Monday, June 1st, 2009

May 31, 2009

It just dawned on me as I began to type the date of this entry that it has been six months since my surgery.  One year ago I would have never thought I'd be here, over one hundred pounds lighter.  I wanted to be here, but imagined I would fail the surgery like I have everything else I tried.

Things I've done in the last few weeks that I couldn't have done this time last year.
1. Climb in and out of the pick up truck bed to place or retrieve tools from the tool box.
2. Walk the entire perimeter of my weekend place , 24.9 acres of hills and trees and water
3. Walk in to any adult clothes store and find something to buy, if I want to. 
4. Sit in a two hour meeting with my legs crossed, only getting up to use the restroom and refill my water instead of standing to allow the circulation to flow back to me legs because the chair cuts in to my hips and thighs.
5. Get on my hands and needs to clean the entire RV with a sponge and vacuum. 
6. Work out in a gym in front of people.....people I know and work with......with a trainer.
7. Tuck in a shirt ....and wear a belt.
8. Bend down to tie my shoes while standing or sitting without throwing up, passing out or feeling light headed
9. Pack my bag for a 3 day business trip using only a carry on.  (my clothes are so much smaller now)
10.  Shower in a public shower at the gym getting dressed in front of others.

I'm still sore this morning from working out last week and the hands and knees thing all weekend so I skipped the gym this morning at 6 am.  I deserve a one day break to heal and recover, right?

Here's my Independence Day Mini-Challenge Post:

220 - I lost 2 pounds this week.

Start of Challenge - Memorial Day - May 25th, 2009 - 222#
Week One - June 1, 2009 - 220#

I was thinking about my aggressive goal and was a little disappointed that I couldn't lose more than 2 pounds this week even though I worked out as hard as I did.  I'm going to have to increase my calories, I guess.  That scares me just a little but I'll see what I can do to get my weigh loss going a bit faster. 

21 pounds to go in 33 days = .64 pounds per day

I'm off to get dressed for the day.  I've got to remember to take my measurements today so I can see where I was six months ago.  I've sort of slacked off on that the last couple of months and I can never get that time back.  Not that I want to go back, but wish I'd made the effort to capture that point in time with a photo and measurements. 

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

May 25, 2009

I absolutely loved having a three day weekend.  We started off by loading the truck and the puppy and heading out to the lake for the weekend.  We got as far as Princeton and the DH truck gave us some grief so we had to get towed in to town.  Thankfully we weren't too far off.  When you have a truck full of things, a trailer full of 4-wheelers and camping stuff, and a dog, you don't get many offers to help.  In fact, I called my mom and asked her to go to my house and drive me my truck and she wouldn't.  Go figure...I was cutting in to her lounging time. 

It ended up that I got to relax a bit which I really needed.  I spent some good quality time with Scout and just hung out at the house.  I picked small chores to take on and managed to rearrange my laundry room, my food pantry and started my sock drawer but didn't finish; the socks are all on my floor.

I started to pack up the clothes for folks but don't have any boxes, so it became a futile attempt.  I will run by the post office today for some boxes and get that stuff packed up and shipped out.

I was really sad about my weight loss last week.  I guess I didn't move enough to keep the metabolism going.  I signed up at the gym at work and I have my first appointment today with a personal trainer.  Let's see if I can't get it going again.  I ran out of B12 last week so maybe that is part of it, too.  I got some more so I've started taking it again yesterday.  I take a 2500 mcg lozenge every day. 

I've averaged about a 2 pound loss per week for the last challenge.  That is a bit slower than I had hoped at this stage.  I can't be eating too much at 1000 - 1100 calories per day, so I guess I am not burning enough calories through exercise.  As a result, I didn't meet my Memorial Day mini-challenge goal of 220 pounds.  Dang it!   Here's my weekly report: 

I lost 1.5 pounds this week.

Start of Challenge - April 13th - 238 #
April 20th - 236 #
April 27th - 232 #
May 4th - 231#
May 11th - 225.5 (I hit the Century Mark!)
May 18th - 223.5
May 25th - 222 

Memorial Day Goal - 220 pounds
I was 2 pounds short of my goal.  I'm so disappointed in myself.   I start with my personal trainer today so we'll see what I can do about kick starting my metabolism so I can lose more than 1.5 pounds per week.  Ugh!

Independence Day Goal - I'm going to go very, very long here and say I'd like to be Independent from the 200s.  My goal is to weigh 199 pounds in 40 days.  I'd need to lose 21 pounds in 40 days which is  .525 pounds per day or  3.8 pounds per week.  This is more than double my current weight loss trend but I need the boost in my self esteem and step it up a bit.  I'm going to take that challenge!

