Another Weekend gone

Nov 16, 2009

Well another weekend has passed, uneventfully. Other then I got my nails done!! hehe Yeah me! I LOVE my nails!!

We are gearing up for Joshua's B-day party on the 11th and then Christmas.

I'm not like many that dread the holidays and the idea of not eating. I'm HOPING I will have my surgery BEFORE then. Hope all these dumb bacteria/parasites that cause ulcers are killed by the meds I am taking and I'm able to get back on track!! Wish me luck!!

I'm in a good frame of mind. I'm in a good place. Other then having no energy and NOT exercising. My husband has been great about reminding me that the lazier I am the more tired I will be. But, he's not mean or hateful about it. I'm soo thankful to have him!

Slowly I'm telling my nine year old more and more about what is going on. I didn't want to just slam him with info and have him all reeling from it. My 18 year old of course knows what is going on, as far as me having surgery and having to be in the hospital for some time. The extra appointments I have been having he's a bit unaware of. hehe He's eighteen. What can ya expect?? hehe

It has turned horribly cold here and dreary. I'm so thankful it's not snowing or wet (it was drizzly yesterday). I can deal with weather like this. hehe

I have made out my 2 week meals for family dinner and I have some VERY interesting ones! We had a breaded flounder that was very good! I served it with seasoned rice and veggies. I am soo looking forward to having my surgery and eating my protein and then veggies and then grains, and being too full to eat!! hehe I have started already to eat that way. To eat my protein and then veggies and leaving my grain/starch side dish for last. I take much longer then anyone else to eat as well! hehe I've ALWAYS chewed my food really good and I do pause between bites. hehe

I am making avocados with curried chicken tonight. Sounds YUMMY! I can't wait! hehe

I've asked my hubby for a George foreman grill that grills 4 things at once and the WLS cook book on amazon that I've seen on here. I soo am looking forward to getting that one! Even now! hehe

I am thankful for:
A house that keeps me warm and protected from the weather.
Children that bring me laughter and teach me patience.
A husband to lean on and laugh with.
A country to be free in.
Peace that comes from knowing I have a Heavenly Father that loved me enough to grant me life.
The ability to read and write.
My friends that lift me up and are there for me to lean on and turn to!

Humility enforces where neither virtue nor strength can prevail, nor reason"
~~Francis Quarles

When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.
~~Hugh White (1773 - 1840)


With love to my Hero...My husband

Nov 11, 2009

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Here Comes the Rain again~~

Nov 08, 2009

Well another set back to plans for my WLS.

I just got the call today that I have the stomach bacteria and will have to be on meds to kill it off for a couple of weeks and then will have to have the scope done again to ensure they are all gone and then reschedule my appointment! Whew! hehe

I'm not too sad over it. The main annoyance is my husband's work! I mean they are artillery and they are non-deploy-able for the next few months (since they just came back from deployment) and yet he has had to fight them tooth and nail this whole time to get time off and to even pick me up and get the day off when I had my scope!! They have NO consideration for families in his command!! They are simply HORRIBLE! I even wrote to the army command about it (on their website and the base commander here). My husband has NEVER taken time off to take care of kids or me. This was the FIRST time! Even when my youngest had to have oral surgery, I scheduled it when he was home on leave from a damn war!!!

So, there is my rant! hehe. At least I get to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner!! hahaha See, there is a bright side to everything!

I'm not really that put off by having the date pushed back. I'm annoyed more then anything, but at least if EVERYTHING that CAN go wrong, goes wrong, then I'll be more then prepared!! hahaha

I've changed my sleeping habits and I'm going to bed FAR earlier then I use to, and having TONS more energy during the day to do chores and cleaning. YEAH me!! hehe

So, there it is. I have no date, since I have to get meds and then I have to reschedule my WLS once another scope is done to ensure all those little bugs in my stomach are dead! hehe Maybe that's why I have heartburn?? LOL I was worried I might have to take the medication...and look what happened!! HAHAHA

Never borrow trouble! That's my quote for the day!! hehehe


    FlatTire.jpg image by ryanmediocre2

   20 years picture person talk hair days lol
Never borrow trouble!! Because you will find it.



