I had Gastric Bypass (RNY) June 2010.  As many of you who have gone through the surgery, it has been life changing. 

I signed up for this site before the surgery but didn't really become active.  After 8 months from the surgery I'm down 112 pounds.  However I've been stuck at the same weight for the past six weeks.  I'm hoping to be motivated to continue to increase my exercise and monitor what I eat with the help of those on this site.

During the first six months, I never experienced hunger, except when I was thirsty.  After drinking water I was fine.  But lately I'm hungry all the time.  Like before the surgery, except that of course I can't eat much so I've started to grace and I'm really scared to start gaining the weight again.  I've started to increase my exercise, but it doesn't seem to be helping in getting past this pleataeu.  I've done so well this far and I don't want to fall of the wagon or get discouraged.

I live in a very small town, and there are no support groups here, so I'm hoping to make some new friends that are going through what I'm going through and are understanding.

About Me
Surgery Date
May 30, 2010
Member Since

Friends 14
