Jul 15, 2007

Today I officially am no longer obese and I NEVER will be again!!!!!!!!  I have never thought it would feel so good to say that I am overweight!!  The last month or so the weight loss has really slowed down  A LOT!  Its been hard to realize that that is normal.  I was at about a 5 week stall which was so frustrating!  Its also a bit scary because I am able to eat a lot more than I used to already.  I knew that was coming but I didn't realize it would be this soon.  I also feel hungry so it has been incredibly hard to make good decisions but I still think about my weight every day.  I know that this will be a life long struggle THAT I WILL WIN!!!!

I am no longer loosing hair as badly which is good.  I cut off about 7 inches and it feels so good. I am having huge issues with sagging skin on my legs.  My arms are not so bad and my stomach I can handle (because no one else see's it but my husband and I know that he loves me and doesn't care) but my legs are TERRIBLE!!!  The skin actually folds over my knees so shorts are out of the question and that bothers me a lot.  I love being able to wear sleeveless shirts and wish I could wear shorts.  I hope to get the skin on my legs taken care of but it seems like such a long ways off its kind of depressing.  Not as depressing as weighing 254 pounds but still a bit depressing.

My life is still as busy and crazy as normal and my family is doing  great.  My son is growing so fast and is the joy of my life!

Thanks for reading!

WOW! Its been a while!

Jun 24, 2007

It sure has been a while since I updated this.  Life has been great on all levels.  First of course, the weight loss has been pretty good.  It always seems kinda slow in the moment but when I look at the grand scheme of things it has been steadily going down.   I have lost 85 pounds so far and feel great.  I have gone from a size 24-26 pants to a 12-14. I am finally starting to feel comfortable in my own body.  My skin isn't recovering as well as I would have hoped but it is truly a blessing just to have the weight off.  I still have had no complications and had my 6 months post op appointment last week and that seemed to go well.  I haven't heard anything on my labs but I guess no news is good news, right???  I am starting to get hungry a bit more and that worries me but when I talked with the nurse and the Dr. they didn't seem to be concerned.   My tool has done its job and now its my turn to start making good decisions.  This is the part that scares me.  I WILL NOT gain this weight back!!!! 

Personally, life has been great also.  My husband just graduated from college and will be returning to get his master's degree but one major step is done and there is light at the end of the tunnel with the whole school thing for him and me.  I will be hopefully transferring to a University this fall and can finish my degree in 20 months there so that is very exciting.

My family is great.  My son is growing up so fast.  He has turned 1 since my last post and is now walking everywhere.  Time is going by so fast!  Sometimes I wish it would stop.

I spoke at the Oregon Bariatric Center's informational seminar last week and that was incredibly terrifying but it turned out to be great.  I was incredibly nervous but Karlyn and Dr. Gorrin were great!  It was nice to be able to answer a lot of questions for people that are looking into surgery and hopefully help them make their decision.  I feel like I was truly blessed in this process and feel like I have a "duty" to share my experience.  I know that having the information from a successful patient made my decisions a lot easier. 

I uploaded a couple of new pictures, so if you'd like to look please do!  I have recently cut off a great amount of hair and was able to donate it to locks of love (which is something I have always wanted to do) and the other pic is from my husbands graduation party this weekend!

Thank you to all of my support people.  Each and every one of you is included in that.  This website has been a huge encouragement and a great place for support so I want to thank all of you for what it is you do.  All of us have no idea what kind of impact we have on each others lives and most of us will never know.  So THANK  YOU!!!!   :)

Crazy busy life... in a stall!

Mar 23, 2007

My life is that is.  Everything is going great.  Work is good and the family is great its just that school is out so there isn't the craziness that there usually is.  Also, I went for a dream job interview (actually 2 with the same company) over 2 weeks ago and they still haven't made a decision so things seem to be in limbo.  I just wish I new.

