Stricture Fixed

Jun 28, 2009

Well I had the scope done and he opened up my stricture. Man what a difference it has made. I am eating with the throwing up of the pain,Finally getting meats (protien) in me.
Mike is doing well, he started an exercise regement and he has lost 40 lbs and that is before his first fill.
Just by doing 30 carbs aday cutting out his sugar, carb, bread etc.
I am so proud of him
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Mike is on his way

May 23, 2009

Mike's Story
Mike weighed 270 lbs in March. After we got back to Wisconsin he started working on getting all his stuff needed to be approved for the lapband surgery. He was approved within 24 hours, we as well as the doctors off were amazed at how fast his authorization came back. So he started alittle bit early on his pre-op weight loss program and by time he went for his surgery this week he was at 248!. I am so proud of him.
So morning of surgery we were at memorial hospital at 7am. Right before the doctor saw him Mike had mentioned that losing what he has before the operation made him question why he is having this procedure done, than the doc came in and told him that Mike was making the right decision, that his blood work came back and that without the surgery within 3 months he would be a diabetic. His blood work was showing he was right on the line. Well that answered his own questons about getting this surgery.
The staff was fantastic, he went in for surgery and within 45 minutes the doctor came out to let me know he was OK. he also had a hiahernia and they fixed it while he was in there. While Mike was chillin I went out to get his prescription filled.
Within 2 hours he was moved to another area for more time for recovery. So expect to be there for about 8-10 hours.
They will not let anyone see you until they move you to the other recoup location which is about a 2  2 1/2 hrs.
Got him home and he rested the rest of the night. Made sure he walked the floor as much as possible.
He has only taken his pain meds 4 times! this morning he didnt need it at all. WOW......
And he has lost a little bit more and now it at 243... 
He is on clear liquids until Sunday and than will go to full liquids.
I will write more of his progress as time goes by.
1 comment

"A closed mouth gathers no food."

May 02, 2009

All is well here. I had my upper GI last week and get the results on Monday; I dont think anything will come of it but one never knows.
Mike has been approved to have his lap band surgery! Tricare approve him within 2 days. We were so surprised how quickly he got approved. His surgery is schedule for the 21st of May. Dr Cywes is doing it here in Jacksonville.
I know he will do well and I will be there helping him to meet his goals.
Man our grocery bill will be so little once he has his surgery. LOL
He is already talking about how "we" will need to cut our carbs down alot. As long as I dont eat alot of salads I will be OK.
I will keep you all updated on his progress. I have uploaded a pic of him when we were in Cherokee Mtns.

What a Life

Mar 26, 2009

I am doing well, still have some problems with my stomach and pain when eating or drinking, waiting to get a referral to have a upper GI done, Dr J wants to make sure there isnt a blockage
Other than that I am doing well, loving and living life to it's fullest.
I need to upload new pics for all to see this weekend. Mike and I went to Wisconsin last week, his dad has some surgery and on the way back we side tracked to the smokey mountains for a day. Had a nice time.
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I am getting there

Feb 09, 2009

Well I am now 148.8 lbs only 13.5 more to go before I am at my weight. My blood pressure is great 119/83, I am off my b/p pressure meds since Nov. Feeling great. Went golfing this weekend, I havent been golfing over the last 15 yrs. I was great and fun and I have gotten the itch back to play again!!.
only played 9 holes shoot a 53 which considering how long its been isnt too bad.


Laughter is by definition healthy.

Dec 09, 2008

Life is painful, nasty and short... in my case it has only been painful and nasty.  