Back in action

Nov 08, 2009

I have been absent for some time now (going on nearly a month on the 16th). I can't say that life is bad, but that I don't stay up late any longer and I have become active on Facebook (yep, I was FINALLY sucked in!! hehe).

I do miss this blog though! It really helped me to express and to have a place to be me. So, I've taken it up again and will be posting like I had prior to my long hiatus. Plus, this site has spell check too!! hehe LOVE that.

I have had my scope done and it went GREAT!! The only issues I had was AFTERWARD! This is the second time that the anesthesia effected me. It causes me to become depressed and despondent and having utter despair. It's NOT fun! It was a whole day before it wore off. Needless to say, it was NOT fun for my husband! hehe

I  have to wax political now. I am completely worried about the political climate and the things that politions are doing to serve their own purpose and forgetting that WE the people of the U.S. of A sent them to do a job and NOT to grant them God-like power and control. Nearly ALL of them have forgotten that, and it scares me to ponder just what kind of world my children will have if these psycho paths are allowed to have their way. I can only pray and be as prepared as I can be for the worst!

My surgery date has been pushed back a few days (the 23rd), and my surgeon is not the one I thought would be doing it (they work in a team) even though both surgeons will be in there, the one I wanted to be the actual surgeon will be assisting, so...six of one, half dozen of the other, as the saying goes. hehe It's just that my surgeon is not very warm, and doesn't have a good bedside manner. He's very abrupt and aloof. Just business like. I know he is busy and hard pressed for time, but, I really have to say, I LOVED Dr. Reyes. He knew his stuff, yet was human and cared. Where as my surgeon now, I'm a patient to get in to surgery and out the door and on to the next one. Again, I know he's hard pressed, but ya know, a BIT of effort and fake smile now and then would go a LONG way.

He was great on my scope. I had NO effects what so ever (except to the anesthesia and I don't think that's something that can be helped), compared to the woman before me that was a smoker and they had to give her a breathing treatment and keep her longer then me! hehe So, I was thrilled to be up and out of there!! Pays to NOT smoke! hehe

I must close, but I want to leave my images and quote for the day~~~

...this too shall pass...

A few days break

Oct 16, 2009

Well I have been MIA a bit. hehe

Life has been good though. Nothing wrong or anything. Well...

The weather here has been just wretched for DAYS!! I have hated it. It has been rainy and overcast for weeks!! I am really effected by the weather! I get very tired and withdrawn and quiet. I just want to sleep (which I have been doing a LOT of) and do nothing.

Yesterday was finally a blue sky day!! WOOT! hehe I was up and doing LOTS! I had lots of energy. I got a lot done, even going shopping as soon as it was midnight!! hehe I beat the rush! It was nice, there was less then 20 cars in the parking lot!! hehe

I had been having a TON of heart burn for weeks now. I discussed my worries that I feared I might have ulcers and then delay my surgery. It made me sad. My husband wondered if it might not be my vitamins. He asked if I was taking them as directed. I told him I was taking the ones that said to take with food with food. Though I wonder if I need to take my calcium alone. Then I just stopped taking my vitamins for several days now and I have had NO heartburn at all. So. It has to be SOMETHING with either the vitamins or suppliments. I can say when I would have to take my vitamins I just cringed! So perhaps some of it might have been mental too.

Kaleb's birthday party was today and we had a GREAT time!! hehe He had fun!!



One small step for WLS

Oct 08, 2009

I had my 1-on-1 today...only it was more like a 3-on-1 hehe! 

My surgeon was running a half hour behind because his surgery went long. So, the three of us that were waiting for our consult he combined us in the conference room and went over the risks.

