2 years out!

Jan 01, 2011


I can't believe I have not posted a blog entry in a year!  Life has become CRAZY, but a good kinda crazy:)!  I hope this finds you all, safe, happy and healthy in this new year!!  I couple days ago I become 2 years post-op..WOW!  In a way it feels like FOREVER ago that I had surgery, and in a way it also feels like it has just happened! 

So this past year has lead to SO many changes!  I finished nursing school, passed my boards & found my dream job!  Now I am SO busy!  There is NO way I would have had the energy to work this hard if I were still 265!  I would not even have gotten the job if I were still back there!  But I LOVE IT!!  I have found a wonderful work family and I am truly thankful!

After I started working, I was still loosing weight...I started having A LOT of hypoglycemic episodes at work..I e-mailed my dietitian who told me this is becoming more of a problem of women my age after surgery..She recommended I add some carbs to my meals and to eat at least every 3 hours....I do that, but I pretty much eat all day, 1-2 tiny bites between patients...It has keeps the hypo episodes to a minimum, I still get them, but not as often....If I have a nuts day where I could not munch, I seam to have a couple bad hypo days to follow......This is my only concern at the moment beside still having issues finding ideas on what to eat. :)

I had my 2 year post-op with Dr.Glass this week, I thought it would go wonderfully!  I had some LOW iron issues a couple months ago, but have brought the #s up and now normal....I left feeling like a complete failure!!!  He wants 3 solid protein meals a day, NOTHING else!  He acted like I made up my dietitians advice about carbs and eating through the day, he did NOT like that at all!!!  He really made me feel like I have screwed up!!  I was SO upset with the visit!  He does not want me to loose any more weight, but did not want to talk about how to manage the hypo episodes, he feels I have brought this on by adding carbs!  I tried to explain this advice was given AFTER having so many lows and had not touch but the smallest amount of carbs at that point (by the way she is talking complex carbs)...WOW, it did not go as planned....I came home and pulled up the e-mail with all the advice from my dietitian and replied explaining what I have just shared with you, she said she will get back to me as she need to talk to Dr.Glass about it...Still waiting on that reply.

With all that, I am SO thankful for my healthy life!!!  I am right where I wanted to be when I was imagining my life years ago!!  I love all of you and am SO thankful for the support I have received here...I have not had the time to contribute as much as I wish I could!!  I have made wonderful friends that I have not been able to be in touch with, but am SO happy they are a part of my life because of this site!!! 

Thank you for letting me vent and share my life with you!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2008
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 12
