A Belated Holiday Update...

Jan 06, 2009

We definitely had a White Christmas here in Utah this year.  There was somewhere in the neighborhood of 2+ feet of snow that fell on Christmas day, and my poor husband spent many hours outside with his new snow thrower.  Dinner was at my house, and we had 17 people over.  Parking was interesting with the piles of snow throughout the neighborhood, but Erwin did a great job of clearing a path for our guests.  Despite the over-abundant downpouring, we had a wonderful visit with family and friends, and the prime rib was delicious!  I must admit that I completely over-compensated for my inability to eat sugar with twice as much baking as I usually do any other year, but I made all the things my Grandma used to make at Christmas time.  She's been gone nearly 3 years now, so this was my way of feeling closer to her, and reliving some of my fond memories of her.  Nobody really needs those plates full of sugary goodies, but when money is tight, that is something I can do for all the people I can't afford to buy other gifts for.  I suppose I'll need to come up with a healthier alternative for the coming years, but I enjoyed baking, nonetheless...

One small confession:  I did sample a small bit of most of my goodies.  Since I used to be a sugar-addict, I was hoping I would have a violent case of "dumping", so that it wouldn't be a temptation again, after the Holidays.  Unfortunately, that was not the case, but I did NOT like the way my body felt afterward.  I re-confirmed that it feels so much better to eat healthier, and I'm done with the sugar...  I was so worried that I had gained weight over the Holidays, but somehow managed to lose another 4 pounds over the past 2 weeks, for a total of 14 pounds lost between Thanksgiving and New Year's.  That's a little slower than my usual pace, but I'll take it!

The day after Christmas, I flew to California to visit with my Mom and my brother, Dan, and his family, who were visiting from Texas.  I hadn't seen them in about a year, so it was wonderful to catch up with everyone.  Dan has had such an amazing result since his RNY 11 months ago - he's down 195 pounds and is truly a miraculous story.  He has turned his food addiction into an exercise addiction, and has already completed 2 triathlons and a full marathon in the past few months, and is scheduled for several more in the coming year, along with a full Ironman this Summer.  My brother Jeff will be competing with him as well, which is also an amazing thing.  Coming from a family where many of us were severely overweight or obese, I'm so proud of the accomplishments we have all made toward improving our health.  I fully intend to make the most of the coming year, and commit to losing the remaining 75 - 85 pounds that will bring me to a "normal" size for the first time since high school.  I can't wait to accomplish this goal!!!

Appointment with Dr. McKinlay Today...

Dec 09, 2008

Today I had a follow-up appointment with my surgeon.  He seemed very pleased with my progress at almost 5 months post-op.  He told me that most people lose half of what they are ultimately going to lose by about 3-4 months out.  I believe I can do better though - I will do whatever it takes to lose ALL of my extra weight and be the healthy person I was meant to be.

It's kind of funny...  I've had A LOT of people at work taking notice of my drastic change in size lately.  I'm getting all kinds of comments, compliments and questions.  One thing I'm not so used to, that kind of took me by surprise, was a man that I used to work with in my previous department, told me I had better keep a wedding ring on these days, so people know I'm married!  I'm not really used to hearing things like that, so I'm not quite sure how to process it all, but I'm flattered, nonetheless.  (I told Erwin about what happened at work, just to see what he'd say, and he was a little bugged.  I secretly enjoyed that he got a little defensive (Is that bad?) - He isn't terribly forthcoming with compliments on how I look, so sometimes it takes other people saying it for him to chime in, too...)    He tells me he doesn't want it to go to my head... 

Finally Down 100 lbs.!!!

Dec 01, 2008

My body really held out and made me wait beyond my goal of losing 100 lbs. by Thanksgiving, but I'm happy to say I finally reached my first MAJOR milestone.  It's such a great feeling to have accomplished this in less than 5 months - who would have thought it was possible???  I am officially MORE than half way to my final goal!!! 

I have progressed from "Super Obese" to "Morbidly Obese", and now I'm just "Obese" (Who made up these terms anyway?)  Either way, I'll take it!

I'll post more later in the day and give my official weekly update with the Thanksgiving festivities of last week.  I've had family visiting from out of town, so I've been playing hostess and haven't had much time to sit down and write.  I did have Erwin take some updated pictures of me on Thanksgiving, so I will post those later too...

I Can Feel My Collar Bone!

Nov 22, 2008

By NO means am I thin yet, but I just noticed that I can feel my collar bone!!!  The layers of fat are melting away!!!  My body must really be in a good place right now, because I have had more carbs this past week than I normally do, and I've lost 7-1/2 lbs in the last 8 days, when I was expecting a MAJOR plateu.  I was at 260 lbs. for quite a while several years ago, but I sailed right past it and kept going!  (260 was what I weighed when I met my husband in 1994.)  The other milestone for the week was that I discovered I could finally wear my REAL wedding ring again.  When I had lost a lot of weight 5 years ago, I had sized it down from a 9 to a 6-1/2.  Obviously, it hasn't fit well since shortly after that.  The interesting thing, though, is I wasn't expecting it to fit for another 50 lbs!!!

