Time for up dated measurements

Jun 19, 2009

Here it is time to post my newest measurements:
        (   )=
starting size

Neck= (16.5) 13.5

Upper L Arm= (17) 11.5
Upper R Arm= (18) 11.5

L Wrist= (6.5) 5.75
R Wrist= (6.5) 5.5

Upper chest= (47) 33
Breast Area=
(44) 34

Waist= (46) 31
(54.5) 39
L Thigh= (27) 19.5
R Thigh=
(27) 19

L Calve= (17) 15
R Calve= (17) 15

L Ankle= (9.5) 8.75
R Ankle=
(9.5) 8.75

Total inches lost head to toe= 92.25 inches.

Pants= (22W) 10
Shirt= (2X) Small 8/10
(10) 7
Shoes= (8/8.5) 7.5
(8) 5

Total sizes lost= 21 sizes

Total weight lost=
                      Starting weight 252
                       Current weight 141
                Down 111 pounds in 10 months. Still going! (slow but sure).
I have passed my Doctors goal by 9 pounds. I have 16 pounds to go to reach my personal goal.


So Many changes in so little time...

May 16, 2009

I have been a little to busy in life to even sit down and type this up date!

Feb 09-

Been busy, worried about the city, having time off work. Why you ask? Oh were having a flood in Fargo ND/Moorhead MN area. Things are pretty much closed down. Toss in a blizzard like mess on top of flood waters and you have a pretty cocktail.NOT.

April 09-

 All I can say is this was the month of Easter, My Daughter and part of her family drove here and had Easter day with us. It was you typical Holiday, foods cooking,way to many sweets for others to enjoy. For the first year in many I had cooked and colored Hard boiled eggs. Prior years I skipped this as I was allergic to eggs but loved them! I made everyone suffer. If I can't have eggs NO one can have them LOL. Since bypass I am no longer allergic to eggs, what a great thing! What ever they did in surgery corrected this little hurdle for me!! I continue to drop weight/inches. The process is a bit slow. I am almost to the doctors goal.

May 09-

 We are still not into spring here in Fargo ND. We are not sure if it will ever come. We get a nice day here and there and poof back into fall/winter mode.  It will most likely go right to summer soon. May has brought in a few changes so far, I was graced with a visit from my 3rd born child and my Mom over Mothers Day weekend. They had not seen me since at least last summer-before I had by pass. My Mother did not know who I was and said your not the Kelly I know. Later she said I reminded her of someone else. That eve she said I looked like HER mother in the early years. Maybe I do-who knows. I am comfortable in my skin and that is all I worry about. We had a nice visit. That weekend also marked the calender of my FIRST ever 5K (3 miles) race.  Got together with a gal from support group and a lady from work along with thousands of others and set off to make a new goal. Said all along I was WALKING the race- I am not a runner in any shape or form. Walking is what we did,at a fast pace LOL. One of us had a nifty watch that tracked how fast we were making strides etc... (thanks Steph). Now mind you I am a people watcher. I was talking and walking and watching and... well yeah dropping back from the group. Steph would all of a sudden say "Should we catch up" and away we would trot LOL to catch up. This happened several times. Fun times were had. My finish time was 50:38, Placed 160/204 in my division. We were not dead last! Way to go! People were stopping me and saying how good I looked etc... You see I had a shirt made up with my FAT pic on it and it read Never again! If anyone from my area seen me and gave me kind words-I thank you. I do not do good with faces out of context and might of just nodded and said thanks. The first of this Month I made the doctors goal of 150. I am now at 147, working towards my goal. One ore thing I did this month was I rode my bike! Yeah outside and away LOL, this was a first for me in like 3 or 4 yrs. Look out world I have broke loose!

I guess this about catches things up and life goes on. School is done in 9 days and I start my 3 months of leisure. Yeah right- I can't stand having time off. I am working the camp-a-day program for 6 weeks with the special ed kids. I am also thinking of going back to my old employer for on call hours to get in some extra time/money. Like I said life is busy.

Will try and post a couple pictures.

Palm Sunday

Apr 03, 2009

When fishes flew and forests walked
And figs grew upon thorn,
Some moment when the moon was blood
Then surely I was born;

With monstrous head and sickening cry
And ears like errant wings,
The devil's walking parody
On all four-footed things.

The tattered outlaw of the earth,
Of ancient crooked will;
Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb,
I keep my secret still.

