Thank You!

Jun 14, 2008

I just wanted to say thank you to the friends I have made on here for all the support and extra information I have received from them thus far. I have to say that all the advice given is so helpful. You all have done great so far, and that is so motivating to me. I hope that I can be that support for others also, so please don't be afraid to ask me anything... I'm an open book! (Well, to a point, lol)

16 days................

Reactions are good...

Jun 11, 2008

I have been telling more people I work with about the surgery and they all have been very supportive. I wasn't sure how they would take it or what they would think... but they all are happy and already joking about my bikini next summer, lol. This makes me happy that I have support. Some of them are even asking what hospial I am going to be at because they are going to come visit me. :) I was scared to tell them but it was good getting it off my chest and receiving such positive feedback. It is interesting all the questions they have because most people don't really understand it... one though I was getting some kind of liposuction, lol.

19 days.........................


Jun 08, 2008

So, I've been feeling a bit nervous. I never had real surgery before, maybe my mouth.. that's about it. I just wish time would go faster to get this over with because the waiting is killing me. I have a presurgicial appointment for testing on the 23rd, should be interesting.. all new to me. I almost have everything together, just got to get lots of Carnation Instant Breakfast and Vitron C.

22 days and counting.................

Picked all my weeds, but kept the flowers.

Jun 01, 2008

Well, it's been almost 3 months without talking to Sam, and I'm guessing it's really over. My friend jokes and says maybe he's out getting his shit together to get me back, hahaha... quite frankly I wouldn't care. I think I am ready to move on. I'm getting my mojo back lol as funny as it sounds. There are some guys around now that I am interested in, but who knows. Part of me is waiting to see what happens after my surgery. But then I think... well if they didn't take interest in me before my surgery then why now? My looks, not who I am. Makes me not want to date anyone I knew before hand who didn't give me the time of day. Harsh? Not sure. But I am ready to get out there! I am single and ready to mingle!! I think it is just hard going through this when I have other things on my plate. But I have to say this surgery stuff has kept me busy and made it easier to get through everything.


May 29, 2008

Well.. I told human resources, CSRs and my supervisors... and everything went well. I wasn't sure how it was going to go, but they all seemed to be pretty supportive. But I definitely have all the days I need off and now I am not so worried... everything is falling into place.

About 30 days till my surgery... the count down is on!!


May 28, 2008

My surgery date is... dun dun dun.... JUNE 30th!!
One month... now to gather all the vitamins and what not I will need. Can't wait to tell work tomorrow... hahahahahaaha!

And after this taking forever.. AND A DAY...

May 24, 2008


Yay! So finally... after it took forever I am approved by Fallon. I'm calling on Monday or Tueday (depending on when they are open because of the holiday weekend) and getting my date. This is great... I teared up when I got the letter because I knew my life is going to change for the better and I was so excited. I'll update on Monday with the date!!!

And waiting...

May 04, 2008

The letter is on its way from my insurance... tick tock tick tock! Very impatient! My work is going to be THRILLED hearing I'll be out for 4 weeks.. not! lol Oh well... its my time now. 


The date is on it's way!!

Apr 29, 2008

I had my presurgical appointment with the surgeon and his staff. It went very well and it was very informative. The staff was great and very personable, they answered anything. Then I met with my Doctor, Donald Czerniach. He was very nice and also very informative and positive.... and also so cute! He can cut me open whenever! Hahahaha. But, I am VERY happy that the staff is so great and I am now sooo excited.... I can't even explain it! He said there would be no problem with my insurance and I should know shortly.


Pre-surgical Visit!

Apr 15, 2008

I have my pre-surgical appointment on April 29th! Then hopefully a date will follow soon.. they said not to worry because I had great insurance. :) Love it!!

About Me
Webster, MA
Surgery Date
Aug 12, 2007
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