It's interesting how long it took to jump to a smaller size early on after this surgery, but lately, it's happening much faster.  When I began this journey, I was wearing a 4/5X or 34/36.  I am now wearing a 22/24, and sometimes even an 18/20, depending on the cut.  Just for fun, I tried on a pair of size 20 jeans that I had tucked away quite a few years ago.  Not expecting them to fit, I thought I would just see how much futher I had to go.  To my surprise, they fit perfectly!!!  That got me on a role, and I ended up going through BOXES of clothes.  I have 3 large boxes ready to donate to D.I. (Deseret Industries), and at least that many more that I'm planning to sell on Ebay, in hopes of making a few bucks to help with Christmas expenses (and all the new clothes I keep accumulating!).

I took a bit of a stroll down memory lane, going through so many years of clothes.  I am finally at a place where I'm OK getting rid of my larger sizes, because I know I will NEVER need them again.  It was an amazing feeling to emotionally sever all ties with those things that I've been hanging on to for so long.  I honestly feel no remorse about letting them go.  I really do hope someone else can get some good use out of them, because I'm DONE with them!!!  I also took a look at a few things I have always hung on to since High School, thinking someday, I'll fit into them again (but not REALLY believing it).  Not that I would actually wear them, but just to know that they fit would be true satisfaction.  It was amazing to me, looking at my size 9 pair of jeans, that I actually thought I was HUGE back then!  I had such a distorted self-image as a teen, but what I failed to recognize was that I had a very developed woman's body and constantly compared myself to my tiny friends who took so many more years to lose that "little girl" figure.  What an unfair comparison...

I am now at a point in my life where I can see beyond that, and feel so grateful every day that I have a chance to re-discover who I really am, both on the inside and on the outside.  I'm learning to like my body.  I don't LOVE it yet, but I truly appreciate where I am, and can see hope for a much healthier self-image that I can be comfortable with as an adult.

Back from Arizona & Down 95 lbs!!!

Nov 18, 2008

Well, my trip to AZ has come and gone, and I had a great time visiting with family and seeing my brand new niece after she was born on Saturday, Nov. 15th.  Jeff & Stacy can't seem to make anything other than gorgeous babies, and Addie was no exception.  I helped take care of the other kids while Mom, Dad & Grandma's were at the hospital, and did a lot of the cooking.  It was so nice to take a break from work and spend some time with the people I love and don't get to see much anymore.

I did really well with my eating while I was out of town, and to my surprise when I weighed in this morning, I have lost another 5 pounds!!!  I am so close to the 100 lb. mark, and have so much renewed appreciation for how good my body feels.  I did NOT have to ask for a seatbelt extender on either of my flights, which was a great victory, and I now weigh less than I did when I met my husband almost 14 years ago.  Clothes are much easier to find, and I don't have to worry anymore about fitting into a booth at a restaurant or a regular bathroom stall (rather than the handicapped one).  I don't feel like people are staring at me anymore because of the enormous amount of space I used to occupy, and I don't feel disgusted with myself when I look in the mirror.  I am now feeling proud of my accomplishments and can finally see hope for a healthy future that I can comfortably pass on to any children I may be blessed enough to have in the next few years.

Almost half-way to goal...

90 lbs Gone Forever!!!

Nov 07, 2008

My personal goal was to lose 100 lbs. by Christmas, but I think I may just do it by Thanksgiving!!!  90 lbs. in less than 4 months is so mind-boggling to me.  I look back at my pictures from June, and think what a miserable, uncomfortable person I was.  That just wan't me, and I'm thankful every day for this gift I've been given.  I'm starting to look more on the outside like I feel on the inside, and it's a wonderful thing...

Next week I will be flying to Arizona to be with my brother Jeff's family when their 4th baby is born.  Not only am I looking forward to visiting with my family, but I will also enjoy not having to ask for a seat belt extender this time, or feeling embarrased that I'm hanging over into the seat next to me on some poor stranger!  (One of those small victories...) 

Small Victories...

Nov 04, 2008

Well...  I survived my first Halloween without the sweets that usually come with such an occasion.  I must admit, though, I was VERY tempted to sneak a bite of some of the goodies I was passing out to the Trick-or-Treaters.   I even went so far as to read the nutrition information to see which one was the least "bad" for me...  I think this was the most difficult day I've had since my surgery, in terms of testing my will-power.  I decided in my moment of weakness to read my brothers' blogs on OH, and I'm so glad I did.  They are both such an inspiration to me, and they are the reason I did not cross that line.  I even got up the next morning and did 2 miles on my treadmill, which was the most I've done in a single stretch.    I figured if Jeff could do his first triathlon on Saturday, I could give my personal best so far.

