husband. Well, that's it for now.  Later!!

About Me
Helotes, TX
Sep 26, 2006
Member Since

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Nov. 27, 2006