Yep, you read it right.  I'm going to try for the impossible!  Let's see if I can be in Onederland by July 4th. 
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Monday, May 18th, 2009

May 17, 2009

Another week has passed and I'm still wondering how people do this "no-sleep" thing with babies.  I just can't imagine.  I'm totally exhausted having to plan my every move around Scout.  He's grown up more this week, gaining about 2 pounds.  Perhaps he picked my lost pounds up off the floor and ate them.  Lord knows he eats everything he can get his little mouth around!

We started introducing him to new places over the weekend.  Took him to the park on Saturday in the rain.  We goofed around in the rain for an hour or so.  I'm glad he isn't afraid of the rain.  Since we aren't letting him meet people yet, I have to say "no" to folks when they ask if they can pet him, and some get really put off.  I just don't understand why people think that it's okay for my dog to be distracted by other people.  I should be his center of the world.  How else will he listen when we are out in the field or in the woods if I do not teach him to count on me for his every need? 

I'm glad we can start walking outside the yard with him.  Because I'm home alone at night with him, I haven't been doing much walking.  I'm sort of missing my exercise.  I will get back walking a couple of miles a night this week.  I have to get moving again if I'm going to lose 3.5 pounds to make the challenge goal.  Here are my stats for this week:

I lost 2 pounds this week.

Start of Challenge - April 13th - 238 #
April 20th - 236 #
April 27th - 232 #
May 4th - 231#
May 11th - 225.5 (I hit the Century Mark!)
May 18th - 223.5

Memorial Day Goal - 220 pounds - Still need to lose 3.5 pounds in my final week of the Memorial Day mini-challenge

Lea, I'll post my July 4th goal next week.  I'm super-analyst-woman with my weight loss stats and need the know how I finish up this challenge first, but count me in.  Thanks.

I worked most of the night so I should probably get out of my PJs and go get in the shower for work today.  I've got a 10:30 that should be F2F but I could likely get away with a phone call without much of a challenge.  Either way, I've got to get moving.  

I challenge myself this week to:
*  do my push ups EVERY day.  
* walk at least 30 minutes EVERY day.
* perform one random act of kindness without recognition EVERY day.
* Let Go and Let God.   

I love myself and my  RNY!

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Monday, May 11th, 2009

May 10, 2009

In the past one hundred sixty days I have lost 100 pounds.  What a remarkable feat!  I am still in awe of all that I have been through.  This is an amazing surgery that has given me my life back.

Made it up to OK to see my NYC friends and had a great time with them both.   It was a complete family event and Ray has such a wonderful and warm family that they made me feel like I had been a part of their lives forever.

Scout, our little puppy has grown, I'm certain at least a couple of inches.  He is shooting up like a weed.....must be all those weeds and grass he is eating outside!  He is so much fun but what a handful. 

I'm still just exhausted with no constant sleep but I'll get beyond it.   I had a remarkable week with weight loss and saw a 5.5 pound reduction.  I thought those days were over but I guess the puppy and the fiber are really helping me keep going. 

Here are my results for last weeks Memorial Day Challenge.

I lost 5.5 pounds this week.

Start of Challenge - April 13th - 238 #
April 20th - 236 #
April 27th - 232 #
May 4th - 231#
May 11th - 225.5 (I hit the Century Mark!)

Memorial Day Goal - 220 pounds - Still need to lose 5.5 pounds in 2 week

The bathroom should be dry by now with all the fans going so I should get in there and get dressed for my work day and I'll pray that God keeps a watchful eye over my friends as they fly home today. 

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

May 08, 2009

I finally did it!  I hit the 100 pound mark this morning.  I'm so stoked!

I feel like I am on the slow and steady path, which is frustrating for me but it's getting the job done.  I've had a busy and long week.  We got a puppy last weekend and getting up every 150-180 minutes at night is just killing my energy.  I'm a fool at work and I need some sleep.  But what a bundle of fun and joy he is.  I figure I have another 4 -6 weeks of this and I think to myself "I will never make this" but then I managed through this week just fine. 

I'm getting up a little earlier for our walks in the yard and maybe that has me moving more than normal, just a slight bit.  I haven't been walking at night because I have so much to do with him right now, but ultimately he'll be my walking partner.

I've signed up for the Race for the Cure on Saturday, June 6th and then later noticed that I have a flight out that morning to Tampa for some training.  If I can work out the logistics, I guess I can go on the plane all stinky and maybe my shirt will explain it all to others. 