I have 2 younger brothers, both of whom have had RNY.  Jeff is one year younger than me, and had his surgery in July of '06 (jeff B. on my friends list).  Dan is two years younger than me, and had his surgery in January of this year (dancbjammin on my friends list).  The thing I find so amazing about them is their commitments to change their lives.  They are both now triathletes and are training to do a full Iron-Man together next year.  Dan is scheduled to be featured in OH Magazine in the Feb/Mar '09 issue - if you read his blog, you will truly be inspired.  Having gone from 400 to 220 lbs. in 10 months, with 2 triathlons already under his belt, and training for a full Marathon in December, I think he is one of the greatest success stories I've ever encountered.  He may be my baby brother, but he is truly a giant, and I couldn't be more proud. 

So... in my temporary moments of weakness, I have come to look up to my younger brothers for strength and wisdom.  I hope to have even half the success they do in becoming a healthy person, both mentally and physically.

3-1/2 Months Out and a Few Thoughts on Life...

Oct 28, 2008

I am now down 86 pounds, and can't quite believe how fast this has all happened.  While I still want to lose another 100+ lbs., I feel such a change in my body, my energy level, my ability and desire to get out and live life, and my confidence level.  I have lost a large amount of weight once before, but not with the knowledge that it could actually be a permanent change with a level of success that can physically and mentally be maintained long-term.  I have always doubted my ability to succeed in this area, but with the restrictions of RNY, it IS possible to get full on a very small amount of food and actually have the ability to stop and be satisfied with that amount.  I suppose there are ways to sabotage this over the long term, but why would anyone want to?  It would really take a lot of work (at least from my current perspective), and I am thankful every day, especially when I have moments of weakness, that my body really lets me know what is healthy and what is not.  It takes all of the guess work out of it, and keeps you honest with yourself. 

I hope years from now, I still have the same feelings of fullness and satiety that I enjoy right now.  I need this tool to work for a lifetime, so I can continue to enjoy knowing what being healthy feels like.  I want to be a good example to my future children, so that they never have to experience the pain of being obese.  I hope one day, my husband will follow my example of healthier eating, and that I can show my family by example what that means.  The real challenge will be getting rid of a lifetime of unhealthy thoughts and habits, but I'm confident that I will succeed...

Yahooooooo.... Down 80 lbs!

Oct 18, 2008

I had a couple of really slow weeks, then all of a sudden, my body decided to kick back into gear, and I've lost 5 lbs. over the last 2 days.  I love that!    I've been wanting to post some new pictures, but my computer with PhotoShop decided to take a nose dive, and the hard drive crashed the other day.  As soon as it's up and working again, I'll post some new photos.  I feel like I can see a huge change since my pictures a month ago were posted, but I'll have to wait and see once I can put them side by side...

Things at work are starting to flow a little better with my new job.  My replacement for my previous position started on Thursday, and she's a quick study, so I'm already feeling some of the burden of trying to manage both jobs at the same time being lifted.  What a relief! 

You know how you hear about food addictions transferring into another area, once a person has gastric bypass surgery?  Well, I know my tendencies from previous attempts at weight loss, and one I knew would be a weakness is rearing its ugly head again.  Even though I know this about myself, I still struggle...  What is my issue, you ask???  SHOPPING!!!  I have this nearly uncontrollable urge to spend money - some on clothes (which is ridiculous), and lots on home decor and jewelry.  The jewelry part is also ridiculous, because I can make my own, and it really is quite nice.  (I'm wearing my own creations in most of my pictures.)  Despite all of this, I can't help looking at other stuff.  One of my goals is to really work on this and replace shopping with more exercise.  Since I have a brand new treadmill now, there is no reason not to make the attempt.  I'll report back on how that goes...  If I still continue to struggle, I may find a new therapist to help me work through it.  I've done that previously, and I think it's a very healthy thing to do for yourself.  It doesn't make you a bad person - just one who recognizes there are personal areas that can use some refining. 

That's the beauty of life...  We are all a work in progress!!! 

3 Months Out & Down 75 lbs...

Oct 14, 2008

Three months ago I changed my life and my health forever.  It has honestly been one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.  When I have those days (and sometimes weeks) where I feel discouraged that my weight loss is slow, all I have to do is step back and look at the bigger picture.  How can I complain?  I could never have done this on my own in such a short amount of time...  I am soooo incredibly grateful to Dr. McKinlay for his tremendous ability to bless the lives of people like me.  Life is much richer than it has been in so many years...
