Pre-op testing and other things

Jul 30, 2011

I had my pre-op testing yesterday. Things went ok. They drew blood and did and EKG. the EKG was quick and simple. they stuck a bunch of stickers on me and hooked me to a machine. a moment passed and then they said they were done. The blood drawing went ok as well. the last tube seemed to take forever to fill up. I'm now bruised and have a rash where they taped my piece of gauze down. This was with paper tape, so I guess any kind of tape does it to me. 
I have to admit I cheated today on my liquids. I ate a cheese roll up. this was after I saw we had very little milk. My oldest daughter finished up the milk after I made myself a protein shake. She saw my special k protein and told me I could just drink that.  I still have sugar free popscicles, though my youngest son keeps taking them from me when I go to eat them.
I am thiking of taking back some clothes mom bought for the vacation so we can have some food money. Our vacation is postponed because mom broke her ankle. The pants hopefully wont be fitting for very long anyway so may as well get something more useful out of them.
In the taking better care of myself front I went and had some acrylic nails put on and a pedicure (courtesy of mom before said ankle incident). I even got a very pretty design on my big toes. I have never done anyhting "girly" like that before. The nails already feel natural to me. They are a nice short  (just past my fingers) length.
I feel bad about mom getting hurt. I know she and everyone else were looking forward to this trip. Looking at it another way, at least now I wont have to be on vacation and on a liquid diet.

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South Charleston, WV
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Mar 05, 2008
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