2 years out

Jun 30, 2010

Today makes two years since I had the gastric bypass. . I have maintained a 100 pound weight loss. My start weight was 265 and now it's 165.  This was the best thing that has ever happen to me. I feel great. I workout at the gym at least three days a week.  I  want to lose another 20 pounds but I am truly happy with 165. I can't believe it's been two years.  I've noticed that I can eat more, so I control my portion size by continuing to place my lunch into one cup containers. I'm interested in joining the Air Force Reserves. My weight and height is perfect. Wish me luck!

15 months

Sep 14, 2009

I am currently 15 months out. My weight goes from 165 to 169. I joined a gym and I am working out four days a week.. I am going to body pump class three days a week  and kick boxing class once a week . I feel like I am eating more and that is worrying me . I am happy at 165, I really wanted to see 150. I was thinking about going back to the protein shakes. I think lifting weights is making me hungry .

1 year

Jun 30, 2009

Well, It has been 1 year since my surgery . My highest weight was 260. I currently weigh 170. I am 90 pounds down . I went from a size 22W to a 14 regular and a 2X shirt to a large. Life is good. I feel good and I look good . I want to lose another 10 pounds so I can join the 100 pound club . I am execising might be twice a week. I want to increase that . I continue to not drink sodas because I do not want to gain the weight back. I also limit my carb intake. I try to drink a soda and it made me sick .  I went to the beach last weekend , and I was in a large bathing suit. I felted so good about myself . It's been a wonderful journey . I didn't have any medical problems after my surgery. The only thing that I went through was the thinning hair . It's growing back and it almost back to normal .


May 10, 2009

I am so excited.  I weigh 174. I love it. I am getting some many complients. I just love it. I was a bridemaid in my friend wedding this weekend and I look good in that bridemaids dress  My goal weight is 150. I was in a size 22W and 2x. Now I am in a 14 regular and a large shirt. I love going shopping. I bought a shapeless dress yesterday, and its looks good.  I was having a problem with constipation but I took something for it and lost another 3 pounds . I feel alot better. Ever than that, I have not had any problems. I am starting to exercise more. I bought a bike, and that is fun. I am jsut enjoying the weight lose.  My fiance is starting to get jealous and I don't know how to handle that. I told him that I was not going anywhere and he was the man that I want to marry. Does anyone have any advice on how to  deal with a jealous mate?



Mar 18, 2009

Well, my current weight is 182. I'll only lost 5 pound this month.  My weigh lost has slowed down. I want to lose 30 more pounds. My goal is 150. I am on a hugh plateau. I started to increase my exercise and trying to count calories. My weakness is cookies, so I stop eating them.  I tell myself that two cookies want hurt, but I will eat two more the next day, so I just stop eating them. I don't want to go back to getting sweets and gaining the weight back. I will keep you posted.


Jan 20, 2009

I went to my 2nd doctor's appointment and everything is good. I currently weigh 188 pounds . God is good. I feel good and I look good . The doctor wants me to start doing some weigh training  to build up my muscles. I started doing that . I am enjoying my weight lose. I try to stay away from breads  because they still bother me. I can not eat rice . He said I was doing good, and I don't have to see him for another six months. That will be my 1 year point. I want to weigh 145 at my 1 year mark.  I can make it I will keep you posted.



Dec 15, 2008

I am so sorry that I have not posted. I am currently under 200 pounds. I can't believe. I know weigh 196. I am so happy. I have hit a platea, but I am glad I hit it after I got under 200. The end of December will be 6 months since I had the surgery. I am not had any problems. I've learned to eat slower. The only thing I have problems eating now is bread,  everything else doesn't give me any problems. I do need to exercise more, I just have to find the time. I noticed that I am getting alot of attention and I don't know how to take it. It's weird  but I like it. I will try to post more often and post some before and after picture. My only fear is to gain the weigh back. I want to maintain my weigh loss.

Weight Loss

Jul 31, 2008

While is been about a week and I have losed another 3 pounds. So that is a total of 28 pounds in one month. I am getting excited now. I can eat more food now. I can eat grilled chicken breast. I can't eat alot of it. My chest starts to hurt when I eat to fast. I am working on that. I can also eat cheese and mash pototoes. My doctor told me that I can exercise with weights after a month. I am currently doing Taebo and on my days off I am going to go to the gym. I am happy that the weight is coming off. Alot of people say that my hair is going to fall out so I am dreading that. i am not going to worry about it. I will keep you posted.


Jul 20, 2008

I had my surgery on 6/30/08 and everything is going well so far. I have losed 25 pounds in 3 weeks. I was hard at first, I try to eat grits and they made me sick. I felt like I was having a heart attack. The grits come up and then an hour later some more come up. All I can eat right now is apple sauce and mash pototoes.

About Me
Kinston, NC
May 28, 2008
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Weight Loss