Fools! For I also had my hour;
One far fierce hour and sweet:
There was a shout about my ears,
And palms before my feet.

6 Month Lab Results

Apr 01, 2009

I hope the Doctor didn't forget any labs! I forgot to post this prior, today is catch up on this kind of stuff day.

6-Month Lab Results (Feb 13, 09)


CBC (Completer blood panel) This test is a screening test that checks for infection, anemia and other conditions

                             Hemoglobin: 12.9 (Normal: 11.5-15.5)


Lipid Panel- These tests measure the various forms of fat in your blood.

                             Total Cholesterol: 152 (Normal: 100-200)

                             Triglycerides= 54 (Normal: 50-150)

                             HDL (Good Chol)= 44 (Normal: 40-80)

                             LDL (Bad Chol)= 97 (Normal: 66-130)


Basic Metabolic Panel= This tests for kidney problems, diabetes and various electrolytes which are essential for the heart.

                            Sodium= 140(Normal 135-145)

                            Potassium= 4.4 (Normal: 35-5.3)

                            Chloride= 103 (Normal: 99-110)

                            Bicarbonate= 78 (Normal: 23-32)

                           Glucose= 78 (Normal: 70-100)

                           Creatinine= 0.5 (Normal: 0.6-1.1)

                           Urea Nitrogen (BUN)= 10 (Normal: 6-22)

                           Calcium= 9.8 (Normal: 8.5-10.2)


Hepatic Panel- These tests check for liver damage.

                           Alkaline Phosphatase= 76 (Normal: 30-125)

                           AST= 20 (Normal: 0-33)

                           ALT= 17 (Normal: 0-36)

                           Total Protein= 7.1 (Normal; 5.5-8.2)

                           Albumin= 4.0 (Normal: 3.5-5.0)

                           Total Billirubin= 0.8 (Normal: 0.2-1.2)


TSH- This measures your thyroid function.

                           2.43 (Normal: 0.40-5.00)


Vitamin B-12= 805 (Normal 220-1000 pg/ml)


Urinalysis: Negative.


April Fool's day

Apr 01, 2009

This day has a new meaning to life for the past year.  Today marks my ONE year anniversary of stopping smoking! Yes, folks one year ago today was the first day of breathing the clean air around me. This is a mile stone for me. I was not a heavy smoker, but still the same I smoked. A pack of smokes lasted me about 3 to 4 days. I thought with the money I saved on smoking I could better my health in so many ways. This was my first step to my long range goals.
Congrats to me on better health. To reward myself you ask? Oh, I went out and spent (drum roll...) 10 bucks on a new seek and find computer game! LOL simple pleasures that I have.

Time to "Pond"er

Mar 28, 2009

Living in Fargo ND has brought many different things into my life. In the past 8 plus years, I have learned a lot, heard a lot and now I have seen a lot.

A lot of water that is! We are in bad shape here in Fargo. We have made National News,Obama has called our state offices,Hospitals,nursing homes,peoples home etc.. have been evacuated. We are in the midst of a huge flood. The river will crest on Sunday at a perdicted 43 feet. The record was 40 feet in 1997.

We have had people show up to sand bag from all over. People have drove 7,8,9 etc hours to help save our towns! It has been an unreal pouring amount of support from strangers. Our town people have pulled together and helped fight the fight. We are a strong group here that have the same belief. We like where we live and have it good. My thanks go out to those people who have helped,prayed and did what ever it is you do to send positive vibes to our end of the world.

This morning when I took the dog out,all I could hear outside was quiet. Maybe a robin or two singing a song.No traffic,I could hear the heavy equipment grinding away as they finish any last ditch efforts of a taller clay dike. It is kind of an erry sound to hear- nothing. Our normal sound of traffic is a sure missed sign.

We are still in our house,packing a small bag today in case the dikes break. Curt thinks we will have half hour tops to get out of town if that happens. The one positive thing that has happened (can't believe I am going to say this) is that we got more snow! this has cooled off the melting of snow and allowed more ice to form. Making it a slower process of the flood.Made it harder for sand baggers tho.

Will keep people posted as I know more information. The picture up top was taken yesterday of the river. See that light post/top,yeah weird huh? That part of the river is usually/normally about 23 feet LOWER! Curt was taking the pictures on the only bridge left open between Moorhead and Fargo.


