
Sep 27, 2010

Today's weight 176.6  YAY ME!

Yesterday was a good day and bad.  The good was that I got to get out of the house for a few hours. I planned ahead, ate and drank 2 cups of water before heading out.  I was gone about 3 hours and didn't try to have anything when I was out because of the fear of vomiting or heeving.   I made it home, drank a cup of water and then tried to get some protein in me.  It didn't go so well and I ended up vomiting a bit of it towards the end.  

So I gave my stomach some rest, and tried again about an hour later with some left over pureed chili. It tasted so good even the 2nd day out. :)  I managed to keep that in and decided the rest of the day was to try to hydrate.  So it was a poor day in the fact that I didn't meet my protein or fluid intake.

So, today I plan to hydrate hydrate hydrate and try to get my protein in. I am having 3 oz of greek yogart right now and will drink 3 oz of a 45g protein bullet after this settles.  That'll put me at 53 g of protein by lunch time. 

It's amazing that I feel like I'm constantly sipping or eating (small baby bites) all day long and I still can't get my hydration or nutritional needs.  But, I do feel much better and slowly my energy is building.


Starting to figure this out...

Sep 26, 2010


Today was a pretty good day.  I managed to eat 1/2 scrambled egg for breakfast, a few bites of left over salmon for lunch and 1/4 c of pureed chili that my love made for dinner.  I did have two episodes earlier in the day of vomiting, but so far so good with the chili. It took over an hour to eat 1/4c of chili but I'm glad I stuck to it and took my time. It was oh so good.

Managed to drink 32 oz of fluids and the day's still young. Hopefully I can down another 16+ oz before bedtime.

Still not working out.  The nurse said not to work out til I can get this hydration issue and vomiting under control. She worries that working out will dehydrate me more.  It's ok, I still don't have much energy and the couch or bed is still my best friend.

Weighed in at 177.6 today so down half a pound.  Whoo!  Hopefully the weight loss will start again and I can kiss this plateau goodbye.



Egg... it does a body good

Sep 25, 2010


Yesterday was the best day yet, I didn't throw up or heeve not once.  This morning was another story. I tried to drink the choc. protein milk this morning and my stomach let me know that I had one sip too many.  Then later in the morning I was queezy again and vomited a small amount of the gatorade zero/protein powder mix.  Again, one sip too many.

Gave my stomach a break for about 45 min and then decided to make a scrambled egg.  You may say, one egg...what's the big deal.  Well, an egg never tasted so good as the one today. I mixed a splash of milk, a pinch of salt and some pepper... big deal for me. First time cooking anything in 4 weeks.  So I sat down knowing that I had to chew 20-30 times before swallowing and knowing I needed to eat this over 20-30 min.  So, tiny baby bite at a time...chewchewchew and swallow.  Take a min or two break, and take another tiny baby bite...chewchewchew and swallow.  I ate half of the egg.  YAY ME!   I stopped when I felt the first sign of being full so not to take too many bites and have this become a negative experience.   So, half an egg to me is a milestone and I am going in the right direction.

Still trying to hydrate as much as I can. I feel like all I'm doing during my waking hours is sipping liquids. But in reality, I'm not sipping enough.  I will continue to work on my hydration while slowly adding protein foods to my day.

I have to say... Life's good. I hope the same for you. :)

Todays weight 178.2



Sep 23, 2010

Two weeks out from surgery YAY ME!.  I'm still at the plateau and weighing in at 178.4.   The nausea and vomiting are now controlled and yesterday I only vomited twice so that is a huge success.  I had 62g protein, 42 oz water and 368 calories. 

Let me tell you Greek non-fat 'Fage' yogart is very high protein... mix a splenda packet and some cinnemon and it tastes just like apple pie.  :)    Also I'm still tolerating the roasted red pepper and tomato soup.   I think tomorrow (Saturday)  I will attempt to eat a small bit of scrambled egg.  I can start pureed foods but since I've been so nauseous I haven't even given much thought to it.  But tomorrow I will try and if it goes well then I'll start adding more pureed foods.  They say fish is a great source of protein so that'll be on my list of foods.

Hoping to do 5-6 min on my stationary bike today.  GO ME!



Sep 22, 2010

Today is day 13 post-op.  I spoke with my nutritionist yesterday and she said the main goal is hydration.  She said that everyone says protein protein protein, but with the nausea and vomiting that I'm experiencing, hydration has to be my priority. I'm doing the phenergan suppositories and it did seem to help yesterday. I did vomit twice, and had numerous heeves but most of the day I kept the fluids down.  I was able to take in 52g protein thanks to the protein bullets and 2 2oz chocolate protein and milk drinks. I also had 1/8 of a cup of the roasted red pepper and tomato soup.

This morning I woke up after a solid sleep. Solid to me is only waking up 3 times.  I dont' know why but I just don't sleep through the night anymore.  I sipped fluids when I woke and thankfully went right back to sleep. Either way, I did feel better when I woke.

I had a cup of chamomile tea, followed with 2 oz chocolate protein and milk drink.   I vomited about an hour afterwards which I thought was strange, just stomach goop so I know my body absorbed everything else.

I just had a little less than 1/4 cup of soup.  The nutritionist said it was ok for me to drink gatorade to keep my body in balance with all the vomiting and lack of food and liquids.  My love got me some powerade zero... it has 0 carbs so I don't need to worry about my sugar spiking and I'm still getting the potasium and fluids.

Oh, I rode 5 min on my stationary bike.  Boy am I out of shape!

Today again, hydrate hydrate hydrate and try to eat a bit 3 x today.  Oh, and todays weight 178.4.  YAY ME!



