One more hurdle crossed!

Jan 08, 2010

Had my endoscopy/colonoscopy today and was totally nervous about it before hand. But The anesthesia was good and I don't remember a thing. I saw the pictures of my esophagus and colon though...weird!!!! Anyway, all was normal so as long as the biopsies also come back normal, I'm good to go for scheduling a surgery date!! Wooooo HOOOOO!!!!! Can't wait for my appointment on the 20th when I can find out when I'll be going in. Now just to cross the hurdle of insurance approval which should be nothing since I have all my requirements and my BMI is 58. I'm getting really excited. I can't wait to be much healthier and when my son (7 months old) is old enough to run around I can run around with him! I also can't help but think of the cosmetic stuff like feeling that even at my size I'm already a really pretty girl and can't wait to shed the extra weight and let all of my NATURAL BEAUTY shine through :)


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Dec 31, 2009
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