Stats/reflections at 3 months.

Mar 28, 2013


High weight:  265

Surgery weight: 253 (-12 lbs)

Month 1:  232 (-21 lbs)

Month 2: 216.4 (-15.6)

Month 3: 204.6 (-11.8)

Total Loss:  60.4 total, 48.4 since VSG

I'm not entirely happy, nor is my surgeon, since they like to see 20 lbs/month for the first 3 months, but it is what it is.  I'm far more active than I was before, my food has been, with the exception of 3 days I've addressed with my therapist, on plan, and I'm working on increasing fluids to 100 oz/day.  I AM happy to be this close to ONEderland.

I just do not understand how my weight loss slowed down so much.  Is it muscle gain?  I work out quite a bit, am upping the intensity, do both cardio and strength training, and seriously, except those days at Andy's parents, my intake and tracking are 100% accurate.  It can't JUST be needing more fluids. 

I FEEL good.  Really good--usually I have high energy and am generally happier (yay endorphins from exercise) and less stressed.  I feel stronger.  But I had visions of being at goal by 6 months, and that seems impossible now.  Even 8 or 10 months doesn't seem possible.  I also have serious doubts that 130 is a realistic goal weight for me.  I think 140 might be better, although for my height 135 is the top of my BMI 'healthy' range. 

Realistically, I am at least 70 lbs from having a healthy BMI.  At this rate, it will take me 7 months (October) to get there.

I suppose there are worse things.  Like still weighing 265. . .

