
Jul 13, 2009

I am happy to report that I am now weighing 189. I am currently weighing less than HUSBAND!!!! by 6 ounces.
Not a big deal but I weigh less than him. We kinda have a race of who can get to 186 first. He was weighing 186 when we left for Mexico and he gained 5 pounds. Now he is at 189. My mini goal this week is to get there before he does unfortunately I loose 1 pound every other day.

So I start proteins on Wednesday not really looking forward to this but gotta do it. On Thursday I start driving again, thank GOD!!! I wont have to get up 30 mins earlier :) I am a lazy ass when it comes to getting up early.

In May I had my last stent put in and I think they must have touched some nerve, I am having trouble walking. I did not go to the doctor for this because I did not want them to find anything wrong and the WLS surgery be canceled. I went to the doctor on Friday to get stitch out and and talk about the leg.

My PCP was very proud of weight loss and then freaked out about my leg. He had me do a sonogram for a blood clot, stayed in hospital for 3 hours then finally cleared.  Thursday I have another kind of sonogram or Doppler to see what the hell is wrong with the leg. I also need to get a sonogram for my spleen. Dr. Pompa found a cyst on my spleen hopefully it is just some bacteria build up and not something serious.

Since I have leg pain I am not able to walk. On Sunday I went to my first walk after WLS. I wanted to walk at least 5 miles but I knew after the first 10 minutes that was not going to happen. I walked 1.6 miles, I thought I had only walked 1 miles. I did better than I thought.

I have been eating pureed tofu. I love tofu!! I do not have to add it to anything just out of the box is fine. So yesterday DH took me to a vegetarian restaurant we go to all the time. I thought if I am eating tofu at home than I can eat tofu at restaurant. I ordered General Tso "Chicken" chicken is made from textured soy protein that is very soft. This restaurant brings it from Japan. The dish is delicious, I thought I could eat 1 or 2 nuggets and pack the rest, give to hubby for lunch. Well I had 3 pieces and they went down fine, I had my water. The TSP expanded in my stomach or esophagus who the hell knows. I about died. Wanted to toss cookies couldn't, wanted to burp couldn't, I was hot, cold, nausea every thing felt wrong, my heart felt as if it was going to come out of my chest.

Moral of the story stick to the plan doctor gave me. That is what I get for pigging.


About Me
Reston, VA
Surgery Date
Apr 23, 2009
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