I got approved!

Oct 29, 2009

I finally got approved for the surgery!! YAY!! I guess I shouldn't complain about the timeline. I began this journey on May 26th by telling my husband in the dark of night that I wanted to look into getting a lap band. To my surprise, he was 110% behind my decision and told me that whatever I wanted to do, I should look into it and go for it. (do I look that bad??) I am my own worst critic for sure! So, I try to tell myself that his support does not mean that I look bad, but, that he loves me and wants me to be healthy and happy. Yeah, I'll stick with that.

I contacted Dr. Ali's office on May 27th and thus began the process that would take me a few months at least.

I was lucky enough that my insurance did not require the monthly pcp visits. I did a sleep study to verify that I don't snore when I sleep on my back. I had a chest x-ray, upper gi, pulminary test (blow into a tube), electrocardiogram,thyroid test, psychologist clearance, numerous blood tests and maybe a couple more I've forgotten. Then we sent everything to my insurance. They said I lacked a cardiologist's clearance and a pulminologist's clearance. Back to the drawing board... So, I got those. We also were told that I would need one year of psych evaluation...but, then I did need it and then I didn't need it, then I did, then I didn't.... we ended on ...I didn't.  Can you hear the choirs of angels??? HALLELUJAH!!

This all started on May 26th and I got the approval on October 29th. My firtst actual appointment was July 8th and now the surgery will be on Dec. 9th...amazing!!!  Oh, and I changed my mind and decided to have the gastric bypass. I thought if I'm going to have all of this work done pre-op, I want to lose the maximum amount of weight. I'm afraid for myself that I won't be as successful with the lapband. I see that a lot of people are very successful, I just worry that I won't be one of them and I consider this a one shot deal.

I was very fortunate to have the help of a wonderful insurance coordinator, Shari, from Dr. Ali's office who is  committed to each patient as if they are the only one. I felt like she was a family member giving me that special attention you would get when a loved one does whatever they can to help you out. Thank you Shari for everything you did.

So, my surgery date is Dec. 9th and I begin the one week pre-op diet on Dec. 2nd. 6 times a day, I am to drink SF Carnation instant breakfast with 1% milk.

I can't wait to finally be able to see a change on the scales and in my clothing size.

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Surgery Date
May 06, 2009
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