My weight loss is is going good.  I am down to 197 pounds and feel great.  I'm a bit concerned about my vitamins and such as I miss a day here and there and I am bruising pretty easily these days.  I feel good so I guess thats a good sign.

I had my 3 month post op and the doctor couldn't have been happier.  He had nothing but good things to say except to increase exercise but then when he realized I was working full time and attending school almost full time and have an almost one year old he understood.  I have been pretty hard on myself for the lack of exercise I have been getting so now that daylight savings time is here and the weather is getting better I am getting out walking a lot more often.  Several times per week so I feel better about that.

It is amazing to me to say that I am down 57 pounds and down to a size 18 (which is getting big) from a 24-26 in a little over 3 months.  It all seems unreal.  My mind says it knew that this was going to happen but in reality I never thought that this would happen to me.  It truely is amazing.  I am now starting to see some loose skin on the inside of my thighs mostly but a little in my tummy and arms.  Im not super happy about that but its much better to have skin than fat.  I just would love to wear shorts out in public but we will see!  I have been trying some Aveeno firming lotion so we will see if that helps.

thanks for reading....

I truly appreciate all of the friends that I have met on here and appreciate all of the kind words, thoughts and prayers.  Lets all keep up the great work!


Nothing really new.. still feeling great

Mar 04, 2007


There really isnt a whole lot to post about.  I have had no complications or issues since my surgery.  I can eat just about anything.  I really limit my sugar intake as I can definately tell I dont feel great after having just a little so I do not have much at all.  I do have to say though it is nice to be able to have A cookie if im craving one but that is all I want.  It satisfies any craving I might have.  Dont get me wrong, I have like 1 every two weeks or something like that. 

I still feel like Im loosing slowly but as long as its a loss Im ok with that.  Down 50 pounds in 3 months is impressive. 

I am enjoying all the compliments for the most part.  It may sound strange but sometimes I am just tired of hearing about it.  I appreciate it very much and it definately makes me feel good but some people are just going overboard with it.  I hear about how "skinny" I am from 1 co worker EVERY DAY!  While I have never been called skinny in my life and its great to hear I am not oblivious to the fact that I am currently not skinny and for some reason it is becoming annoying.
I will keep posting.  Life is busy with school, work, the baby and Alan but thats not really anything new.

I am so glad things are good for me!
Thanks for reading!

Lifes pretty crazy at this point!

Jan 17, 2007

Hi... I havent posted in a while.  There really isnt too much to post about.  My weight loss is still going well I have lost 34 pounds so far.  I am feeling great with no real issues with any kind of food.  I havent tried too much sugar (like cookies or cake type things) but only the sugar found in food like yogurt and such.  I also have not had too much fruit and vegetables yet either.  I went to the dr. office today to pick up some Unjury and gonna try that and see if its better for me to take in the needed protien as that has been a bit difficult. 

I have been at work now for almost 2 weeks and things are going well.  I also started school last week so I have been very busy.  Im starting to get lots of compliments so that feels good.  I dont see it too much but other  people say they do!

Thanks for reading!


Back to Work :(

Jan 08, 2007

Today was my first day back to work and school in 4 weeks since surgery.  I have been fortunate to have nothing but support in this journey from my family, friends and co workers.  They were all genuinely happy to see me and seemed concerned with how I was doing.  Most people made some sort of comment on how they could already tell a difference especially in my face and neck.  It definately made me feel good and that I am making some progress.  I miss my husband and baby so much.  I have really enjoyed our month off together as a family.  I know that most families would just dream to have that time so I truely feel blessed and am glad that I felt good through most of it!  My husband and I are starting a walk aerobics program here in the house in the evenings as it is yucky and rainy outside so hopefully that will help shed the pounds.  Wish me luck!!!


Happy Holidays!!!

Jan 05, 2007


Its been a while since I posted but things have been going great!  I just got back from visiting my In laws for the holidays on the east coast and they all got to see my son for the first time.

