Artun Aksade

"Dr. Aksade was great! The program at Easton Hospital was really amazing. I had 3 months of preparation and information before my surgery. By the time my surgery happened, I knew what to expect..and how to deal with everything. The information that the whole team shared with me made me feel like I could teach a class by the time I was done. It made me feel very confident that this was something I could do and be successful at. I have seen a lot of people have a surgery and gain the weight back.. I know that will not be me. Dr. Aksade and all of his staff were very hands on and always available to answer any questions I may have had. The office took care of all of my insurance issues.. I couldn't tell you if there were any problems..they just took care of it. In Easton Hospital.. I had a private room with a comfy bed and nice flat screen tv..the nurses were all friendly and very helpful. The room was clean and the entire floor was always clean and tidy.. I did many laps after my surgery, so I got to look around. Whenever I hit the button for the nurse, they came quickly. Dr. Aksade and Mandy came to visit me and check on me. Dr. Aksade seems to be a genuinely nice person. I have worked with Dr.s for years and that is not always the case. At my first follow up visit he listened to my concerns and addressed them and gave me encoragement. I highly recommend Dr. Aksade and Easton Hospital's program."
About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 26, 2011
Member Since

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