Tomorrow is the day....

Jan 30, 2008

The time is here - tomorrow morning at 10:00 am I have my Gallbladder removed.  

Unbelievably I am not worried.  I am almost excited about it.  Because I NEVER EVER want to experience the pain of having another Gallbladder attack!

I have been "stuck" with my weight for what seems FOREVER.  I can't seem to get below 233!  So I am going to take this week after surgery to re-group.  I am going to change all of my lazy habits and replace them with pro-active habits.  Instead of coming home after dropping the kids off at school...I will be going to the gym and doing at least a 1/2 hour on the tredmill.  I am also going to get out some of the exercise tapes that a friend of mine gave me - and start doing some cardio at home with the girls.  I need to get Romy (my 8 year old) moving a little more.  She is having weight issues already.

I also need to go back to eating the way I was eating about 2 months ago.  PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN!!!  No more sugar!!!! NO MORE SUGAR!!!!  And I need to make sure to count the carbs and proteins I'm eating so I do not over-eat.  (now... just to figure out how much of what!!!!) 

I am getting recharged!!!  Wish me luck with surgery - as I already am convinced that everything is going to be great and I will recouperate QUICKLY!!!

Follow up for Gallbladder/6 month check up...

Jan 19, 2008

It looks like Dr. Snyder wants to remove my gallbladder in the next couple of weeks.  Only because he said that the likely hood of having another re-occurance was 110%.  And I agree too - I NEVER want that kind of pain again!  And it looks like I cn be back to work in 2 days - that is - if there are NO complications.  The doctor's office will call me back in the next week to let me know for sure when they will be doing the surgery.

I also have lost 74lbs in 6 months.  I was kind of worried that I wasn't where I should be after 6 months - because I'm feeling guilty for not working out as much as I know I should.  And Dr. Snyder said I was right on target.  I was so releived!!  He also told me to stop drinking the Protein shakes for breakfast.  He said he would rather I eat real food.  I think I can do that.

Dr. Snyder also told me he wants me to try and do a 5K this summer.  I've NEVER in my life even done a 1K!! LOL.  He told me he would do the 5K with me!  So I think I will start going to the gym and start training for it.  

Well - once again it's after 10pm and I am tired...

I will write more in a few days.

Here I thought... this is too good to be true!

Jan 09, 2008

Here I was thinking the other day - "It's been a while since I've had any complications...I thought it would be different than this..."

Well - the "universe" or should I call it - my GALBLADDER heard me - and decided this morning that it was going to cause me some PAIN....  I have never had such a pain in my upper abdomen in my life!!  I had just taken the girls and dropped them off at school and thought outloud as they got out of the car..."My stomach hurts" and just drove home as usual.  I only live a little over a mile and a half from the school.  By the time I got home - my stomach didn't just hurt - it felt like I needed to curl up in a ball!!  

I just knew this was too out of the norm to just let it go - so I went to the bathroom.... and hurt more... and I called the doctor....waiting for his call - hurt MORE.... and by time the doctor called me back - I was having a hard time breathing!  It hurt just under my breasts at the sternum.

The instructions from my surgeon was "Come to the Emergency Room" - he didn't want to speculate over the phone - but I have done enough reading to know - it could be my galbladder.  So I called my husband to tell him I could drive myself - HA HA....the pain got much worse and I'm happy I called him - because he told me NO and left work to come drive me himself.

We all know what Emergency Rooms are like... If your not bleeding to death or having a heart attack - they take their sweet old time getting you seen.  I was admitted at 9:15 into the Emergency Room and it took them until 11:15 to get me some pain meds and an IV.  It took them until 3:00 pm to complete a CAT Scan and an Ultrasound to tell me that I have galstones and that I should follow up with my doctor in the next couple days.

My surgeon's office is attached to the hospital and because my husband had to leave at 1:30 to pick our kids up from school - I had time to walk over to their office and make my appointment.  I am now almost 6 months out from surgery and will most likely have to have my galbladder removed.  

This year has been so stressful - between MY Gastric Bypass and the recovery time - and then my husband had surgery 5 weeks after I did - for a schredded tendon.  His recovery time was supposed to be 6-8 weeks and ended up being almost 4 months!  Now that he's just gotten back to work - I get to have another surgery!  Anybody wanna donate to our cause?!  We are behind on every single bill we have!!

OH Well...."stuff" happens - and all will get better!  I am losing weight...getting healthier by the day!  So I need to keep focusing.

