I was writing for a group...but, thought I would share here too

Jan 06, 2009

I think many go into this feeling it's going to last without having to change anything...and that it's the right fix. I think it matters where you are. Sometimes people get the surgery before they are ready...hopefully afterward a light bulb goes on. SERIOUSLY...I hope this makes sense. We can get the surgery and think life starts then...once I have it...it's smooth sailing. Uhm...no it's not..unless you have the switch turned on.

Here is some aha moments I had recently...

1. did anyone watch biggest loser? One admitted to getting gastric bypass...and my husband called me (he is coming home today from being out of town for work) and said "Look at so and so's scars...those are lap band scars" SOOOO 2 contestants on the BIGGEST biggest loser have had surgery. These contestants are known as the heaviest ever on the show...and it's sad to see they have been thrown backwards...but, at least maybe they will get some help there. I wanted to bring this up...because WOW...what a reality check. I now am waiting for the phone calls "See....waitloss surgery doesn't work" from my  naysayers but, it does work...for those who get *head ready*

2. An example...my husband had the surgery and he has yet to lose...in fact he's heavier NOW...he had surgery in September. He wasn't head ready. This has been sooooooooo hard on me and my own battle. *ugh* I think he is finally coming around to head ready...he has laid out a plan. He also had a reality check with biggest loser. He sees that the right fill isn't going to solve the battle for him.

3. Another realization...Not everyone around me is going to be *on the wagon* and OMGoodness...I need to be strapped in tight to my own wagon! My husband being the leader of the pack who have an arm on me at times as he falls. It is hard but, I have choices...let go and watch him fall and see him down on the ground and realize that is the only way I can help him and myself ...or I can fall off thinking he is getting all the fun...*food rewards* and I don't wnat to miss out. This holiday season it's been a struggle ...a tug of war. I love him dearly but, he comes home with a bag of chips, some candy, etc. I feel like an alcoholic living in a bar. I officially gained 5 lbs over this holiday and while he's been gone I have been purging the house of goodies. I have lost 4 of my 5 pounds and every day it's a battle to drive to the gym. SOOOO the aha for me is I have to make sure my head is in marathon mode because I live in a house with someone who is off the wagon...that means I need to make sure I am wearing my seat belt on this thing. Everyone...please get a seatbelt (support)

4. You can't do it without exercise. SORRY...but, that is the TRUTH...get a wii, get a treadmill, go to a mall, go see a rehabilitation person, find a public pool, whatever you need...you need to find some sort of way to move. You can do it at home. Put your favorite song on and just move...dance, sway, sit in a chair and move each body part...something. I do hear of back problems etc. I know my mom had a knee issue and so, that made it hard for her to exercise. If you have these you need to contact a professional and find a way. I recommend the pool...under a physicians guidance. Don't just wait to lose the weight and then exercise.

5. have small goals... it helps.

This truly is like AA ... I believe I have an addiction. I believe we are not alone (Look at Oprah) and I wish I had money lol...seriously...if I did I would make a bariatric nutritional class/counseling and let it be free. I'd run it like an AA group...I'd say "Hi, I'm Shawna and I am a foodaholic...my last lyndt ball was around Christmas...and I had about 6... Oh, and a cookie." I think having to admit that would be a big step. I could have a sponsor...(gosh wouldnt that be nice) and hopefully one day be a sponsor and wear my food sober chips. Since I don't have these...that is what I am doing right now...looking for a sponsor...the boards are wonderful...but, I am one of those FA (food addicts) who need face to face accountability.

So I agree Jenise...the Barix is for surgery...the recovery is for us to find...I guess it's kind of like we went to the detox hospital and now its over and it's very important we find the resources of sober/healthy lifestyle living. (can you tell I watch intervention lol)

Today I plan on making a doc appt. get my blood pressure, ldl, and the other one, blood surgar, my C-reactive protein, THS thyroid check...and also go get a pelvic exam. I need to make sure these are in check...I can be cleared to BUMP up my exercise (I was doing curves..I have since started elliptical, swimming, some classes, and strength training.) and hopefully ask him if I can take a nutritional class I took about hmmm...3 or 4 years ago when I wasn't head ready...and again find some sponsor...even if it's only my doctor for now.

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About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 28, 2007
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Some harsh words.
5 months out.
Just passing by.
Had my fill number 2 yesterday.
Sadness with the process.
