Christmas in Vegas

Dec 30, 2006

just got back from Las Vegas and WOW what a trip we had , it was incredible , Jeff and I spent most of our tiime gambling and the rest walking ! I must say food was not really an issue , I ate much less then I would have had I stayed at home ... my choices were not bad and my portions were ok ..the only problem I'm having right now is drinking while eating , I find I'm tremendously thirsty even if I drink before my meals ... I'm pretty sure I'm not dehydrated , i drink plenty , i just find it very difficult to not drink wile I eat !! grrrrrr  Back to Vegas ... I would love to go again , it was incredible,  totally different from good old Newfoundland ! considering christmas is over now Its back to good food and plenty of exercise .... the new year is approaching  and I'm looking forward to big loss!!

Love Christmas , Hate all the Tempting Food !!! Dec,17,2006

Dec 17, 2006

Hey Eveyone .... well I'm 2 weeks post op from my gallbladder surgery and finally feeling better , I dont know if I'm a wimp or what but I was thinking I was never gonna feel well again ! Things are quite Hectic right now , I am struggling with my food choices and portion sizes and pretty much everything involving food ! I have a ravenous appetite and I find it so hard to make good choices. I absoloutely love christmas but the foods that are constantly in my face are proving to be such a temptation and most times I am weak !!    have to convince myself that I should not buy chocolates for company that I probably wont have ... I bring it into the house and then its calling out my name  constantly .  I dont know why I buy the stuff !@! 
Grrrrr sometimes I get so mad with myself that I  really feel like a failure and it pisses me off . I have this wonderful opportunity  and I'm gonna let stupid junk food make a failure out of me ...I DONT THINK SO !! Anyway here I am starting another day with good food choices  and  renewed optimism. I get my first fill on friday and look forward to some (hopefully) restriction ...Pleease god !!
Santa please bring me Some Willpower

Gallbladder Gone!! Dec 6/2006

Dec 06, 2006

well it has been a long time since i posted ..I had my Gallbladder removed on Monday (dec4) and what a painfull experience that has proven to be , I've been taking Demerol and gravol pretty much every4 hours to manage the pain, it feels like my insides are burning and tearing , its so hard to get comfortable so i've been lacking sleep!! I know booo hooo for me , luckily my appetite hasnt been to ravenous, last weigh in i was down 50lbs !! I havent had my first fill yet , i was supposed to be  yesterday but having the other surgery put that o hold ! my appointment now is on Dec 22..and I cant wait to get back on track....

Nov 11,06 ...wanting to eat !!

Nov 11, 2006

I have passed through the *too sick to eat * phase and now I'm into the OMG I'm Starving Phase ...I am feeling no satiety with any of the liquids prescribed on my two week full fluid diet ( which just began on Nov 10) This is very frustrating I hate hunger  and I hate temptation  and I hate being fat !!! now guess it depends on which I hate more.. I have been eating a little more then I am supposed to I guess I'm testing the band  and even wondering sometimes if they even put one in there ... I just feel NO restriction what so ever ! On good note I did resume walking today and I've decided to go back to work next week , i think a little distraction would do me good right now

November 8,2006 (I made it)

Nov 07, 2006

WOW I cant believe its done , I'm back home now and cant believe I've been banded ... I must say the recovery hasnt been too bad .. I am a little sore  and my tummy always feels a little squeemish  but I'm doin fine ! I am having some difficulty with drinking all the water though ,I was always a very fast eater/drinker and slowing down is proving to be my hardest task ... thankfully though my hunger isnt too great , the first few days I wasnt hungry at all , now I'm starting to feel hungry but its not too much to tolerate  and my liquid diet seems to be working . I am proud to say that since starting my pre op diet on October 15th I've lost a total of 40 lbs .... I am really happy about that  but I did work really hard , I began walking daily  and of course followed my diet to the T . I know this weight loss will slow down but Its a great confidence booster ! thats it for now I will keep posting !

October 27,2006

Oct 27, 2006

Surgery date is fast approaching (Nov3,06) I finally got the go ahead from the lap band clinic,even with my abnormal EKG report ..wooohooo  SO now I'm all set ... hubby and I set out for Toronto on monday , catch the ferry on Monday night then its straight to  TO .... Today I'm starving , I cant  wait  for this pre op diet to be over with , but then I think ,the liquid diet to follow the surgery is probably gonna be just as hard .  I Pray to God I have restriction ! Its just so hard to crave Food all the time ! I am apprehensive ,I hope I can do this !

October 24th 2006... Pre op test results!!

Oct 24, 2006

I got my EKG results back yesterday  and  the report came back abnormal !! grrrrr just what I needed to hear . Had a stress test done today . now that was lots of fun  and well I didnt do too bad  but there is some sort of abnormality and its not identifiable  without and echocardiogram .... But the cardiologist doesnt seem to think I should have to cancel my surgery  I'll just need to arrange  for more tests when I return home , he seemed to think it was weight related  and well I guess thirty years being overweight its gotta take its toll on the old ticker !!

October 20,2006

Oct 19, 2006

Well , still chugging along with the pre op diet .... sometimes its tolerable other times I want to just eat everything  in sight ! but then I stop and think ...Do I want to remain this size forever and continue to be Unhappy ? or do I want to change my life and start to live again ! ....well when ya put it like that , its a no brainer ... Soooo I stay focused and positive  ... I can do this  ...Yes I can !

October 15th 2006

Oct 19, 2006

I have started my Pre op diet  and Ohh My GAWDDD , If I can get through this then I can do anything !!   I have 3 weeks of Low fat cottage cheese ,  S/F Yogurt , and skim Milk !!  Dont get me wrong I dont dislike these foods  but I do crave a little variety !!!!... but hey  no one  said this would be easy ! I have been able to walk on the treadmill for 30 mins though  and I havent done that in a very long time !  So  one up for me  Yeaaaaaaa

About Me
holyrood, NL
Surgery Date
Apr 28, 2006
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 19
July 27th 2008
A new beginning ! April 4,2008 ( My 33rd Birthday )
Christmas blues
October 23,2007
mosr recent occurances!! August 17, 2007
march 14/07... update
March 2/07 4th fill
3rd fill Feb 7,2007
2nd fill jan 26th 2007