I sure am tired tonight  all that sitting around waiting in the ER..... LOL

Talk to you all later!


Jan 06, 2008

I wanted to start writing a little more often than I did in the last 6 months - so here is a good time to start.

The kids have been out of school since right before Christmas - and they don't go back until Wednesday....It's been a long couple of weeks!!  I love them dearly but I'm ready for them to go back to school.

I weighed in at 238 on New Year's day - and I haven't weighed myself since.  I am changing my eating habits again - because I haven't lost anything in almost 3 weeks.  I think I was eating too many carbs.  So I have gone back to eating the way I was in the first few months to see if it will make a difference and get me back on track.

I was unable to make the Monday appointment for patients 6 months out or more - as I have bowling every Monday and I had already missed a week.  I still have to pay when I don't go.  I wished it was on another night than Monday.  And then on Wednesday I logged into the Chat room for Dr Snyder so I could get some support that way - and it looks like Kim (Nutrition Specialist) didn't log in so we had to run the chat room by ourselves.  

Well - I'm hoping this year is better than the last one ended!  I am looking forward to moving to a less expensive house....paying off some bills, and saving some money!

I hope the new year is good to you too!


Christmas 2007

Dec 26, 2007

Not sure what to say... this Christmas has been very hard.  Not only financially, but emotionally too.  We have been having some serious financial problems due to a change in our income around September and it's now coming to a head.  I have been trying to just get by here and there but they're all coming to get us!! LOL

I spent the first Christmas in 30 years with my family in Greeley.  It seemed like it took us longer to drive there in the snow - than it took to eat and visit with everyone before they started leaving!

On our way home - we stopped by my oldest daughter's apartment - as we didn't spend Christmas together like we have every year for 23 years!  My daughter's husband and I have been having "issues" .... and at the cost of a relationship and family celebrations... we are not talking.  I just can't seem to let go of some of the disrespectful things he has said to me...  And I can't let go of the way my daughter has changed since she and he got together.  My husband won't even come in contact with my daughter's husband for fear of how he may react...  he wants to kick his @$$ for disrespecting me.

I am hoping and praying that 2008 holds some very good changes!  I am trying to change my thoughts to more positive thoughts... I am trying to keep on track with my weight loss... I am trying to make my salon business succeed and trying to make our family financially sound.

Give me the strength to endure it!   And show me the way!!

Here I am again!

Dec 05, 2007

Well it's been about a month since I've wirtten... Lets see - I have two of three classes completed to become a Group Leader - so we can get a support group started in the Littleton area.  I am getting so excited.  The third class will be available for me to take in January.  Then it's time for me to find a place to hold the meetings.

I think I am down 70 lbs- reason I say THINK - is because last week I weighted in at 238 and now I'm weighing 246 again.  I think I'm eating too many carbs.  I've been craving them.  And I've eaten a couple pieces of halloween candy too.  Even though I KNOW that I shouldn't.  So this week I have started going back to eating like I was a couple weeks ago when I was still loosing.  It worked for me - so I'm doing it again.

I've been having dreams about RUNNING.....  I guess subconsciously I am feeling guilty for not going to the gym enough that I am dreaming about it.  So I need to find the time to do that.... instead of coming back home and sleeping until I have to go to the salon.

My 10 year old daughter Danielle is loving the fact that mom is losing weight - because when we are going into or out of the grocery store - or anywhere else - I give her a look and start running!  I've beat her a couple times too!  It feels good to not get winded every time I do something!

Well enough for now - I need to go to sleep so I can get the kids up early for Choir practice.

OH Leader Training

Nov 04, 2007

Tomorrow I start OH Leader Training!  I was talking to Kim online about a month ago and mentioned that Littleton needed a support group.  So she asked if I would like to volunteer....  And here it is a month later and I'm going to start the training.  I need to find a facility to use for the meetings and I am getting real excited to get together with all the LOSERS in my surrounding area.  

It's funny what a small world it is.  I met a lady while waiting for my husband to see his surgeon for a follow up on his ankle.  She was talking about Hip surgery at Rose and I mentioned I had surgery at Rose 3 months ago.... and one thing led to another and she said she had the SAME RNY surgery with the SAME surgeon I did!!! Except she had her surgery 8 months ago!!  What a small world!!  And all of us are fitting into it pretty good now! 

