sammygirlwpc 21 years, 9 months ago

Congratulations on making it to the losing side! I know things are rough... I am 13 days post-op and feeling really good. The pain is all gone and there is just a little discomfort left. I hope the same goes for you. I have already lost about 20 pounds! I am so happy! I wish a speedy, pain-free recovery for you and if you have any questions about anything, please feel free to ask!

Mustang 21 years, 9 months ago

Congratulations on making to the "losing team"...we're very happy to have you!! :0) Get better soon and keep up the GREAT work! ~CAE~

Denise W. 21 years, 9 months ago

Samar, All my prayers and best wishes are with you for a speedy recovery and a beautiful new life. Hang in there sweetie everyday things'll get a little better! (Dr. Batay did my surgery last September18... isn't he great??)

Lisa N. 21 years, 9 months ago

Samar, Congratulations to making it to the other side. I hope you are feeling better. I can't believe that you boss is being so mean to you. You go back when you are ready, not when he wants you to.

mlwinn77 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Samar, Welcome to the losing side!!! I hope you have a speedy recovery and I wish you much success in your journey. Best wishes to you.ide!!!

DIANE B. 21 years, 9 months ago

I just left Samar at the hospital. She is doing much much better than yesterday. Last night at about 1am they made her get up and start walking...after that she got those muscle spasms very bad and very close together. Today the cramps or spasms aren't as bad and she was up walking 6 times (twice while I was there)!!! She looks much better today and I even got a few smiles from her. I think the morphine is making her very tired. She can't keep her eyes open. They are giving her breathing treatments and making her do the spiromoeter like every 2 hours. She said she don't feel like walking but she is determined not to get blood clots. I keep telling her that everyday she will get better. I asked her if she's happy that she did this and she said yes because she knows it will help her in the long run--that's good!! Be positive you

LM O. 21 years, 9 months ago

Dearest Samar, Just a note to let you know I am thinking of you and sending up prayers. I hope things start to go more smoothly soon. *Very Soft Hugs*

Pam G. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Samar! Just want you to know you are on my mind. You are so lovely and I cry when I read your profile. So many people take advantage of you. When I heard about your Jerk boss wanting you back in 5 days I wanted to scream. You do NOT deserve to be treated like this. He hired you he doesn't OWN you. By law he can not make you ome back before the doctor releases you. I am praying for you girl. When your self confidence builds up LOOK out world!!

Debbie A. 21 years, 9 months ago

Samar - I'm so glad that you are safely past your surgery! I pray that the Lord will ease your pain and that your recovery will be completely unremarkable. I'm so glad that your sister is able to be with you. I hope that everything goes smoothly. (((hugs)))

nccarolinagirl 21 years, 9 months ago

Samar, Oh wow can I tell you about those spasms!!! I am only 2 weeks post op and as soon as IO was awake I too was crying with back and stomach spasms my Dr. said it was because I was so young! I am 37 ol Joy! It will pass trust me I am still having some in my back but things do get better Take care and god bless
About Me
Dearborn, MI
Surgery Date
Jul 10, 2001
Member Since
