hmmmmm.....what to think

Nov 27, 2006

First off, let me say that I am very happy right now. Yeah, I'm obese but ya know ......I have a really good life. I have been so blessed with 3 amazing kids, a wonderful husband, 7 great sisters and a wonderful dad. I am so excited about Christmas. My kids are getting older so I can really explain the meaning of Christmas to them and really start some new traditions with them.
As far as its been a weird few weeks for me. First off no one from the surgeons office has called me yet. I talked to the surgeon and he said someone would call and then I called and left a message but no one called back. Is this my sign from God that this surgery isn't for me....ah who knows.
I noticed as soon as I got serious about having this surgery I started eating like crazy. Eating too much has never been an issue for me. My weight is from not eating right, not frequently enough, and not enough exercise. But I caught myself eating well after I was full, just because. I guess I felt like it was justified. So after a firm talking to...yes to myself...I straightened up. I will still do whatever I can to lose the weight, while finding out if I even get to have the surgery.
I'm so addicted to this website. I read every post, and some inspire me, some make me doubt my decision....who knows.
When I think of myself I don't see me as obese(ughh I hate that word)...but when I look at the numbers I see that I am MORBIDLY OBESE! The other day I actually told my husband how much I weighed. I quit telling him about 60 lbs. ago. He is amazing, loves me for me, etc, but supports whatever I want to do. But I actually cried when I told him. I guess because saying it aloud made it really real. Then the other night my 4 yr old son wanted me to do handstands with him, I told him I couldn't and he said "because your fat?".  OUCH..Broke my heart. He had no idea what he said was hurtful. My husband was mad, but I wouldn't let him punish him for it...he didn't know. My husband explained to him that it was a hurtful thing to say. He said sorry, etc. I'm not mad or upset with him....just myself.
Anyhow thanks for getting this far.

just starting out

Nov 19, 2006

Okay, I have lurked these boards for awhile now. I finally got brave and called the surgeon. I talked to him for awhile and should be expecting a call from his office help on Monday to set up an appt. He said tricare wasn't the easiest to work with, but when I told him my height and weight, he seemed confident that we would be able to do this.
My husband and I have talked this to death and will talk more I am sure. I have done extensive research and believe that this is absolutely the right decision for me. I am leaning toward the RNY, however I would like to hear what the surgeon has to say.
I have concerns about the surgery, but I remind myself that I am luckily pretty healthy now, minus the weight, so in my opinion I have a greater risk of dying from being obese than from this surgery. I truly believe that it will give me a second chance at life. Don't get me wrong, I am truly happy with my life....I have been greatly blessed. But it would be nice to know that I will be able to enjoy it for a much longer time.
Okay I've rambled enough.

About Me
Kailua, HI
Nov 10, 2006
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hmmmmm.....what to think
just starting out
