Why did I let my weight get so far out of hand???

Feb 13, 2009

That's been my thought lately. I guess it has a lot to do with the extra skin and wrinkles.
I do have an answer, I have mentioned it before and if I had advice for anyone younger than 30-40 I would say... Find out  your normal weight zone and never let yourself get more than 10 lbs over. That might even be a bit much but lets keep things reasonable. I truly feel if I had learned then what I know now I would have never allowed myself to get to the point that my skin has stretched beyond repair. The other thing is about losing muscle first then fat while on the losing side but when you gain you gain fat unless you are on a workout program.

My doctor does not want me to do weights right now and try to get my muscle back. He feels it sends that wrong signals to your body.  Here you are trying to lose, lose, lose. But lifting any heavy weights says build, build, build and your body can't figure it out.

So for now it's just walking and repetitions of very light weights (2-5lbs) and losing as much weight as I can in this very narrow window after surgery. THEN, after I've been at goal for a bit I will start to strengthen and build.

My friends Jackie and Janet are both doing real well and Jackie's daughter just had her surgery yesterday. I'm so proud of her and hope she has as much success as we have had.

