Going on 7 years!

Jul 17, 2016

I am still below the goal weight of 155. I stay between 142-147. The surgery was a blessing for me and a tool that I continue to use. Because of throwing kidney stones I do not get enough Calcium. This has had a negative affect on my teeth. I am still battling adrenal issues, but I would have had this issue whether I was fat or thin. My 7th anniversary is coming up. WOW, 7 years! I eat 6 small protein based meals a day. My body has accepted my thin self and helps me keep it here. To any and all who are considering this surgery, if the time has come to you and you know this tool will work for you, then research and work with a surgeon. You will not be disappointed as long as you work within the realm of the rules the doctor gives you! I will never be sorry I did this! 