Now, I have kept what I think is a fairly positive outlook and focusing on the good, while acknowledging that there are risks.It's a completely DIFFERENT experience when the man that is going to be cutting you OPEN is telling you the risks and ticking them off for what seems like fifteen minutes! HELLO!?!? Can you say reality check?? Cause it hit me. He finally finished listing them all looked around at the three of us silent faces and asked if we still wanted the surgery. Me being the somewhat smart ass I am, smiled and batted my lashes and said. "Gee is that all?? Well when do we start?" My heart was pounding! They took my blood pressure right after and it was HIGH! I told the nurse that it was more from anxiety from what the doctor said then from it actually being high. Sure enough, she took it right before I left and it was considerably lower! hehe

I was the luckiest of the three of us because I already had my scope date and surgery date from the week before. He told the other two ladies that he'd have to get back to them for scheduling since he was into Dec already!! WOW!

I also was able to take my paper work personally to the same day surgery clinic for my pre-op for the scope (tell ya what to expect and when to stop eating ect.) and pre-op for my WLS. So I'm all set on my dates!! WOOT!!

I am a bit concerned since lately I have been having a TON of heartburn. It has got me wondering if it is ulcer related, and if it is, then that would set my surgery back by a month. Which now that I'm here and have a date, I'm ready!! Let's get it on and get it done!!

I was a bit surprised when my surgeon said he didn't want to see our food diaries or exercise logs. He said if diet and exercise worked then we wouldn't be talking to him. He just told us that once we had the surgery we needed to stick to the protein veggie diet and make sure we were taking our vitamins. That's it?? He didn't mention exercise at all.

Of course he was a bit pressed for time. hehe

We did have individual exams where he listened to our hearts and then checked abdomens and pointed out where the incisions will be made. Then he was off to the next patient. He did have a very dreamy accent! hehe He's from Portirico!! YUMMY!!! hehe

On the home front my hubby is off for a four day and even had a half day today. He had PT at the gym I go to on Biggest Loser night.  He was in a mood since the commander had come down on them for another soldier and that soldier's wife each getting into trouble with law. It was not a happy commander this afternoon my husband says. He hates when someone messes up, cause then EVERYONE in the battery is treated like THEY messed up. EVERYONE gets yelled at like they are dumb asses! Gotta love it! hehe

My oldest son called the recruiter back and told him he was putting off taking the test until after my surgery. The guy didn't call back and be obnoxious (which is what I expected). So now we are focusing on getting his license. Though the kid doesn't study!! Told him I was NOT going to ride him about it. He either did it or not. Enough said.

I have been having wretched luck on making it to the gym! I wasn't' able to make Biggest Loser night since the hubby was doing training. I wasn't able to meet Kim since I had to hurry up and wait to pick him up! hehe I give up making plans to go.

I really want to go to the water classes though! the evening doesn't work since I have to get dinner fixed, kids homework done, baths and kids in bed. Patrick is so beat when he gets home from having to deal with the mental stress of the political nature of office work. He's burning out fast!!

All this running back and forth is just not working! hehe I already told Patrick we are soo buying a van this January. I'm tired of this having to schedule to use my own car!! hehe I told him we were going to get him a scooter! One of his NCO's have one actually and told him they are GREAT on gas!! hehe He's soo silly!

Safeguard the health both of the body and soul.

Every man is the builder of a temple called his body.
~~Henry David Thoreau

Our bodies communicate to us clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen to them.
~~ Shakti Gawain

It's the little things

Oct 07, 2009

Well, it's one of those days again! Where nothing seems to go as planned.

I had plans to meet with Kim to go to the gym and then to head to the store to finish picking up those few things I had forgotten yesterday.

Welp, I'm dressed and ready to head out to the gym when the hubby texts me that he's done with the field, come pick him up!! ok...I'll run over there and get him. So I head out and get parked in the usual space and get a text from him that he's going to be a bit longer (about 20 minutes he says) so, ok. Fine. I have a book I'm reading. I look up and think; " long has it been?" I'm thinking it's been 20 minutes. SHOCKER! It had been FORTY!! I text my hubby and ask him WHEN he'll be out? I'm waiting for him to give me the '20 minutes babe', answer. This time, SHOCKER, he says when the NCO said they were released, THEY WEREN'T!!! So, they are still waiting for the BC (battery commander) to release them and though HE is at the office with the BC (he's the BC's personal driver) every one else is still 'in the field' wandering around while the BC does paper work?!?! HELLO?!?? These guys have families and other things they can be taking care of.

