First post op appt.

Jan 24, 2010

Friday was my first post op appointment and everything was fine!  I don't need to take Iron or Magnesium any more. (thank goodness, they made my tongue turn black) They confirmed I lost 38 pounds and told me to add foods as I feel brave enough. I've sampled stuffing and it went ok. Tonight I'm having a baked pear for dessert. Not that they were off limits before, I just feel like I'm stepping out of my safety zone with baby food as the main food item.

I'm very much looking forward to a mini burger (slider?) with ketchup and mustard...maybe some sugar free relish...mmmmmmmmmmm   The bun isn't really a craving, just a burger holder. Something to take the spotlight off of what I'm eating.

Right now, I'm truly enjoying how little I eat and it makes me feel satisfied. I'm having some trouble with chicken, salmon and tuna. My stomach likes to send it back. The dr. told me to add some broth to it, but, I asked if it's the same if I just add a sip of beverage to my mouth while I'm chewing...what's the dif. right?? Shockingly, she agreed with me... It's ok. I've been following the "no liquids within 30-60 minutes of eating - before and after" religiously. So, if anyone out there is doing the same thing, rest assured, a sip in you mouth to assist chewing is the same as broth in the bowl. Now that I've typed that, it seems pretty common sense like.

Anyway, I don't know if anyone reads this stuff...but, I'm gonna' keep adding it so I can reread it all someday.

Well, It's been a bit over 5 weeks...

Jan 18, 2010

Now, I've lost 36.5 pounds. I'm going to put up a new picture here...just of my face...I need to put on a full body shot.

My pants fall down around my ankles if I don't wear suspenders. I've already lost 2 sizes in my pants and one size in shirts.

I never thought that this amount of weight would be noticable, but, it's SOOO fun to see someone I haven't seen in a while and those are the people that really notice!

The first 2 weeks were a complete blur! Partly because it was Christmas time and partly because the surgery kicked my butt! I had bruises in places I didn't think they'd be pokin' me. I ended up with 8 incisions and after 4 weeks the last bandage was removed by me. They told me to wait until they fell off, but, 4 weeks later, I was grossed out by the bandage.

I've already had a couple times when my weight plateaud for a few days. Even tho- I stopped losing, I can tell my body still changed.

My first post-op checkup is this Friday. We'll see how that goes.

My thoughts are all over here...but, I was under the impression that the surgery was 1-2 hours and I was to get 4-5 incisions. Well, the surgery was just short of 5 hours and I got 8 incisions and there was a "robot" that did the surgery...never knew that was a part of it. I ended up with a bruised hip the size of a large melon...I think they stepped on my hoo-hah with a military boot...and they chipped my front teeth. Believe it or not, even with all of that, I'd still do it again!

But, for anyone reading this before surgery, don't let it scare you, just make sure you go to the dentist soon after surgery to check your teeth. I thought my mouth was so dry that calculus built up on the back of my teeth, turns out it was a few chips.

I'm looking forward to buying new clothes and seeing where I end up a year from now.

I got approved!

Oct 29, 2009

I finally got approved for the surgery!! YAY!! I guess I shouldn't complain about the timeline. I began this journey on May 26th by telling my husband in the dark of night that I wanted to look into getting a lap band. To my surprise, he was 110% behind my decision and told me that whatever I wanted to do, I should look into it and go for it. (do I look that bad??) I am my own worst critic for sure! So, I try to tell myself that his support does not mean that I look bad, but, that he loves me and wants me to be healthy and happy. Yeah, I'll stick with that.

I contacted Dr. Ali's office on May 27th and thus began the process that would take me a few months at least.

I was lucky enough that my insurance did not require the monthly pcp visits. I did a sleep study to verify that I don't snore when I sleep on my back. I had a chest x-ray, upper gi, pulminary test (blow into a tube), electrocardiogram,thyroid test, psychologist clearance, numerous blood tests and maybe a couple more I've forgotten. Then we sent everything to my insurance. They said I lacked a cardiologist's clearance and a pulminologist's clearance. Back to the drawing board... So, I got those. We also were told that I would need one year of psych evaluation...but, then I did need it and then I didn't need it, then I did, then I didn't.... we ended on ...I didn't.  Can you hear the choirs of angels??? HALLELUJAH!!

This all started on May 26th and I got the approval on October 29th. My firtst actual appointment was July 8th and now the surgery will be on Dec. 9th...amazing!!!  Oh, and I changed my mind and decided to have the gastric bypass. I thought if I'm going to have all of this work done pre-op, I want to lose the maximum amount of weight. I'm afraid for myself that I won't be as successful with the lapband. I see that a lot of people are very successful, I just worry that I won't be one of them and I consider this a one shot deal.

I was very fortunate to have the help of a wonderful insurance coordinator, Shari, from Dr. Ali's office who is  committed to each patient as if they are the only one. I felt like she was a family member giving me that special attention you would get when a loved one does whatever they can to help you out. Thank you Shari for everything you did.

So, my surgery date is Dec. 9th and I begin the one week pre-op diet on Dec. 2nd. 6 times a day, I am to drink SF Carnation instant breakfast with 1% milk.

I can't wait to finally be able to see a change on the scales and in my clothing size.
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May 06, 2009
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