Well on Nov 26th I had emergency surgery to repair a proferated ulcer. Happy Thanksgiving to me. What started ouy as a  slight pain on my left side for about 3 weeks, turned out to be extreme pain. I didnt have the ususal neasuration associated with an ulcer.  First I went to my PR Doctor and his PA thougth it was my ribs after a week on steroid meds it became apparenet it was much more. Went back and saw the doctor this time, and he immediately sent me to Ocala ER. The catscan was neg, and Dr J thought it was just scar tissue however he would not be certain until he went and took a look see. So I woke up with MR "G" sticking out of my stomach once again, a tube in my nose. and was told by Dr J that he acutally had to redo the gastric bypass, minus the stomach stuff. I go back to him this Thur to have the staples removed. And am hoping he will remove Mr "G" as well. I first started off with the usual liq diet and now am up to the soft foods. I am tolerating it OK, accept for today. Dr J wasnt sure why it happened so quickly and what may of caused it, unless it was due to medication. So I have been beating myself up trying to figure it out as well. I know that I did get comfortable when taking whole pills and not eating or drinking much with them. But believe me when I tell you I will now be crushing all my meds and drinking plenty of water with them. I do not want to go through this again! My poor husband is getting older by the second everytime I put a scare into him. ;-( .... so please learn from me, make sure to drink alot of water when taking medications and crush them up!!!.....

I told my hubby as he was crying that this was my choice and that I do not regret it, I am more happier than I have been in years with myself. I have finally been able to love myself again.  It was worth it.

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Friends are the most important part of your life

Jul 19, 2008

Edie and I went to Mt Dora yesterday and met up with my other friend Terry and her loving husband Bob. What a neat place, alot of tiny stores cute little town. Nice drive to it from Jacksonville. A pleasant day trip if you just want to go someplace different. 

I am doing so well lately I have been on cloud nine. Right now my dad and sister is doing well. Last few months have been tough on them. My dad is 82 years old and his health is failing. Been in and out of the hospital these few months. My little sister who lives with him also has been in and out of the hospital as well, she has had two heart surgeries and 6 stents put in. Plus alot of other medical issues. They both rely on each other for help. And it is hard not able to help them or be closer to them. They live in Chesapeake Va. which is about a 10-11 hr drive. But as I said right now all is OK at this time.


Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.

Jul 13, 2008

I went kayating! Yup me! I would never of even thought about doing this until now. I had such a wonderful time too. My hubby, daughter and her hubby went to Amelia Island on the 4th of July. What a fun time we had.  I cant wait to go again. I told Mike I can now cross it off my bucket list. LOL. I asked him if he ever thought we would be doing this and he said nope but he is glad we are. He is so proud of me, he tells me that alot and also compliments me more now than ever. I feel like a new person with a new life alot of confidence.


We are the hero of our own story.

May 14, 2008

Went to my appt with Dr Jawad today, and I was told that I am ahead of schedule with my goal. I was so excited to hear that. Since I have gotten on some medication for my stomach I have been able to handle food better and eat alittle bit more than before, which has increased my energy level so much.  I told Kevin today that I would never of thought I would of seen myself in a size 14. He told me it wont be long and I will be in a size 10... WOW
My husband and daughter are so proud of me. And have noticed how happy I am now.  I am finally coming out of my shell. I actually bought a nice bathing suit and have finally gotten a much needed tan on my legs. I havent sun bathed in so long. Just little things like this has made me so happy. I feel like a new woman. Confidence is higher than ever before.  
More later

Nothing tastes as good as being healthy and full of energy

Jan 19, 2008

Today is my reflection day. When I first started exploring having the surgery I made a list of why I needed to do this. So here they are, and not in any particular order what was most important. 1. For my health 2. be happier with myself 3. Wanted to be able to reach my butt (yes I said it and I know there are alot of you that felt or feel this way)  4. Be able to sit on an airplane and have the selt belt fit. 5. Want my husband to be able to put his arms completely around me. 6. Get off all the medications I am/was on 7. Wear nice clothes. 8. Have more energy 9. Not have ppl stare at me 10. Be happy and enjoy life to its fullest. 
So my health has improved, much happier with myself, hubby is able to wrap his arms around me, havent ridden in an airplane lately but know the seatbelt with fit me. Almost off most of my medications, wearing nicer clothing, have alot more energy, instead of ppl staring at me they are noticing me in a different way, and very happy and enjoy my life. 

About Me
Jacksonville, FL
Surgery Date
Apr 06, 2007
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 45
Laughter is by definition healthy.
Friends are the most important part of your life
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.
We are the hero of our own story.
Nothing tastes as good as being healthy and full of energy