So, I head home and of course wait. hehe Gotta LOVE the military! hehe eyeroll.gif Eye Roll image by KellysKoloboks
I'm doing laundry and checking the phone to see if he's called. I put off doing my shopping, because I have had to just leave a store before and go pick him up. Just so ya know.....


So, FINALLY about TWO p.m. I go and pick up this boy and of course can't be angry with HIM. But it sure is frustrating at times. So a WHOLE day blown in the 'hurry up and wait' game.
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I have to apologize to Kim for not making it to the gym. Plus I wasn't able to make it to the gym last night because the hubby wasn't here and my oldest son went out with friends, so it was just the little guys and I.

I have no idea why these exercises even take place! They are scheduled for a WEEK and then cut down to 3 days and ended up being ONE day. Hello?!?! So, yeah...that's annoying. I have to give that to the AF. When they have their training, they train buddy!! hehe And it's the FULL duration and they do what they say they are going to do.

So, yeah, a busy day of doing nothing. hehe though on the upside, I did get the laundry done, the floors swept and mopped with bleach. I do need to give Kim a text and apologize for not making it to the gym.

I had another friend that I would make plans to do things with and they were constantly getting thwarted. lol

Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew. - St. Francis de Sales

Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius. - Comte de Buffon

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

This too shall be overcome with God

Oct 02, 2009

So, I was VERY excited about going to my appointment today!! My FINAL 1-on-1!! I get my scope date AND (far more importantly) my surgery date!!! I get the kids up and going. Get them dressed and my 7 yr old is CRANKY!! Just a pill! 

I'm getting showered and wrapping my hair in a towel and my phone is going off the hook! I pick ti up, it's my hubby! He's out at the garge needing the door open so he can get the car in (our door opener battery is dying! hehe). I'm excited, but then he says he needs me to throw some clothes on take him to the E.R. The kids are meandering around, and my Kaleb (the seven year old) is STILL having a COW because he's wearing play clothes instead of SCHOOL clothes (the only difference? Is the DRAWER the clothes are in. kids! hehe)

I tell the oldest to help get the little ones on the bus, send the nine year old out to HIS bus and get in the car with my husband and take him over the E.R. He tells me to head home, since he has NO idea how long he'll be, so I can get ready for my appointment (my hair is just pulled back, I'm in house shorts and shirt...looking rough I tell you! hehe).

By the time I get home, my husband has called to come pick him up...I got back to the ER to pick him up and they made a 2:30pm appointment for him?!?! I was SHOCKED!! So, I take him home and get ready for MY WLS appointment with the surgeon. BUT! Before I can go, I have to drive by his work to drop off his I.D. so his boss in his office can use it to get into the computer. FINALLY, I get there, get in and get vitals done and weight done (down 6.5 pounds since they weighed me the first of Sept WOOT!!) and my husband texts from home saying they have an earlier appointment and was I able to make it to my appointment on time (since I also had to pick up a sick ked from school and take him home BEFORE I was able to get out and head to MY appointment!! I'm tirled already, are you?? hehe).  Told I did get in and was waiting for the doctor, but if the pain was too much for him to wait, I'd leave and reschedual (even though they had given me my surgery date, as long as I completed my appointment with the surgeon TODAY ) the nurse was a bit shocked when I walked out and explained the situation.

I was in near tears with frustration at having to leave and the nurse was soo kind! But what could I do?? I mean a husband in pain and in need of IMMEDIATE medical attention, versus an appointment that I COULD reschedual for a later date even if it was depressing to me, so I picked him up he felt badly and I told him I was of course NOT made at HIM, just the situation.