Sep 20, 2010


So yesterday was a very long and tiring day.  Work is extremely busy and I had to go to see the surgeon. It's a 45-60 min drive each way and this was my first outting by myself.  The dr. was running behind so I got in 1 hour after my scheduled time. Needless to say, I was extremely nauseous the whole time.  My surgeon wanted to admit me back to the hospital. He said a day of fluids and rest would do me good. I can't right now, we're in the throws of the new season and I just can't be in the hospital.  So I do have phenergan suppositories now and will try to get over this difficulty on my own at home.   

My love was very concerned that I'm dehydrating.  I am constantly feeling sick and extremely tired/weak right now. Had a bout of the dizzies also late last night.   I was able to get 32 oz of fluids in me yesterday.  Protein was about 52g due to the protein bullets.   I have no hunger, and pretty much feel full all the time.  I did eat 1/8c of roasted red pepper and tomato soup and 1 1/2 tsp of fage yogart.  

Todays goals are to hydrate hydrate hydrate and try to get some protein shakes and food in me.  So far this morning I had 8 oz of chamomile tea, and 4 oz of strawberry protein shake mixed with milk (15g protein).    So far only two dry heeves this morning but my stomach is gurgling up a storm.  Hopefully once I build up the phenergan in my system I can tolerate some more food and increase my liquid consumption.

I'm hopeful.

179.0 today.


Not much today...

Sep 19, 2010


Not much today to discuss other than plateau's, vomiting, nausea and I ATE!

Yes, I ate about 2 tsp of pudding with some protein in it for breakfast. I have the heeves but it stayed down.  For lunch I had 3 tsp of greek fage yogart with splenda and cinnemon (tastes like apple pie), with Heeves but it stayed down.  For dinner I had 1/8 of a cup of cream roasted pepper and tomato soup and YUM it was good (with heeves).

I had 32 oz of water, and I also had a 3oz protein bomb with 45g protein (with heeves but it stayed down).

Still have zero amount of strength and energy.  May try to do 5 min on the bike today.  I also have my 10 day follow up with my surgeon.  I am going to ask for phenergan suppositories. I keep chucking up the phenergan tabs.

No weight loss - yes we are in our 2 week plateau.  It's ok, body is regulating and adjusting.  GO ME!

2 week plateau

Sep 18, 2010


No loss today which means.... the two week plateau!  I read about it, I was told about it and sure enough like clockwork, it's here.  It's fine though because I know it's my body regulating itself.

Yesterday was a full day of vomiting.  Some stuff stayed down, some came back up.  I think I may have been dehydrated which probably compounded the nausea and vomiting.  I drank 16 oz of gatorade in the afternoon and that seemed to get me back into the 'I'm ok' groove.  I also had 1 tsp of chocolate pudding which was made with protein powder.   I have absolutely no hunger and quite honestly, food at this moment seems too repulsive but I slowly and carefully swollowed small little licks at a time.

Today I am going to go get some Fage non-fat greek yogart and some creamy soups.  I will continue on protein 3x / day but also adding some of the above throughout the day.  I feel like every waking hour I'm either sipping or licking/swallowing something.  Who'd of thunk it!

The stationary bike came in and my love is going to put it together for me today. Not sure I have the strength yet but maybe I can do 5 min on it. I'll play it by ear and let you know tomorrow if I was able to do 5 min or not.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate... my goal for today.

Happy Sunday all ya'all. :)



Sep 18, 2010


What goes in, comes up.  Not sure what the heck is going on and thankfully I have an appt on Monday afternoon with the Dr.  I am not tolerating much these days.  I am repulsed with chocolate protein shakes, I guess vomiting it up will do that to you.  My love got me protein bullets (24g protein / 3oz / 1carb)... yesterday I tolerated 1 bullet.  This morning, I had the heeves all morning.  Thankfully most of it stayed down.  I was able to sip 1 cup of camomille tea so I do have fluids and all my plumbing is working so I know I'm not that bad off.  Amazing how my stomach is so sensitive this far out from the surgery date. Hopefully, this will pass soon.

I'm supposed to add to my diet  creamy soups, greek yogart, pudding tomorrow.  Maybe that's all I need is a bit of solids. I'll let you know how it goes.

This morning I was 179.8 YAY ME!  I fit into a pair of pants that I haven't been able to wear in 5 years.  My FBS was 102, slightly higher than previous days. Wondering if it's due to my stomach being so sensitive and upset.  I'll continue to monitor.

Haven't been able to walk due to all this nausea.  It's tiring me and draining my energy.  My love and I will go pick up the stationary bike later today.  I look forward to riding it on the days I can't walk outside.

Here's to a fabulous Saturday !



Sep 16, 2010


Yesterday started off well as I documented in yesterdays blog but about 10am it took a complete turn.  I was so sick from 10am-5pm.  Threw up 3 times, tons of gas pains in the middle of my gut.  Couldn't swallow anything without getting the frothies or vomiting.  Only drank 15g of protein and my fluid intake wasn't much better with maybe 24 oz.  I tried 1/4c jello, threw half of it up.  I did manage to get 3 ice pops down but it was not easy to keep them down.  I also managed to get a cup of camamille tea in me in the evening. My love brought home some gas-x for me because the nurse said that simethecon would help with the terrible gas pains. I also took a phenergan for the nausea and some liquid adult strength tylenol for the pain.

The nurse said to try mixing the protein today with only water and leave out the milk.  She thinks since this all started about 3 days ago, when we started increasing the protein that it could be the milk causing the excess gas and nausea.

So this morning I mixed 12oz of water and 2 scoops of protein powder.  If I consume it all today, I'll have 50g of protein.  I managed to drink the 2oz of protein at 6am, gurgling a bit right now so I'm sipping 8oz of camamille tea.

I hope today is a better day.


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