New Measurements

Mar 11, 2009

Here it is time to post my newest measurements:
        (   )=
starting size

Neck= (16.5) 13.5

Upper L Arm= (17) 12.5
Upper R Arm= (18) 13

L Wrist= (6.5) 6
R Wrist= (6.5) 5.75

Upper chest= (47) 34
Breast Area=
(44) 34

Waist= (46) 32
(54.5) 41.5

L Thigh= (27) 21.5
R Thigh=
(27) 21

L Calve= (17) 16
R Calve= (17) 15.75

L Ankle= (9.5) 9
R Ankle=
(9.5) 9

Total inches lost head to toe= 76.5 inches.

Pants= (22W) 13
(2X) Med/12
(10) 7
Shoes= (8/8.5) 7.5
(8) 5.5

Total sizes lost= 20.5 sizes

Total weight lost=
                      Starting weight 252
                       Current weight 160
                Down 92 pounds in 7 months. Still going!
I have 12 pounds to go to reach my Doctors goal. I have 25 pounds to go to reach my personal goal.

What a difference the month make

6 Month Check up

Feb 14, 2009

I went in for my Check up with Dr. Garcia on Feb 3rd.

He was very happy with my progress. He had this smile across his face that looked like the cat that swallowed the canary LOL.

He told me I had lost 80 pounds in 6 months and that it was wonderful. I am on track and according to him I have 20 pounds to get to goal. I have said this before that my goal and his goal are different LOL

His goal is for me to be 150 pounds. In his medical mind I am guessing that would leave me at a safe weight in case I would opt for plastics etc... I have no desire to have any plastics. There for I think I can afford to get rid of more poundage. I also worry about the "kick back" pounds after. "I" feel I can get down to 135 and be safe. Time will tell for that. At 150 I would still be in the "over weight" category. I have not been through all of this to still be over weight.

My blood work at 6 months has not been done yet. My PCP has to run that. I have an appointment with him in March. Little FYI- If prior to WLS you didn't have any co-morbs that were blood related (diabetes etc..) the surgeon (mine group) doesn't run the blood work levels. This is up to your PCP. That is a reason to keep your PCP in the loop and informed of your doings/progress.
That is all for now.


New Numbers

Feb 14, 2009

I think it is past time and I need to post some newer numbers on here. Here goes!

Neck= 13.5" (was 16.5")

Upper Left arm=14.5" (was 17")
Upper Right arm= 14" (was 18")

Left wrist= 6" (was 6.5")
Right wrist= 6" (was 6.5")

Upper chest= 35.5" (was 47")
Breast area= 40" (was 44"-the girls have left the body)

Waist= 33" (was 46")
Hips= 44.5 (was 54.5")

Left thigh= 23.5" (was 27")
Right thigh= 24" (was 27")

Left calve= 16.5" (was 17")
Right calve= 16" (was 17")

Left ankle=9" (was 9.5")
Right ankle=9" (was 9.5")
Total inches lost from head to toe is= 58 inches!!!!!

Pants size= 14 (down from a snug 22)
Shirt size= XL (down from a 2X)
Undie size= 7 (down from a 10)
Shoe size= 7/7.5 (down from an 8)
Ring size=6 (down from an 8)
Total sizes lost= 12!!

Starting weight= 252
Todays weight= 168
Total #'s lost this far= 84 pounds

Happy Valentines Day!!


For the love of......

Dec 30, 2008

my daughter. She informed me yesterday that I have not updated my page on here.  She keeps track of me this way as she is 3 hrs away. She says all I ever do is post funny things and poems. She is a numbers person and needs stats!

So, I will try and keep this on a serious tone and post some facts.

As of today I have lost a total of  71 pounds in approx 4.5 months.
I am into a size 16 pants (down from a snug 22)
My shirts are a 16-18 (down from a 22-24 or 2, 3 X)
My shoes are a size 7 to 7.5 (down from an 8)
My ring size is down to a 6 (from a size 8)

All in all I have some wonderful numbers,with more to come. I am around  31 pounds off of the doctors goal for me. Mine and his goal don't meet head on. I think I need to have a few more pounds then that, to get me out of the over weight bench mark. I do not plan on having any plastics done unless medically needed. I think I can afford to go smaller on the scale with that in mind.

I hope this finds everyone doing well, eating right and enjoying what our new lives have to offer!!

The first two pictures are of me the day of surgery and a couple months after.

Most current picture: Taken Christmas night 2008.


About Me
Fargo, ND
Surgery Date
Jun 15, 2008
Member Since

Friends 65

Latest Blog 38
