Infected Incision....

Aug 09, 2007

Hello all!  This morning I got up and took a shower and then noticed my lower left incision was oozing.... and I mean A LOT!  When I went to wipe off the stuff coming out of it - I pressed on the skin surrounding the incision and all kinds of infection started oozing out!  It was the GROSSEST thing I've seen yet!  

So I called the doctor - they had me come in and they used a Q-tip to ream out the incision and made it bleed.  Then he proceeded to put gauze soaked with saline into the hole he made - and left a little wick sticking out.  He covered it and gave me a prescription of antibiotics and sent me on my way with instructions to clean out he wound 2X/day and to make my own wick - stuff it into the hole and cover it.  

I have to go back on 8/15/7.  OH.... I forgot in my last post to list that I lost 24lbs.  (That was in 10 days).... Today when I went for the infection - I stood on the scale - and I'm now down 33lbs!!!

Went to Dr. for my first follow-up on 8/1/7

Aug 04, 2007

Hi everyone!  Well I had my first follow up appointment on 8/1/7.  I had to attend a nutrition class so I could add more to my intake.  I now get to enjoy refried beans, yogurt, pudding and cottage cheese.  And that's on top of the jello, crystal light, popsicles, tea and of course WATER WATER WATER.  

I also had my JP tube take out.  That was an interesting moment....  It felt like the tube had been pulled from up inside my sternum!  But once it was out I was OK.  

I am still sporting the G-TUBE.  It was originally put into my old stomach so I could use my CPAP machine when I got home.  But as it seems - when I left the hospital - the Pulmonologist told me that I don't need my CPAP anymore.  They had done a pulsox study overnight the night before I left the hospital and my oxygen had only gone down to 84% one time.  So I'm ok without the CPAP!  YEAH!

I hate this G-TUBE!  I tried to ask the dr to remove the G-tube too - but they explained that it has to form scar tissue first which takes another 2-3 weeks.  If they remove the G-tube before the scar tissue has formed, then there is a chance that the digestive fluid from my old stomach could leak and cause me an abdominal infection.  They told me about using the G-tube for my protein - if I didn't like the taste of it - but I haven't done that yet.  So far I've used some pretty OK protein.

I don't seem to be too hungry.... I make sure to have at lease 2 oz of protein per hour which I think keeps my energy going and making me feel somewhat satisfyed.  

I actually went to the movies last night with my family and they all had soda, popcorn and licorice.... I had them stop at Taco-Bell and I smuggled in some Pinto's and cheese!  I was fine not having any popcorn!  And I only spent $1.05!  My husband is starting to call me cheep & easy!  LOL.

I'M OK!!

Jul 28, 2007

Thank you for all your thoughts and Prayers!  I came thru surgery with flying colors!  

I had a rough morning Wednesday... had some swelling in the exit of the new pouch and it wouldn't let anything thru....  I was miserable for about 2 hours before I finally threw up.  But the nurses gave me a steroid that made the swelling go down.  It took a couple hours before I felt safe to eat (DRINK) anything...

I was home by 1:00 pm on Thursday.  With a JP drain on the right and a G-Tube on the left.  I had no idea I would have the G-TUBE...  Which is for us Sleep Apnea people.  They put the GTube in the remnents of your old stomach so you can do several things... open the valve so you can use you CPAP machine when you sleep as to not blow out your new pocket.  Drain the digestive fluid from your old stomach if you are feeling bloated.  And BONUS... if you get tired of the taste of Protein then you can inject the protein into your old stomach and still count it as intake!  (I never knew!)  My JP drain should come out tomorrow.  the GTUBE will probably stay in for 3-4 weeks.

I haven't had much in the way of pain.  I'm suprised at that too.  I blame that on all the years of getting migranes... you have a high tolerance to pain.

I've been feeling pretty good - but not well enough to get online for very long.  But I wanted to make sure all of you (my new friends) knew that I'm doing well and I will continue to do so!

Thank you for all your support!

Some People need educated....

Jul 14, 2007

Do you have someone in your life that tells you "have you changed your diet?"  or has told you "If you changed your eating habits" - that you wouldn't have to have the weight loss surgery?   Because I DO have a couple people in my life that just don't have a clue.  Even after trying to explain it to them - and explaining what PCOS is.... and how PCOS affects everything in your life.  They still.... have this simple thought process - that if I was only able to stick to a diet...  Or if I was just able to exercise more .....


It's so aggrevating when people make judgement based on ignorance!  

Thanks for listening!  I will write more the next time I have to vent! 

My date is set!

Jul 04, 2007

I finally stopped playing phone tag with the surgeon's office staff and was told that I was approved!  My surgery (gastric bypass) will be performed on 7/23/7!  I can't wait!  

Today is the 4th of July 2007 and I am filling out my profile on this website... sending invitations to family members and letting them know who to contact while I'm in the hospital and after for my recovery.

I have so many things going through my head right now!  This is gong to change my life completely!  And I am so looking forward to it!

About Me
Littleton, CO
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 60

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Meeting Minutes from 9/25/8
