Made It

May 11, 2009

I finally reached the 5% weight loss needed for my insurance approval... Waiting for a phone call back for the next adventure....


May 08, 2009

almost there...I have 1.1 lb to loose before insurance will approve close

Another Weigh In

Apr 10, 2009

Another Friday weigh in...not there yet but at least the scale is still heading in the right direction 2.1 down this week another 3 to go...maybe hopefully next week I will meet by insurance criteria.  Now if I can just stay out of the grandkids Easter candy. 
1 comment

another week

Apr 04, 2009

Another week with no weight loss...well in less you count -.02 a weight loss.  I am not going to write how disappointed I am.  That goes without saying.  I am however going to say "enough".  I refuse to have another week without a loss when I am so close to meeting the insurance requirements.  5 lbs a lousy 5 lbs. I will walk everyday this week...Rain or Shine.  I will (and have not for a month or more) graze what-so-ever.  I will drink at least 5 glasses a water a day (hard for me to do). I will keep my calorie intake below 1300 a day and I will eat (as I have been doing) no potatoes, pasta, sweets, or anything will excess (if any) sugar.  I will continue to write down all of my food intake, water, and exercise.  Most importantly I will stay focused and positive.  I will remember I can do this, I need to do this, I will do this.  Okay I feel better...thanks for being here for me to vent...Charmayne



Mar 20, 2009

Weighed at the doctors change...I can't believe there is no change.  I've had no carbs and no sugar and I get no change.  I must have very stubborn fat.  Everyone tells me not to get discouraged but it is so hard not to.  I am doing everything I know to do and the weight just will not budge.  It's frustrating that 7lbs is the only thing stopping me from getting this surgery.   Was able to do 15 minutes on the treadmill yesterday and 2.5 miles on my bike the day before.  Finally quit craving pasta, glad I am over that.  My DH had ice cream last night...I just gave him...that look LOL.  I will not give up...sooner or later my body will get the drift that we are going down a different path...

it continues

Mar 15, 2009

Here it is March...more delays and cancelled appointments.  Had to regroup and realize that this is a very slow process that I have little control of....only thing I am in control of is losing the 5% of weight for insurance.  I am close 6lbs to go..then what???

Change of Plans

Feb 12, 2009

The roller coaster continues.  I talked with my insurance case manager and was informed I could not use Dr. Oh and the hospital that I had planned.  Had to cancel my colonoscopy.  Have a new appointment with Dr. Hunter (Kat) on the 20th. Disappointed by the regrouping but at least found out that once I have lost my 5% ( 4 lbs down 11 to go) I can be recommended for the next phase...whatever that is.  I get discouraged and then I get determind and back and forth.  Hope I feel better after my appointment. 


Pre Surgical Progam

Jan 21, 2009

One step many more to go.  Got my letter today from Aetna.  I have been accepted into their pre surgical program.   Maybe just maybe this will really happen.  My appointment with my case manager is January 30, my colonoscopy is Feb 6....I must be getting closer...

on the road

Nov 19, 2008

11/19/08  received my new insurance card yesterday and attended a semiar on the 11/1/08.  Made an appointment for Jan 9 with Dr. Oh. Hopefully I am on my way.  

1/18/09  this waiting is terrible.  schedule to have my colonoscopy on 2/6/09.  I then have an appoint on 2/20/09 to find out the results.  In the mean time trying to loose some weight..not going well

About Me
Rainier, WA
Sep 30, 2008
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