My dear friends from NYC are in town today.  Well sort of; they are in Lawton, Oklahoma.   I'm planning on heading up there to spend the day with them.  DH has the day off so he can tend to the puppy and maybe I can stay over and head back in the morning.  I just miss both of them so much and it reminds me of my NYC days and how much fun my life was. 

I haven't seen Ray and Arthur for about a year and a half so my 100 pound lighter body will completely shock them.  It will have to be a picture day to replace the picture I have of them on my desk at work right now.  I'm looking forward to the fun that today will bring.

Monday, April 27th, 2009

Apr 26, 2009

I had a sleep deprived weekend.   I cut out of work early on Friday to meet up with some girlfriends for pedis and rushed home to finish up some work.  I got ready for the community garage sale on Saturday morning and realized at 5 am on my day off, that I was not feeling as good as I should.  I didn't sell all my stuff, sadly.  No one needs 26/28s. 

I trudged through the garage sale and rushed home to drop the left overs off before heading south to the north Dallas area to pick up my little brother Findley from the kennel.  Mom had dropped off the cat about 10 days ago before heading out on her cruise and while he was "at the spa retreat" he had his toes whacked.  I had to wait to see the vet before we could leave since he injured himself and needed specialized care. 

I get to her condo and follow the list of instructions she provided.  Pet cat. Check! Talk to cat.  Check! Feed cat.  Check!  Play with cat.  Check!  And the list goes on.....

It was either the strong, odorous smell of the month or Findley's dander, but I feel ill.  She likes to burn those smelly alcohol in the glass bottle things.  Uuuhhhh, it stinks.  Why does the world think fake smell is better than no smell at all?  It is complete nasal assault.  I left there completely congested with a headache. 

I went to Kohl's yesterday because I have been struggling with finding a pair of khakis.  I found some in size 18.  18!  The pants are a tad bit tight, certainly no tighter than what I wore other pants in the past, but I think I'll wait a week or so after waling every night to make sure my legs are more firm before I wear them to work.  No one likes jiggly legs in pants!

I lost 4 pounds last week.   I'll take it!  I am convinced it is all the fiber I have been eating.  Umm, yummy, bran muffins.

Here are my Memorial Day challenge results: 

I've lost 4 pounds this week.

Start of Challenge - April 13th - 238 #
April 20th - 236 #
April 27th - 232 #

Memorial Day Goal - 220 pounds - 12 pounds in 4 weeks

If I don't let the heat keep me from walking at night, I should be on track to make goal. Yay!


Monday, April 13th, 2009

Apr 12, 2009

This was a blah weekend.  My husband received some very bad news late last Friday at work and that caused stress for me all weekend.  I couldn't sleep, I was insincere and uncaring, and didn't want to do much of anything.  We were out of town for my cousins engagement party and I just got up and left without saying bye to my family and drove home the three hours.  I did go for a walk that night to lift my spirits but it didn't work all that well. 

Yesterday, my husband and I went for an hour long walk at the nearby nature preserve and then took a bike ride late in the day.  I felt hungry most of the day but managed to ignore it and eat at my regular meal times.  However, I did reward myself last night with an ice cream treat.  It was made my Bryers and had 160 calories but only 6 sugars, if I recall.  My usual sweet treat is ff/sf chocolate pudding, but it is made with milk, so it has 120 calories and 9 or 10 sugars, so this is comparable, I guess.  It sure was delish, too. 

Even with all that walking last week I only lost three pounds.  I think that is where I am for now in my weight loss, and should consider myself grateful to have even lost anything at all.  I am still really monitoring and journaling my food intake and do hover right at 1000 calories per day.  My BMR at my current weight is 1831 calories and with light walking each day it is closer to 1906 calories.  If I am eating about 1000 calories each day, then the difference is 850 for simplicity. 
850 calories X 7days = 5950 calories
If 1 pound = 3500 calories then I should only be losing 1.7 pounds per week.  

By golly, I think I've got it!  

Here's my Easter Challenge Post.

I lost 3 pounds this week.

Start of Easter Challenge- February 15th - 265#
February 21st - 262.5#
March 2nd - 260#
March 9th - 254#
March 16th - 249#
March 23rd - 248#
March 30th - 243#
April 6th - 241#
April 13th - 238#

Easter Day Goal - 245#   Made it!!!!
Stretch Goal - 235#  Almost!

