I'm home!!

Jun 27, 2008

It's done!  I'm home and feeling great!  I was really shocked how good I felt after the surgery!  the staff at the hospital were great. the only problem I had was the first time I drank milk. that was a shock and it hurt quite a bit. but I think I did too much too soon.  I'm drinking milk just fine now.  I'm really looking forward to seeing changes  each day now.


Jun 23, 2008

This is it!  No turning back!  I'm so excited. I'm leaving today to head for the hospital so I'll be out of touch until I'm back from the hospital. I'm ready to be on the other side. I tell you the liquid diet portion of this last two weeks has been the hardest of this whole process!  but that is about over as well.   I look forward to seeing how much of a change this will be for me. 

5 days to go!!

Jun 19, 2008

only 5 day's to go! so many things to do and plan. I'm so excited and cannot wait for my new life to begin. I talked with my mom about being excited and she is still nervous but she is very excited about what this means for me.  

We talked about my desire to run once some of my weight comes off and about the idea to work my way up to a 5k then half then full marathon. for being a non runner and just a walker a this time that is a mighty big goal for me but it's my dream.  knowing this I told her about the San Francisco Marathon and she immediately told my family in the area that we would be out there next year for me to run in the marathon!  I'm scared that this is too big of a goal but I'm going to try to be ready since she's pushed me over the edge and I won't just say no I'm not ready. but I'm secretly kinda excited as well. who knows in a year if I'll be another person who can do this.   HOW EXCITING!!

Got the Date!!

May 13, 2008

I'm so excited! I finally got the date! no stopping me now. I'm amazed ,with all of the research I've done I really expected to have a hard time to get the approval from my insurance.  My co-ordinator worked really quickly to get me an approval and it went smoothly for me so now I've got my date.  I keep looking around and asking myself "now what" what do I need to do next to be ready? I guess I'll find that out as I go along.

About Me
Des Moines, IA
Surgery Date
Apr 14, 2008
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 4
I'm home!!
5 days to go!!
Got the Date!!
