Stats/reflections at 5 months.

May 28, 2013


High weight:  265

Surgery weight: 253 (-12 lbs)

Month 1:  232 (-21 lbs)

Month 2: 216.4 (-15.6)

Month 3: 204.6 (-11.8)

Month 4: 191.2 (-13.4)

Month 5: 178.2 (-13)

Total Loss:  86.8 total, 74.8 since VSG

I think I'm still doing pretty well.  I know my dr. would like to see more, but I'm averaging 1/2 lb per day, and I think that's pretty good.  I get pretty wishy-washy when it comes to my actual goal weight.  130 is pretty arbitrary.  I know he'd like to see me well under the "healthy" BMI range, especially so that I have some "bounce back" room.  I'm going to do another body mass analysis test at my gym when I have a chance and see how my muscle mass is doing.

I feel good.  I can shop in regular stores.  I signed up for a 5K in Sept. and am doing Zombie Couch to 5K to train for it.  Part of that is because I'm going back to work this fall and I know I can't be at the gym as much as I have been.  I'm trying to convince myself I enjoy running so I can do that on days I can't make it to a class, haha.

Sorry if I look weird.  We almost forgot to do pictures, and my allergies are bugging me.



Still glad I did it.  It's hard work, but it's worth it.