I have been feeling great!  I have had no complications what so ever.  I did have a couple of times where I ate too fast and overfilled my pouch and man does that HURT!!!  Besides that I have found nothing that I can not eat.  I have not tried any real sugar yet.  I would rather just assume that I cant have it.

I have been a bit slow on my weight loss.  I have lost 16 pounds since the surgery.  I wish it were a bit more but I have never lost that much in one month.  I can already fit into clothes that I have not worn in a couple of years and several people have noticed so I still feel good.

I will post again soon. I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Moving on FINALLY!

Dec 15, 2006

Hey everyone... 

Things for me have been going great.  I really have not complaints.  i have had no ill side effects from surgery so far.  I did go see the surgeon today to have my staples taken out because they got all red and irritated and the Dr. said that would be fine.  While I was there he actually did my 2 week post op appointment as well.  Upgraded me slowly to stage 3 (MMMMM my eggs today were delicious!!!).

I have only still lost my 10 pounds but the Dr. said that it takes some time for your metabolism to get correct so hopefully soon I should see the pounds fall.

The Dr. said that I was doing so well (besides a bit dehydrated) that he doesnt even want to see me until 3 months.  I couldnt believe it!!!!

Im so thankful that things are going so well.  I have to attribute it to the great surgeon, the great support from my family, the prayers from everyone, (I have to give a little credit to myself I guess), and finally God!  I truely believe that all your prayers were of great help!  Thanks so much....

I will keep updating!


Sad Day!!!

Dec 12, 2006

Well yesterday was a very sad day and a day of reality!  I found out that one of the ladies that went through the nutrition classes with me and had her surgery a week before mine has passed away from complications from her surgery. 

WOW what craziness!  You know there are risks but you dont realize how great they are until they are a part of your life personally.  It makes me feel so sad for her family and so blessed for the fact that I am doing so well to this point.  I didnt sleep last night worried and thinking about everything that I had done.  Thinking about what life would be like for my husband and son if I had died... feeling kind of guilty.  Although I know that my husband and son love me and I did this for them as well as myself to better all of our lives its just a reality you dont think about seriously. 

My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends. 

So its done!

Dec 10, 2006

I made it!  I am now home and 4 days post op and feeling pretty good.  My surgery went well only took about 1 hour of actual surgery.  The Dr said there were no unexpected suprises and everything went great.  I spent Wed and Thu night in the hospital and come home first thing Fri morning.  I am glad to be home.

During my stay at the hospital they had me start to eat broth and such for the first day but then the next day I got yogurt, applesauce, tomato soup, cream of mushroom soup, and mashed potatoes throughout the day.  I did not eat very much but did have some of each and no problems. 

For pain at the hospital they had me hooked up to a morphine pump that I could control most of the time but I didnt really use it much as I felt pretty good.  Upon leaving the Dr. gave me a RX for liquid vicodin and that has been helpful.  I was in quite a bit of pain until we could get that filled. (my advice, see if Dr. will give to your spouse or support person the day before you go home so they can fill it before hand and you have it ready when you need it!)  I have not had any pain meds this morning and am doing well.

Liquids have been a bit of trouble though as I am not able to get enough in throughout the day but as the days go by it gets easier.  I am still on soft food like yogurt, applesauce, jello, creamy soups and such but they are going good. No nausea or dumping so far.

Im glad Im doing well, I hate not feeling well and I am able to play with my son most of the time and that makes me feel better also. 

I am already down about 4 pounds from when I left for the hospital and down 15 pounds from when I started this journey!

Thats all for now~


PS Just wanted to say thank you for all of the kind words of prayers and support by everyone on here.  It is just amazing and I am so blessed!

Myspace Comments

About Me
Eugene, OR
Surgery Date
Nov 14, 2006
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 11
WOW! Its been a while!
Crazy busy life... in a stall!
Nothing really new.. still feeling great
Lifes pretty crazy at this point!
Back to Work :(
Happy Holidays!!!
Moving on FINALLY!
Sad Day!!!
So its done!
