Back to work

Jun 14, 2010

After almost 5 weeks off from work since my surgery, I worked my first 2 shifts this weekend. Saturday I got up and did my Walk Away the Pounds vid before work, and I maintained fairly high energy for the 12 hrs. I made sure I took frequent "watering breaks" and ate about every 3 hours. This was easy because my coworkers knew what type of surgery I had and they were very sensitive to my needs. But let me tell you, I was wiped out by the time I got home and sat still for e few minutes. I was too exhausted to exercise Sunday morning but wasn't too hard on myself about that. I was tired all day Sunday at work. My coworkers were sooo good to me, gave me an easy assignment, didn't want me to lift, offered to pick up any slack for me. (I love those girls!) Overall it went well.

Ok, vanity alert!!! Everyone I saw told me how good I looked! People from other departments who hadn't realized I was gone until I was back kept telling me how different I looked. My coworkers hugged me when they saw me and said, "girl we can fit our arms all the way around your waist!" WHAT?!! REALLY??!! I know what the scale says but I personally hadn't noticed the difference as much as they did! That made me feel good! I love my RNY!!


Surgery's over and I'm feeling better than I thought I would!

May 17, 2010

Well, I had my surgery on Tuesday (5/11) and it went well. I was Dr. Houston's first case so I was in my room by 11 am. My belly hurt really bad but I got some really good pain medicine to help me through the rough spots. I got up that night and walked in the halls twice with my very supportive friends. The incentive spirometer was a chore, but very necessary!! I was able to have my urinary catheter out early the next morning and when Dr. Houston came in he said I could have water that morning and clears starting in the afternoon. Tolerated the water and clears well. I walked, walked, walked, and the abdominal soreness got better. When the Doc came in Thursday afternoon he told me I could go home!!  Went to a friends place to recover until Sunday and came home. Today my walking buddy and I were able to do 3/4 of our walk. I'm tired but overall feel well. Tolerating Syntrax protein but it's getting old! Getting in my 64 oz of fluid (variety is key).

Just wanted to share some of my surgery experience so far. I am happy I did it! And very happy I chose Dr. Houston!!

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3 days to go

May 07, 2010

It's finally a reality! I scheduled my surgery in January and it seemed so far away then. Now it's so close I can't believe it. Overall I'm excited and very sure that I made the right decision for my health. I have never been secretive about my decision to have WLS which leaves me open to other people expressing their own fears. Now I'm just trying to stay away from the negative energy because I am not going into this blindly and it's not my job to calm their fears, my own research has calmed my fears along with knowing that I have chosen a good surgeon in Dr. Houston.

About Me
Nashville, TN
Surgery Date
Jul 31, 2009
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