Happy New Year!

Jan 02, 2008

Hope all had a wonderful and great Christmas and New Year. I did!!
I finally decided to go clothes shopping this weekend, and actually had an anxiety attack, not a bad one but one. And of all reasons for it was the fact that I was going to look for clothes someplace other than Lane Bryant store. 
LOL..... I wasnt sure of the sizes and that made me nervous. 
So here it is, I went from a 24-26 pants size to a size 16/18 what a difference!!  A size 26-28 top to a size 16/18 top. WOW!!! I am blessed!!!
Starting to get alot of compliments which is making me feel so good. 
Hubby is so supportive and proud of me. My kid is also making comments on how I am looking now. 
So, now I plan on getting back into the water exerice regiment. And I can't wait. 
This was the best thing I could of done for myself and wish now that I would of done this years ago. 
Oh well the future is bright and on the right course, so I am happy.
More later

down down down

Dec 10, 2007

Weight Chart


Oct 02, 2007

Look at that I thought I would never get below 100 lbs to go to goal.  LOL
Only thought that happened to other ppl. I really am beginning to think I will be a before and after photo girl...
All is going down hill just the way I like it. Got an appt with Kevin for him to look at my g-tube hole, and of course it is finally starting to slow down on the leaky stuff. Always happens that way ya sick call the dr and bam you and symptons all better before you go to dr and he/she thinks your nuts. Oh well still going to go see him. 
Also find myself wishing the pounds would go off faster but than am glad it isnt in a way. 
Thank you all for your support and good wishes, hoping next picture will even better. 
Was a size 26-28 now I am 20-22! I will take that, and as my good friend Gwen said in one of her blogs, finally I am out of the morbid obese stage.   
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Oct 01, 2007

  Date Weight Blood Pressure
First Visit to Dr's Office 06/26/2007 272 134/82
  07/20/2007 266 120/80
Pre-Op 08/09/2007 263 110/60
Post-Op 08/24/2007 250 125/84
Post-Op 09/04/2007 241 116/70
4 Weeks Post Op 09/12/2007 238 140/88
6 Weeks 09/24/2007 233 140/93
  10/01/2007 232 139/90

Doing better

Sep 28, 2007

Well it has been awhile so I thought I would type a few words. Feeling better with each passing day and more normal again. Yippie!
Trying out different foods out and so far havent had any problems actually had rice (GWEN) today and it went well.
Clothes are getting bigger on me but I am not ready to buy anything yet. Tried on my jeans I had in the closest today size 20 and they fit snuggly so another few lbs and I will be able to wear them again. WOW from a 24 to a 20 in a matter of 8 weeks it is amazing isnt it. 

I still have a leak and a small hole from where the g monster was. Think I will be calling Kevin on Monday about it since it was taken out almost 3 weeks ago. Wonder if he could put a couple of stiches on it to help the process along. Mmmm will be asking. I want to start swimming and cant until the hole closes up. Wonder if anyone else is having or had this problem if so let me know

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Reality is the mirror of your thoughts. Choose well what you put in front of the mirror.

Doing Good

Sep 23, 2007

So it has been almost 2 weeks since the monster has came out. I am still having some leakage in that area, must be because of the infection I had. 
On less someone out there is having the same thing.
Down 38 lbs, clothes are fitting loosely now.
I am concerned that my appitite has picked up and I can eat more, is that a good thing? 

More later

  Date Weight Blood Pressure
First Visit to Dr's Office 06/26/2007 272 134/82
  07/20/2007 266 120/80
Pre-Op 08/09/2007 263 110/60
Post-Op 08/24/2007 250 125/84
Post-Op 09/04/2007 241 116/70
4 Weeks Post Op 09/12/2007 238 140/88
6 Weeks 09/24/2007 233 140/93

The Beast is Gone

Sep 12, 2007

Finally got the G-tube removed. Thank you GOD!! I still have an infection however it should clear up soon. 
BTW it didnt hurt at all getting the beast removed, I didnt feel it at all.
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Blood Pressure

First Visit to Dr's Office




















4 Weeks Post Op




Broke Down

Sep 06, 2007

I finally broke down Mike's resistance and we went out to eat at a seafood place. I had boil fish maybe all of 8 small bites. It all went well and I actually have a good full feeling with no hunger pangs.
I just couldnt take it anymore and I keep reading others blogs about them on mushy foods within weeks of their surgery. 
My G-tube is alot better the redness had cleared away and it isnt sore like it was before

  Date Weight Blood Pressure
First Visit to Dr's Office 06/26/07 272 134/82
  07/20/07 266 120/80
Pre-Op 08/09/07 263 110/60
Post-Op 08/24/07 250 125/84
Post-Op 09/04/07 241 116/70


Sep 05, 2007

Hello All
So here I am 3 weeks post-op I am counting the weight when I first saw Dr J not my surgery wght. I am down 31 lbs now. Yippie!!!
I figure I lost 10 lbs before surgery and it was a loss right?

The antibotic is finally helping and I am starting to feel less tender in the G-area. I am actually able to sleep on my right side, and believe me it feels good lnot laying on my back all the time. 
Kevin excused me from work until the 13th of this month, I believe I tried to hard to get back to work and should of waited. So now that is what I plan on doing. 
I have had two low points, one is when I cried due to so much pain from the infection and than yesterday I was down. my blood pressure was too low and I was so tired, Kevin recommended that I talk to my PCM and maybe lower my b/p meds so I did just that. And the doc agrees it is getting lower now due to the weight loss so he had decreased it.
Soon to the off of it. One of my goals for having this surgery done. 
Also lack of food, really getting to me now. You can only have so much soup to a point where I just dont want to eat at all. 
Just one more week left. 
Today I have decided to go out into the world and get my nails done, some shopping not much and than come home and rest. 
I can tell my b/p is up some today and I can actually think clearer. 
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Date Weight Blood Pressure
06/26/07 272 134/82
07/20/07 266 120/80
08/09/07 263 110/60
08/24/07 250 125/84
09/04/07 241 116/70

Sept 12th for G-tube removal

Sep 01, 2007

So went to the Jax office and saw Dr J. I have an infection where the G-tube is located. He has me on an antibotic now and gave me more pain med. 
He removed some of the fluid from and also the sticth around the tube. Along with my staples.  Before my appt I came home and just broke down the pain was so unbearable. My first melt down. Told him that 1 tsp of pain med just isnt helping and so now its 1 1/2 tsp. lol
He told me in 2 weeks I can have it removed and also start my soft food diet
So the next day Robert left me a message that my removal date was Oct 3rd. 
Man I started to cry called him and told him I couldnt wait until than. Not another month of this tube. That Dr J said 2 weeks. I told him I would travel around the world to get it removed. Come to find out that was the only appt for the Jax area. Not a problem I will travel to Ocala, Orlando, hell anywhere to get it out. LOL
So now I go to Ocala on the 12th.  Just praying for the strength to make it until than. 

Told my hubbby 2 weeks and I should start feeling like a normal person again. 

More later

About Me
Jacksonville, FL
Surgery Date
Apr 06, 2007
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 45
Laughter is by definition healthy.
Friends are the most important part of your life
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.
We are the hero of our own story.
Nothing tastes as good as being healthy and full of energy
