merry christmas everyone

Dec 22, 2006

sorry i took so long to upload those photos of me at month two... there is a difference... i am feeling so great and i can't wait for even more weight to come off..
happy new year everyone
i know 2007 is going to be great for me


Dec 04, 2006

today is 2 months from surgery. I am 236. I started out at 277.  I am happy with the 41 pound weight loss so far. The inches are really coming off.  Eatting is going well. I eat very small amounts. my down fall is the evening where i enjoy a bit of mango salsa and a few nachos. i have about half a diet pepsi on the weekend as a treat.
the hoilday season is hard. all those yummy things to eat. i try my best to resist and if i have to i have one tiny tiny bit and pass the rest to my husband. i will update some pictutres later this week ... have a lok and see if you see a difference. i'm hoping dr.reed is right and slow and steady wins the race. if you are reading my profile and have questions please e-mail me. I'm not sure what everyone wants to know.


Nov 29, 2006

saw dr. reed and nancy on monday. nancy was much much nicer and was happy with the progress.  and said come back in two months. dr. reed was a bit concerned my cuts were still not healed so i come back again in a month. I have lost 40 pounds since surgery on oct 5/06 so it has been 7 weeks. he is happy with progress and says slow and steady wins the race... i hope this is true. anyway feeling good.
found out i have restless leg syndrome and its quite bad so i am getting a TENS machine to help with the pain. food is going well. i always throw up left over chicken and nancy says its because the protein is getting too tough for the pouch so i've now switched to deli meat.
clothes are really baggy and that makes me happy
chat soon


Nov 22, 2006

Neck14 inches
left upper arm 13.5 inches
right upper arm 13.5 inches
Left wrist 6.5 inches
right wrist 6.5 inches
chest 43 inches
stomach @ belly button 50inches
hips 49 inches
left upper leg 24.5 inches
right upper leg 24.5 inches
left knee 18inches
right knee 18inches
left ankle 9.5 inches
right ankle 9.5 inches

there has been some loss of inches so i am happy
worried dr. reed will be disapointed on monday when i see him. 7 weeks out of surgery and only lost 36 pounds. I'm trying to stay positive... every little bit helps and slow and steady wins the race.
been hard for me going back to work. my supervisor is not being supportive of my morning and afternoon snack breaks. I have dumped alot on nancy's diet... i've noticed my pee has turned dark yellow all the time. i'm going to see my family dr. about that on friday. i will up date when i have more information


Nov 10, 2006

nov 3/06

Nov 03, 2006

My appointment with dr. reed went well on monday. He said i was doing fine and he was happy with the progress and how i was healing. I find dr.reed doesn't have good people skills. He never really looks at you when he is talking to you and only offers information you are asking for and nothing more, my appointment with nancy went well too. Really nothing to talk about and it was a waste of time really, she asked how the last few weeks went and asked if i had questions regarding the month two diet which i didn't and i went on my way. I see them both on nov 27 again... other then that i am feeling great,

oct 28/06

Oct 28, 2006

i'm seeing dr. reed and nancy on monday. I am nervous that my weight loss is slower then normal. Dr. reed told me before surgery he would expect to see me down a minamum of 25 pounds. To date i am down 23. i know 2 more days 2 more pounds but i'm having so many fears that this surgery is not going to be a succuess. i'm scare the weight won't come off. I am noticing a small difference in my clothes but nothing like i was expecting. I'll update after monday


Oct 22, 2006

Oct 21/06

Oct 21, 2006

The scale is starting to move again.... I had to hide the scale and i brought it back out today and the weight was 259.5 it is slowly moving.... much slower then i wanted but everyone assures me that the weight will come off to just keep taking it day by day. I am happy that i have lost 1 inch off my whole body and 3 off the hips. I fit into a old pair of size 23 jeans that i have not worn in i think a year.... so i am very happy with that.  Full fluids is much better then clear fluids. I am having trouble eatting oatmeal.... I hate oatmeal so i am eating 1/4 of peanut butter toast instead which is wonderful... Thanks to all the people that have been e-mailing me and encouraging me through this time. it does help to know your stories and that everything will work out in the end.
until next time.... have a wonderful day

oct 18/06

Oct 18, 2006

my husband hid the scale. i don't know where it is. I must stop the craziness of weight my self 3 tiems a day and being frustrated that the scale is not droping as fast as i want it to.
I talked with my family dr. he said my body has hit a plateu... i cried after 16 pounds i have plateued. he explained that the body let go of 16 pounds in shock... being on liquid the body is in shock and is afraid that i'm not feeding it and it will die.... so its holding on to all the fat it can to live. He said on top of all that i am off work and pushing myself to walk 3-5 kms a day ... excercise my body wouldn't normally have daily..... He said once my body learned that this is o-k that i will feed it and it become a normal daily event it will start to drop the pounds.

My cousin and aunt have had gastric bypass and they both told me i need to be taking protein shake. it will help with hair loss and my saggy skin. I know this is not something nancy and dr. reed want their patients to be doing but i have decided to try. i will let you know how it goes.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2006
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 22
who was I, who am I
May 16, 2007
lifes great
march 19
5 months out
jan 6/07
happy new year