Memorial Day Goal - 220 pounds - 18 pounds in 6 weeks

Monday, April 6th, 2009

Apr 05, 2009

It was a slow week at weight loss.  My scale reported out 243 every single day since last Monday until today when I was rewarded with a 2 pound loss.  It is so frustrating but it is what it is....not really in my total control. As I sit here and write, I realized I haven't measured myself just yet....I'll need to do that because I was thinking those jeans I got from the Goodwill are already getting loose.  Not too loose, but there is definitely some extra room in the legs.  My dang waist doesn't seem to be willing to give up the inches, though as I am still in a 22 or 20 after all this weight loss.  Crazy, huh? 

This weeks challenge report:

241 pounds.  I lost 2 pounds this week and it all showed up in the last 24 hours.

Start of Easter Challenge- February 15th - 265#
February 21st - 262.5#
March 2nd - 260#
March 9th - 254#
March 16th - 249#
March 23rd - 248#
March 30th - 243#
April 6th - 241#

Easter Day Goal - 245#   Made it!!!!
Stretch Goal - 235#

To meet my mini-challenge stretch goal of 235 pounds, I'll need to lose .86 pounds per day for the next 7 days.  I'll be out of town until Sunday night so I can't weigh in until Monday morning and report out. 

I need to see where I am at Easter before I set my Memorial Day goal.  It will be 15 pounds from my Easter Challenge end weight. 

I"m still having some great success with logging my stuff in  I like it better than the other sites like fitday and really like how easy the recipe info is since I still cook almost every meal I eat.  I did go to Maggiano's this week for a celebratory work lunch.  I had one very small bite of Tiramasu for dessert.  I didn't die and  it was delish!  Ate like a pig and consumed about 500 calories, but made up for it the rest of the day and the day ended about 1100 calories which isn't too far off from my normal consumption levels.  Is what I am eating enough?

We're off to my dad's for Travis' engagement party this weekend and to celebrate Easter so I won't log back until next Monday. 
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Monday, March 30th, 2009

Mar 29, 2009

I met my Easter mini-challenge goal officially this morning.  I weighed in at 243 pounds and my goal was 245.  I am so thrilled.  I wasn't sure I'd pull it off several times this month, particularly when I hovered at 248.5 for 10 days, but I broke through it and BAMM dropped a couple of pounds in a day.  I just stick with the plan it works.  Life can be so simple!

Here's my Easter Day mini-challenge post from this morning...

243 pounds.  I lost 5 pounds this week and met my mini-challenge goal!!!!!!!!!!!!

Start of Easter Challenge- February 15th - 265#
February 21st - 262.5#
March 2nd - 260#
March 9th - 254#
March 16th - 249#
March 23rd - 248#
March 30th - 243#

Easter Day Goal - 245#   Stretch Goal - 235#

To meet my mini-challenge stretch goal of 235 pounds, I'll need to lose .66 pounds per day for the next 12 days. 

I need to see where I am at Easter before I set my Memorial Day goal. 

Why do I start my week more tired than I end it?  I've got a busy day ahead of me and I'm still exhausted.  Off to make my lunch and snacks for the day. 

Sunday, March 29th, 2009

Mar 29, 2009

I've been awake for almost 30 minutes and I'm still waiting for coffee.  DH got a new Baratza Burr coffee grinder last night.  We sat down to watch a movie and I suggested an espresso.  I got up, proceeded to grind our beans, load up the machine and he derailed the whole night with opinions about bitter beans and overheating the cheapo grinder we have.  He insisted on getting a new machine.  We still had $100 gift card from when we got married five years ago so who was I to say no. 

Now I'm waiting for him to clean it and get it all ready.  I WANT MY MORNING COFFEE!

The good news is that I did weigh this morning and finally saw a decent loss.  I lost a couple of pounds yesterday, so I may have a 5-pound week.  I'll know officially tomorrow, but I'd be thrilled considering I lost only one pound the week prior and really just stayed between 249-248 for 10 days.  Ugh!

I'll keep moving today to ensure I don't gain any of my 2 pounds back.  The caffeine should help keep me buzzin' right along. 

I've got to do something with all these extra clothes.  Sadly the one resale shop in Dallas that specializes in Plus sizes only accepts items for consignment between the hours of 10:30 am - 1:30 pm, by appointment Tuesday - Friday.  I have a job so that won't work.  I really need the money so maybe I'll eBay it.  It is all clean and pressed, so I should just take a day and try it, right?  Probably not.  It's just easier to donate it to the city resale shop. 

Can't wait to see tomorrow's official weight!
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About Me
Allen, TX
Surgery Date
Dec 25, 2006
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