I feel like this surgery has opened new doors for me....I don't feel as depressed anymore - I feel quite rejuvinated!  And I can do anything.... (not ready for a cartwheel yet!)

WOW! It's been a long time!

Oct 26, 2007

I didn't realize it's been that long since I've posted anything...  I just celebrated my 3 months after surgery.  I have lost 62 pounds and 24 1/4 inches!!!  

I can't begin to tell you how much energy I have now!  I moved to a new hair studio about a month ago and I am able to work longer hours without feeling like I'm going to drop to the floor.  I remember how my legs used to hurt and my feet would just scream when I had a long Saturday.

Now I am trying to build my clientele from part time to full time.  So if you know anyone.... HAVE THEM COME SEE ME!

I haven't purchased any new clothes yet as I'm kinda broke and my old clothes still stay on my waist (since they're elastic).  But I have found a couple pair of pants in my dresser that I've had for a long time but never wore them because they were too tight.  NOW THEY FIT!

I will keep you all posted - hopefully more often than the last couple of times. 

New Update...

Aug 21, 2007

Since the last time I wrote - I went to see Pete at the Dr.'s office on 8/15/7 and they removed my G-Tube.  THANK GOD... That was the MOST discusting thing I've ever smelled/seen in my life!

Not only did I get weighed - and I've lost 33lbs so far - I also had Pete check me for Thrush.  Due to the antibiotics they gave me for the infected incision.  So here goes MORE prescriptions.... That crap they gave me to swish in my mouth and swallow was HORRIBLE.  It ended up being a swish and SPIT!  Because on Thursday (8/16/7) it made me sick to my stomach.

On Saturday - I got to sit and watch everyone move my sister from Arvada to Lakewood.  (I'm glad she's closer..)  

On Sunday morning - I drank my 6 oz of protein drink and then tried to start on my water.. but it seemed as if nothing had exited my stomach.  So I waited a couple hours and then tried to eat a popsicle.... and ended up throwing up because I didnt have room in my new pouch.  So I took a nap - then tried to drink again.... NO ROOM.  So I told my husband I thought I had a blockage - and I would wait until morning to call the Dr.

Same problem on Monday morning... I couldn't drink my protein - so Amanda called back and said it sounded as if I had a stricture.  And she told me to go to the ER at Rose.  Low and behold - they had to do a procedure to stretch the exit to my new pouch.  It was a 10 minute procedure - but you know how Emergency Rooms are - we were there from 12:45 (noon) until 5:30 pm..... I feel SO MUCH BETTER!  I also weighed myself today.... I started at 309 and am now at 271 - after 4 weeks!!  Things are looking up!  

I also took my measurements for the first time since before surgery and I've lost 13 3/4 inches!  (3 of those were on my waist and 2 1/2 on my hips!)

Just to share....

Aug 10, 2007

Hi everyone!  Today is my neices' 20th birthday and she wanted to go to a local radio station that has "Live Audience Friday"....  so me and my sister took her.  You have to be there at 5:45 AM.... The audience members usually make something sweet to eat.  My sister made a heart shaped cake with chocolate gnosh on it  with an Ariel candle on it too.  My sister's cakes are the best.  But I didn't have any since I'm only 2 1/2 weeks out from surgery.  

There was also a local restaurant that catered breakfast for the radio station.  (Strings)...  They brought breakfast potatoes, sausage, bacon, quiche and omletes.  Out of all that - I could have eggs.  So I took about an ounce of eggs chewed them real good - and don't you know - for the THIRD time of having eggs - they landed like a rock in my stomach...  I ended up leaving the studio to go walk around the hallways so my eggs would leave my pouch.  That was around 7:30 am - and here it is 2:30 pm and I'm just now able to drink water and eat anything.  NO MORE EGGS FOR ME!!!

I had a good time with my Neice and my sister.  This is the 2nd time we've gone to the radio station in the last 2 years.  

It's ironic how much this surgery has changed my choices when it comes to eating.  I didn't have any problems walking away from that food table this morning.  But it sure would be nice to get a little more variety of food.  As I said - I'm only 2 1/2 weeks out and on the SOFT FOODS part of the intake.  So I just need to be a little more patient.

Thanks for everyone's support... My husband has been awesome and my 2 girls that are 8 and 9 have been awesome too! 

About Me
Littleton, CO
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 60

Latest Blog 35
Informative Article....
Meeting Minutes from 9/25/8
