Hello Everyone!

My name is Linda, and I have been obese for as long as I can remember. (Why does this sounds like I'm going to an AA meeting? lol) Throughout my teenage years I was completely happy/in denial about being overweight. The past couple of years however, I have begun to see how my weight has held me back, and how it has effected my life.

I began looking at weight loss surgery a couple of years ago, but really got serious about it after I had my first child almost 10 months ago. My beautiful baby girl was born 12 weeks premature, and weighed 2lbs 6oz at birth. She is a little fighter though, and has grown so much and caught up with her peers and seems to have no long-term health issues :) The doctors never really said anything about my weight being the cause of her being born so early, but I know in my heart that it must have played a part in it, since everything else was completely normal.

I want to get gastric bypass so that I can be a good mom to my baby girl, so that I can eventually have more healthy children, and so that I can be even more HAPPY. I want to take charge of my life. Hopefully I can gain some support and knowledge from people on this website.

That's my story :P

About Me
Jan 24, 2011
Member Since

Friends 26
