Nurse J. 19 years, 8 months ago

Hello! I had surg. on aug.11 and was one pound more than your wt. when you had surg. I have lost 61 lbs. cant tell much difference yet at all. I have a long way to go. It is coming, but seems so slow. I am proud of you and your story was very interesting. Keep in touch. Your a great inspiration for lots of us. God Bless. Barb Jones

skinnierone44 19 years, 8 months ago

Good Morning I know it has been a very long time since I last was here. Alot has been going on in my life first and foremost I now weigh 130 pounds compared to 435 pounds. I am so very happy and loving my new job, which I have started in April. I love it so much. Life is treating me very well. I never thought that I would be working. I am working in a nursing home and love all the residents I showed them all the picture of what I used to look like and they said no way that is not you and I said oh yes it is. My hubby and I have been enjoying life. Hope you all are doing well my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love Kathy

skinnierone44 20 years, 7 months ago

Good Morning, How are you all? Hope you all are doing well. Good luck and god bless you all no matter what stage you are at. As for me I am doing really well I am 10 months out and have lost 238 pounds. I have lost 320 inches. And I now weight 197 I am so very very happy. I can do so much more now than I could last year. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. (((((HUGS))))) Love, Kathy

skinnierone44 20 years, 10 months ago

Good Afternoon AMOS family!!!!!!!!!! I weighed myself this morning and I weigh 232 which I am so excited about. I have lost 168 pounds plus whatever I lost prior to surgery. I sure hope that you are all doing well. My prayers and thoughts are with you all no matter where you are in this journey.. (((HUGS TO ALL))) Kathy

L. Brown 20 years, 10 months ago

Kathryn, WOW! You are really an inspiration. Thanks for updating us all here. Good luck as you continue on the journey of health and wellness. {{{HUGS}}}

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 10 months ago

WOW WEEEEEEEEEEE! Kathryn that's great. Congratulations to you on your great wt loss. You are surly using your TOOL very well. Keep up the good job and enjoy the new you, God Bless **Hugs**

skinnierone44 21 years, 5 months ago

Jan. 8~~~~~~~ Hello all sorry it has been so long since I have updated but have been busy and tired. I went to my own pcp on Monday Jan. 6,2003 and she wanted to weigh me and I said no I do not want to weigh until I go back to see the surgeon and she said you can close your eyes if you want. So I got on the scales and kept my eyes opened and she kept moving the scale thingy to the left and I kept saying keep going and going. Well I have LOST 24 POUNDS SINCE DECEMBER 23,2002 I was so excited my hubby was there with me and said see I told you you had lost. I was so very very happy. I go to see the surgeon on the 29th of January. So far since I have started this from the beginning of April 2002 I have lost a total of 55 pounds that is so great. I am feeling wonderful and would have this surgery all over again. Hope every one is doing well. I want to wish all the best to you all. My prayers and thoughts are with you all. Take care and God Bless you all (((((((((HUGS)))))))))) love ya

Barb S. 21 years, 5 months ago

Hi Kathy, Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know I'm thinking about you. Glad to hear your doing so well. God Bless you...Barb

Sharon Neva 21 years, 5 months ago

KATHRYN~~CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING IT TO THE LOSING SIDE~~ May Each New Day Find You Feeling Better....There are so many people thinking nice thoughts about you and wishing you a quick, easy recovery......~~EVERYDAY WILL GET BETTER AND BETTER~~

skinnierone44 21 years, 5 months ago

Hello All I am back and I am feeling really great!!!!!! My DH is a very big help to me he has been doing everything for me. And my Angel Sue has been so super keeping you all updated on me. Thanks so very much my Angel Sue!!!!! Love you Sue!!! Now as far as the operation goes I was in no pain until the second day after surgery when I had the dry heaves and let me tell you they hurt so much. I not only had them once I had them twice. Took some pain medicine then felt better and have been doing really well since. I have been walking all the time and drinking my water. Eating as much as I can. I can now get out of the recllner without holding on to the chair which is such an accomplishment. And the first shower was so wonderful. I have been to the stores and walked and walked I loved it. Was a little tired when we got home but took a nap and felt lots better I do feel better when I am up and walking. I am so glad that I had this surgery and I would definitly do it again. I was a little bit upset when I woke up from the surgery and discovered that they had to ask my DH if they could cut off my wedding ring. I asked them where my wedding ring was and they said we had to cut it off from your finger cause your hands were so swollen. They did give the ring to my hubby. When they told me they cut it off I cried and cried and they said oh look she is crying. Then when my DH came into the recovery room he showed me he had the ring I was ok then. We are going to renew our vows so we will be getting new rings. Well will go for now cause it is almost supper time. You all are so wonderful thank you so much for all your support will up date my file later k. BIG ((((HUGS)))) to you all Love you all Kathy
About Me
East Dummerston, VT
Surgery Date
Jun 24, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
on 5/02 I can't believe I look like that
12/31/2003 Wow do I feel so much better!!!! / July 4, 2004
