Moving right along

Jan 17, 2009

So I've been quiet on the blog front lately, but I thought it was time to do a bit of writing again.

2 weeks ago I was whining because there seemed to be no end to the waiting game that kept putting off the eligibility for surgery.  Then I was called and told that the Psych appointment was moved earlier--Yeah!! Yesterday I heard that I am going to do my desat testing during the next week.  So now, all my tests are scheduled to be complete by Feb. 2.  I'm so happy.

I was getting alot of support related to how long it was taking and that I was feeling whiney from most of the people that I interact with as far as on line support.  At one point this week, I received  a group email that mentioned it was time us "whiners" pull up our big girl panties and deal with it.  I actually am very patient overall and I do understand that the tests are very important to making this a safe process.  I had an opportunity to move through much faster, at another center, but wouldn't have had the support and such that I really wanted.  I don't want this to be something that turns into another wasted attempt, I will be patient. 

I do need to say however, that when I am "ready" to do something, the longer I have to wait, the less enthusiastic I become.  I am having an easy time of the protein first rule, have really gotten good at the no drink with my meals rule, and don't need nearly as many snacks or sweets as I once thought was reasonable.  The harder part is exercise, I just need that reason, and the delays make the "reason" harder to see. 

OK, there is my rant, I'll continue to wait and let things happen as they should, supported and fully committed to the process as it has been proven.  Thanks for listening.


About Me
Norwich, NY
Surgery Date
Oct 06, 2008
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