Feeling Proud... NO SODA

Nov 12, 2007

For the first time in over 20 years, I am not drinking soda pop.  Diet Mountain Dew was my best friend for years.  I have not had one in 2 weeks, its weird.  I drink a lot of white tea and Diet Lipton Citrus Green Tea.

Today is my last (should be anyhow) vist to the doctor before submission for approval for WLS.  I am anxious and nervous.  I am starting to think of how I will miss my comfort foods and being able to drink beverages with my meals.  I am so cotton mouthed...during meals anyhow.

I took some pictures of "before" which I will keep to myself for now.  I can't believe how the weight has piled on me.  Its so frustrating....  I can't weight anymore.... !!

HERE is a very nice website with lots of WLS information And they are NOT Selling anything.  KOODOS to the woman who did this !!.

Psych Approval- Two Thumbs Up... I'm Not Psycho..On Paper

Nov 08, 2007

I am so excited, I just got the Psych approval today and last doctor visit before insurance submission is next week.   I believe that should be a breeze as I am pretty mobile and active.   I feel great.... just... obese.

I am ready for a lot of changes. I keep imagining myself being 100 lbs thinner.   Perhaps 125 lbs.   WOW.  I amd 319 right now and I hope to get to 200 lbs or so.

My Motivation for Wanting WLS, Playing with My Daughter

Nov 05, 2007

Getting Closer...

Oct 13, 2007

Had my meeting with the Psychologist in Grand Rapids the other day, Jenny.  She said I am doing well but need to focus on food choices for protein and to start pretending I had the surgery.  She wants me to reinforce the habits I will needs.

I tell you... the thought of weighing close to 200 lbs almost freaks me out.  That was what I weighed in 7th grade, at age 11.  Now I am 37 and 322lbs. Here I am Today...

I get excited yet nervous about the thought of surgery.  It will be so weird to just be done with the fat stuff (if I do my part) and just focus on living well and being with my family.  Knowing I should have more energy and will look different a year from know is kind of exciting. 

One thing I am shooting for, this is my 20 year class reunion this summer (likely in August).  My goal is to lose 75 to 80 lbs by then.  All the fat jokes and stuff those jerks made about me in school will come back to haunt them.  I am sure they will instead make bald jokes but at least I am on the road to being healthy.  I am doing this for ME !!

Been reading up on a lot of profiles, forums etc....  Surfing the web, I also found a good site for High Protein Foods....  http://www.highproteinfoods.net/

Had the EGD

Sep 16, 2007

Went and had the EGD this past week.  That is where they put the tube down your throat and check out your esophagus and stomach.  The doctor told me all was well.  He said if I keep it up, we may have it all approved by year end.

It was really weird to wake up in a different room.  I went to work within a half hour of the test.

Moving Along...

Sep 07, 2007

I have had the Manometry, the Dietary consult, a Physical Therapy consult, and my "Pre" physical as well.  All has gone well so far.

I just feel like I am uncertain if I have done enough to loose the weight and am uncertain if I am ok about the major life change in eating.  I do realize though if I don't get some of this weight off, I will continue to be lethargic & unhealthy.

I also have troubles imagining myself being 100+ pounds thinner.  I would weigh under 225.  My body is very stocky and it seems like I would be just a toothpick if I were only 180.

Getting Rolling to get Rid of Rolls

Aug 27, 2007

I got the official call today that my Insurance does have coverage for Bariatric Surgery.  I have already gotten my schedule of pre-surgery stuff.  SO... as of Sept 6th, I am beginning the journey.  I hope if everything goes well, I can have it done in November or I will have to wait until January.  I have too much stuff that goes on in December.  I have a very busy work schedule at that time.

I am anxious and nervous.  I look forward to losing the weight.

Awaiting for A Word

Aug 11, 2007

I am anxiously awaiting word from Cuyuna to know if my insurance company is willing to do it or not.  It will also see if I qualify for it based on BMI 43.7.   I know my BMI has been at least 37 for 2 years.  I guess they are looking for the co-morbidities. 

I am fighting to eat decent as well.  But, I am so hungry all of the time.  I am just feeling gross and unhealthy.  I don't feel like I am going to die but just kinda like a fat slob.  I am just a bit down on myself.

Did more thinking about the Sacrafices

Jul 22, 2007

By getting this surgery, I would be giving up some things.  I would give up big holiday meals, freedom from being tied to eating (skipping meals), and I would have to take vitamins.

All right, I am so ready.  At 317 officially last night, I need to lose about 121 Lbs to be normal.  I guess I really carry it well since I don't feel that fat ALL of the time.   But, I hurt, I am tired, I am fed up with being fat.  I think 30 years is enough.

The paperwork will be turned in next week to Cuyuna.  Lets get this new life started.

The Seminar

Jul 12, 2007

I have officially made the first step, the seminar.  I am setup to go to the seminar at the Cuyuna Medical Center (Crosby MN).  It is with the www.mimismn.com  group.     I have been really inspired by everyone here and their stories.

At this time, nobody has apparently viewed my profile..... time to say hello to some other people on here.

About Me
Grand Rapids, MN
Surgery Date
Jul 07, 2007
Member Since

Friends 26

Latest Blog 40
Just 3 lbs from one of my Goals
