2 Month Anniversary

Mar 12, 2009

So I weighed in for my 2 month post-op anniversary and have lost 5 more pounds, bringing the total to 31 lbs.   

I am very happy with that and am now weighing in at a weight (188 lbs) which I don't remember being in a long, long, long time.  I get compliments ever day at work, which is sooooo motivating and am really psyched about the diabetes pretty much being non existent.  I still test twice a day and can tell the changes the weight lose is still having (for the good).  I was a 130 after dinner yesterday, which for me was unheard of.  Still struggling with getting in liquids, but other than that all is well.  I try to check OH everyday to see how everyone is doing and I am so glad that things are looking good overall for everyone.  I know we all have a setback here and there and its so nice to be able to share, vent or ask each other questions. 
Hugs to all of you and continued success.


Almost 8 weeks out

Mar 04, 2009

It's been almost 8 weeks and I am still learning things everyday about the major change to my life with sleeve surgery.  The insulin usage is just about non existent and I only have to give myself a small dose every once in awhile.  Energy is getting better everyday and my PCP just increased my B12 shots for the next 3 months to help me boost it..  I notice a little acid reflux when I forget to take my Prilosec, which I hope will not be a problem when I am done taking it in about 2 weeks.  BM are fine, liquid intake needs major improvement.  I was at about 48 ounces and think I have been taking in about 35 ounces the last few days.  I have never been a big drinker, so I really have to work on it.  I weigh in every 10-15 days with my surgeon and so far I have lost 26 lbs.  I have increased physical activity and have actually started working out at work a few days a week. I finally went down a few sizes and bought some new clothes. People are definitely noticing and commenting on my weight loss.  Have "cheated" here and there in eating something not recommended, but overall I have been trying to stick to the rules. I have no regrets on the surgery and can't wait to see how far it helps me to go in weight reduction. Overall, life is good and I feel blessed!  

6 Week Check Up

Feb 23, 2009

Went for my 6 week check up and all is well with my labs.  I was worried I was not getting in enough protein, but it's fine.  I am down 26 lbs since surgery, and my surgeon was happy with that, as am I. 

I notice my stomach has been a little "fussy" lately (since the peanut butter nightmare) and have been trying a lot of new stuff, so I think I am going to take a step backward and go back to puree for a day or 2 to give it a rest.  Seems like when I have 2-3 bites of anything not only am I full (which is normal for me still), but it also feels like I ate something heavy or hard to digest.  Anyone else ever feel this? 

Feel Much Better...

Feb 18, 2009

Well it took a good 2 days to recover from the peanut butter sandwich ordeal but I feel much better.  Have started to exercise daily and set a goal of doing it 6 out of 7 days of the week.  I am actually using my treadmill, which has been my clothes hanger for the last year and also bought a trail bike.  My hubby, son and I went for a bike ride the other night and I actually enjoyed it.  I NEVER thought I would use the word "enjoy" when talking about exercise.  Wow!  I notice I have more energy to get up and do something.  Again Wow!  I am at 25 lbs lost, which I am very happy with and going to reward myself with a spa massage or a nice treat when I hit 30 lbs!  Ah.... life is good. 

A lesson learned..

Feb 16, 2009

Last night I decided to have a small peanut butter sandwich for an evening snack.  I have not eaten bread since surgery and don't know what made me even decide on such a poor choice as I really didn't miss it.  So I eat the small sandwich and instantly feel terrible.  I don't "dump" with the sleeve surgery, but somehow the bread just did not agree with me.  It felt like is had expanded by 100 in my new little pouch and was really uncomfortable.  I finally threw most of it up after about 20 minutes of such a bloated uncomfortable feeling, and felt really off today. May have irritated my stomach. I kept that bloated full feeling all day, even when drinking liquids. 

I think I was getting a little ahead of myself ...  and got my hand slapped!  Back to reality.    

1 comment

My First Tickler

Feb 15, 2009


Back on track....

Feb 14, 2009

The weight has started to come off again and in weighing in with my surgeon my body fat mass went down from a start of 104 to 88.  Not sue exactly what that means but it sounds good.  I also noticed an increase in energy at the start of the week and did not come home from work and take a nap.  Also started cardio and light strength training and it wasn't so bad.  Trying to increase time and distance daily.  Feeling really good this week and I like it!!!!     
1 comment

What the heck????

Feb 09, 2009

Okay, so the scale has not moved in over a week.  Actually it has.  As of yesterday morning I gained 2 lbs???  What in the world is going on?  I thought perhaps it was because of my period early that arrived mid week, but have not shown any loss and now 2 lbs up.  I have been following the program 90%.  Just can't seem to get the 64 ounces in, but am getting in about 48 ounces.  Has this happened to anyone else for this long, or with a weight gain?  Could I not be eating enough and my metabolism stopped?  But then again if it was that, why the gain?  Now I have not been doing daily exercise yet, but managed to lose 18 lbs since surgery without it.  Any advice would be much appreciated.  Oh and I know I should not weigh daily but I can't help it, especially this week. 

Back at work

Feb 03, 2009

Well I have 2 days back at work under my belt and it wasn't so bad.  Was definitely tired at the end of the day but no problems other than that.  Only a few people new why I was really out, and they all said they already noticed a difference, especially in my face.  Nice to hear as I can't wait to loose the double chin!  I do find that I can eat more now.  I'm not talking a huge amount, but probably went from an ounce of protein when I first started puree once I was allowed to 3 ounces now.  Is that normal?  Anyone else notice they can take in more? Also some things do go down easier than others.  Crab, shrimp, lobster go down well once I chew it up, but Tuna, cottage cheese and ground turkey digest a little harder. Still seems like no room to add in veggies or fruits, which I can now do.  Is it bad not to be doing that?  I figured the protein was more important.
How everyone else is doing well.  Let me know.  Debi

Back to the grind...

Jan 31, 2009

My visit with Dr. Lester on Friday went well.  I can stop the antibiotics and only have to take the "sleepy" meds before bed for one more week, which is good as I will get a good night sleep.  Rash is COMPLETELY gone as is the itching!!! 

I can go back to work on Monday, but restricted to one month light duty. Also good, as I can catch up on cases while I was out.  My scale is back to showing a loss every day or every other day, so that is good.  Now if I could just get more liquids in.  Can seem to pass the 40-48 ounce mark.  Trying different proteins.  I like the OH Yeah drinks and the Adkins Advantage.  I enjoy one for breakfast, so that works well. Looking forward to starting to exercise this week also. Feel like I can finally get started on things.  Yahooooooo!!!

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Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2008
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