Psych Eval Yesterday

Mar 13, 2008

Today has been hectic to say the least. My husband was admitted to the hospital on Wed. due to heart problems and my eval was scheduled on Thurs. After much prodding from J, I finally let go of the guilt and went ahead to to my appointment. If I had canceled, it would have been mid-april before I could be reseen. 

The eval was not what I was expecting to say the least. I have great insurance, which does not require my pcp's approval or the eval, but Dr. Pop said I needed the eval. I am already approved by my ins. company. I am just waiting on my results from the in-house psych, and I don't expect the results to be that great. I wasn't turned down persay, but he didn't say I have a green light from him. Due to things in my past, not body issues, he is going to reccommend that I be in therapy both pre and post op. He has not yet decided if he is going to set a time length, say 12 visits then surgery, or if I just need to be in therapy beforehand. So, I guess I'm one of that one person in a million who can't pass the psych eval. Am I crazier than I thought? *wry grin*

So, yesterday, I'm on the phone with the nurse and she's telling me we just need your eval then can set your surgery date. I'm super-excited, thinking this is going much easier than I expected. Today, with so-so news from the psych and the worse news about my husband, I am trying not to feel down. No point in brooding over things that haven't happened yet.

A friend says the psych just sends a reccommendation to the bariatric doctor and he decides what to do. So who knows. J will be home from the hospital tomorrow and maybe I will get my call next week. Either way, I'm going to stay focused on my health. See my goal?

Oh and Congratulations Shawna on your surgery! It techinally hasn't happened at the time I'm writing this, but you will have it by the time you read it. I'm proud of you and this super-tough, super-scary decision you've made to become healthy. Hopefully I'll be joining you and remember.... don't lose too fast so I can catch up!

About Me
monroe, MI
Mar 13, 2008
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Psych Eval Yesterday
