I had a turbulant childhood and my issues with eating started at age 7. Living with my grandparents who ate supper no later than 4 o'clock and were in bed by 9, I was free to do what I wanted after supper until bedtime. There were no children around to play with, I was already an avid reader (easy fantasy world to escape into), so I snacked and read until bedtime. Later I was forced into sports; my grandfather was a girl's basketball coach, and the rigorous exercise combined with hitting puberty, led me to a "normal" weight, which was never below 160 pounds. At fifteen I started Lithium for bipolar, which caused the weight to creep on at 20 pounds a year. I weighed 200 my senior year of high school. In 2000, I left my entire family behind and moved 300 miles away to be with my husband who had recieved an incredible job offer. We were in a horrible accident in the new state, a month before the final move, and while not physically injured, I suffered extreme social paranoia and would not leave my house alone. The cycle repeated itself and again I found myself comforting myself with food, combined with physical inactivity from not wanting to leave the house. I finally faced my fears, started school, worked a couple of jobs, met a good friend and am finally in a place where I want to be healthy. I never recieved the education/direction I needed as a child with food and after several years of crazy diets, arthritis in my knees, and trying to keep up with a very active dog, I decided to pursue this route again.

About Me
monroe, MI
Mar 13, 2008
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