We get to the hospital. The doc thinks he has a extremally bad sprained ankle AND foot from hyper extending it when he stepped on the rock. I have to run BACK over to his office to pick his I.D. BACK up so he can use it at the hospital to get meds! THEN, off to X-ray we go. He was asked twice by med techs of he wanted a wheelchair since he was limping down the hall and had to keep saying. "Slow down babe." While he was panting in pain. I told him he should take the chair and he said he'd look stupid. I said he looked dumber hobbling down the hall way!!! hehe MEN!!! 

So we get there and I'm worried all his hobbling might have made it worse if it WAS broken. Well he gets there and they confirm the doc's inital gut feeling and it IS hyper extended and no breaks.

While waiting for him to get done with the doc I call back my surgeon's schedualing nurse and she was soo kind to try and get me back in this afternoon, but there was NO way since the surgeon has FOURTEEN appointments this afternoon. She did however get me back in 8th at the same time! She was very sweet and asked after my husband and how he was doing. She said if I made the appointment and completed my scope on the 4th then I get to keep my Nov. 17 surgery date!!!!! 


 NOV 17TH!!!!


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DoingTheHappyDance.gif HAPPY DANCE image by ressiejDoingTheHappyDance.gif HAPPY DANCE image by ressiej

To the NEW me!!!


Biggest Loser gym work out

Sep 29, 2009

Well I went to the gym tonight to work out with my dietitian and got there like 40 minutes early!?!? Hehe Needless to say, I sure didn't want to be late!! hehe

So I get there and I'm looking around and find the room with the treadmills in it and the gym is actually rather busy!! I was surprised since my dietitian said that after about 5pm the gym dies out. But it's nice to see a busy gym! 

I get a treadmill and notice that there aren't any left for my dietitian!?! There are lots of elliptical machines though. I just hope that when she shows up that there will be a treadmill for her.

I start walking on the machine 15 minutes before Biggest Loser starts. slowly, just a steady pace. So by the time BL gets going I'm looking around and don't see her. Then she comes rushing in right from work!! Poor woman! I told her if she needed to go home to take care of kids I'd understand, and she said her kids weren't little like mine and one was off with friends! hehe We had a great time!! She wasn't able to stay the WHOLE time (since BL is a two hour show, was it a two hour last year? I don't remember), but said she'd see me next week?!?! How cool is that??

I texted with Renae during the show while I was walking and we made plans to meet up to go shopping tomorrow!! I'm totally excited! Watch out stores, here we come!! hehe

The only thing is, right where your hips meet your legs started to really hurt! I kept walking, just pushed it out of my mind and kept going. I felt like as long as I was watching t.v. I could walk forever!! hehe I did increase the pace the last half hour at the end of each hour (so the last half of the first hour and the last half of the second hour). I got my heart rate up and would have stayed another hour, but nothing was on that I wanted to see! hehe

They offer water aerobics and deep water aerobics. Only problem with that is my hubby has changed schedules and getting him to work and him getting home after work in time for me to go (not to mention getting dinner ready for the kids and getting their home work done since he doesn't do that stuff), just wouldn't get me there in time for the class. I can't leave the kids to take him to work and not all the kids are awake by the time he needs to go to work.

We have worked out our issues. This month! hehe I just have to keep my positive focus and daily affirmations going. Plus my evening prim rose too! That sure does help ME with MY moods! I am ever so thankful for finding. I tried St. John's Wart and that made me CRAZY angry and anxious and annoyed!

I really could go and just walk all day while watching t.v.. it really did make it fly! Though I hated the commercials! hehe

So, I had a great work out and totally LOVED walking and watching. But I have to say, once I turned off the treadmill, it was really strange to walk on 'normal' floors!! hehe To me it was what I imagine sailors have when they get their 'sea legs' hehe.

I can't believe that she said she'd see me next Tuesday!! WOOT! How cool is that?? 

I have to thank the poster that said she treaded while watching Biggest Loser!! What a fab idea!! Thanks for sharing that wonderful idea! I even got out my resistance ropes to use those while I'm sitting and watching t.v. at home!! Such a WONDERFUL idea to be moving while watching t.v.. I'm going to get a couple of work out balls to bounce on while watching t.v. too!! No more sitting doing NOTHING!! hehe

I'm soo looking forward to walking with Kim too on Fridays. I can't make it this weekend, but I will sure be there next!! How fun!! hehe

I'm grateful for a kind and loving Heaveningly Father.
I'm grateful for the trials and hardships He gives me to help me be a better person.
I'm grateful for my children's laughter.
I'm grateful for the beautiful house I live in.
I'm grateful for my silly Toby-kins.
I'm grateful for my loving family.
I'm grateful for the food we have to eat.
I'm grateful for the wonderful country I was born in.
I'm grateful for the soldiers that keep me and my family safe.
I'm grateful to pray and give thanks to my Lord each night.
I'm grateful for the comfy bed that I get to lay in.
I'm grateful for the luxuries that make my life easier.
I'm grateful for my wonderful friends on OH.
I'm grateful for the WLS that will help me to reverse the bad habits I had sunk into.
I'm grateful to be given a second chance to be a better role model for my kids.
I'm grateful to laugh and cry.
I'm grateful for my blessed life.


"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs.  Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger.  If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves."  ~Dale Carnegie

"I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday."  ~Author Unknown

Fall seven times, stand up eight.  ~Japanese Proverb

"If you are going through hell, keep going."
~ Winston Churchill

"Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries."
~ James A. Michener




I have my 1-on-1 WOOT!!

Sep 27, 2009

I had my dietician appointment on Thurs and was told to give a call on Friday to set up my appointment for my 1-on-1 to my surgeon's schedualing nurse. She had to call me back after I left 2 messages (do you think she thought I was over eager??? hehe). She said she was really surprised that I had gotten everything done since I had just started the process (the first seminar with the surgeon) the first of the month!! hehe She even checked and rechecked all my appointments and EKG, and x-rays. She said she didn't know of anyone that had finished everything within a month and gotten an appointment with the surgeon so quickly!! hehe

I had to throw in the line. "It's bodes well for me that speed impresses you." Of course she didn't know what the line was from!! (do you?? Hehe) So then she looked at the schedual and said that the soonest she could get me in was the 21st of Oct. I was VERY disappointed, but also knew that the surgeon was VERY busy and booked, so I just said that would be fine. She was silent for a few seconds and then quickly said. "I'll call you right back. Ok?" I said sure. She told me she'd see what she could do. So, less then five minutes later she called me back and said that she had an appointment on the 2nd at 10ish, could I make it? I said "SURE!" and thanked her VERY much.

So, there I go! hehe I am on my way and have only to meet with him, get my surgery date, get the scope done and then get the surgery!! It's mind boggling that going from discussing this with friends at work to actual surgery (hopefully!) before the end of the year....WOW!! hehe I'm soo thrileld and excited!

On the homefront, things are dicey and unhappy with my husband and I.

Since he's come back from deployment I have asked nothing from him. Today though, it just was too much! I do the laundry, I clean (the kids and I), cook all the meals, and he just sits on his computer. Only on the weekends does he have take care of the kids or get meals for them. I mean...TWO days...that's it. The only thing around the house he has to do is mow the yard every two weeks?!?! 

I take the kids on trips to the zoo, he sits home. I take them to McDonald's, he sits home. I take them on walks, he sits home. I do their homework with them and give them treats when they do well in school and have to FORCE him to take an interest.

When he was gone I just kept praying for him to come home. Just to be here, and now?? What the hell is he here for?? He DOES FUCKING NOTHING!!!

I feel like I'm back in the same relationship I had with my ex. We are living parallel lives. The only interest this man has in his kids is when I have to knock him over the head and FORCE him to interact!! It pisses me off.

Is this really all marriage is? He just wants sex all the time and I want him to interact with his family. That's all I seem to get out of men. Now I understand why my mom gave up on marriage and men. They simply aren't worth the effort if this all they give.

