I hope it wiggles

A woman goes to the doctor for her yearly physical.

The nurse starts with certain basic items.

"How much do you weigh?" she asks.

"115," she says.

The nurse puts her on the scale.

It turns out her weight is 140.

The nurse asks, "Your height?"

"5 foot 8," she says.

The nurse checks and sees that she only measures 5' 5".

She then takes her blood pressure

And tells the woman it is very high.

"Of course it's high!" she screams,

"When I came in here I was tall and slender!

Now I'm short and fat!"


Flour and Water

How come when you mix water and flour together

you get glue?..

and then you add eggs

and sugar...

and you get cake?

Where did the glue go ?


You know darned well where it went!

straight to your butt

That's what makes the cake

Stick to your BUTT


I am down to 171. I went to the store today and bought a size 14 jeans! When I tried them on surprise they were loose! But considering I can not stand anything tight around my stomach I am very happy. I have started waking up to eat again and MUST stop this ASAP. Did not realize this until it was too late tonight. Thats all for now!

It took 15 mos to get an approval through Cigna!
I am soo excited and scared at the same time. I gained my excessive weight when I got pregnant with my 1st child. I had toxema and gustational diabetes. The last 2 weeks of my pregnancy I gained over 25 pounds alone (the doctors office did not even finish weighing me before getting me to see the Doctor-plus the 100 lbs already gained). So being over weight bothered me but not that much until it became hard for me to do things. I now have 4 children. My youngest is 3. My oldest 10. I want to go on vacations where we all go to the beach and play in the sand together. Not where all I do is take pics because it is to hard to walk in the sand. I gained weight through my pregnencies and to me that was ok because my children are wonderful. But now it is time for me. It took 15 mos to get this through I am praying this works. That is my only true fear. I will promise to post my weights after I begin my post surgery. If anyone is in AZ (mesa)who has a support group during the day Please E-mail me!
My spelling stinks and I know it!- this thing needs spell check


Well to day is Wendesday and I had my CT, 4th Blood draw, and surgical consult monday.Cnsults first and I was so nervous about every thing that I almost pass out literally. I had to tell the girl in the office that I did not leave but instead I was just stepping out for air. I think if I did not I would have been flat on the floor due to anxiety. The results of my CT showed something in my lung. This is not surprising since I have been an asthmatic since I think 5. But when the Dr. office said she did not look at the findings today and just put it on the Dr.'s desk- I got nervous again. The difference was that this time I could do something! So I got on the phone and called where I had it done and they said they would fax me my results. The darn thing says that if could be nothing or it could be something- no answer again. It aslo suggests waiting 4-6 WEEKS to get another CT. I have not heard from the Dr. but I really do not think waiting is going to change the results- asthma for most your your life has got to leave some signs on your lung. Now the 2nd wierd thing!!! My thyroid has always been hyper (-.03--.05)of course this is not the case when I go get my 1st blood draw it is now 20!!!! This is news to me so I got to go visit my endo. (who kept telling me cigna would never pay for surgery- I proved her wrong!). So she changed my meds now I am trying to go back from where I came! SO here I sit about 1 week prior to surgery waiting to see if we move forward. Yes my husband and mother have taken off of work to help with my 4 children. I think that this is part of the anxiety. God PLEASE let this move forward I do not want to explain to my mother I am not having surgery because my lung showed something (that is 90% sure nothing) and my thyroid levels are off. Oh yeah! My mother believes that since I don't sleep by her schedule (up at 7 and in bed by 9) Thatit is my fault my thyroid is off. She does not understand that this thing causes you to stay up and sleep when ever you can!
I will up date when I know if surgery is going to happen on May 19,2005! Till then I pray and keep my fingers crossed!

Well This is Wednesday May 18th. I was just told today at 1:30 that the surgery is ok for tomorrow. I did the bowl prep- so far not as bad as I had expected.

Let me back track a little Since last week. I had 2 spots on my lung when I had a chest x-ray done. Th3 following week a CT was done now showing a new spot (totally different from the previous- The previous 2 are no where to be found now) Well this spot I was told by my PCP could be cancer and he would not ok surgery. So off I went to see a Pulmonary sp. who told me it is probably a spot from a time when without realizing it I had valley fever. So I got his stamp of approval. That left my thyroid. The lab was suppose to send it to be test STAT. Because this was 2 days prior to surgery. Well they lost my blood! So I had no idea if I would be going into surgery until they found my blood. It showed up the morning before the surgery was scheduled. The surgeon would not be in until 1. They called at 1:30 saying it was ok. My anxiety feels almost over for the time being. I am praying every thing goes well!
I will up date next time I am able!

had surgery! (They also took out my gallbladder - it had 8 marble sized stones! Good thing I had surgery when I did or I would have had 2 surgeries!)

in hospital

Went Home Dr. Kieran was actual Surgon and it can not get better then her! I am floored with how much she cares for her patients! I am very sore and my stomach is almost completely brusied. The pain is about the same as a c-section!

I went for my 1 week appointment and guess what??? Ok 19.5 pounds!!!!! OH Yah! I was not to excited b/c of the pain. I could not tolerate the oral meds any more so I took my self off them 2 days ago and decided it was much easier to suffer the pain than the nausea. When I saw her she told me I need to do something for the pain so we decided on good old Tylenol. When I went to the store the children’s chewables were only 80mg (like that would do anything- I would need a bottle per day at that rate!) so I opted for the jr. meltaways. Taste is good and I only take 3 at a time. They are more expensive but who cares at this point!

I haven't lost any more weight but I know I have lost inches! I went to get out a pair of shorts to wear and found a pair I bought, but never wore. I thought oh why not try them on- Guess what- THEY FIT!

OK I stepped on the scale to see I lost 30lbs. That makes about 10 ponds a week thus far! Now if I can keep this up for the next 3 mos. Goal will be reached! HA! HA! HA!
Everyone is stopping me to say how good I look. It is still hard to pass by and smell my favorite foods (LIKE SUBWAY)or if my hubby is cooking my italian dishes I go take a nap while they eat. But I am feeling better. I do have a wierd tingle sensation every once in a while in my limbs though. But all in all everything is going good. I did go back to work yesturday. That is only 3 weeks off. Even though it was only a couple of hours I was beat.

Baby Hold On

Hey, it might never be the same
We might never live those days gone by
But we can try

Good morning
Let's kick the babies out of bed
How bout you and me instead hanging on
Not up and gone

(Baby, hold on)
Let's start this over
(Baby, hold on)
We're not much older now
(Baby, hold on)
If you still see what I see
Keep holding on
Hold on to me

Baby, it's good to see you smile again
I know we can't escape
So let's pretend
We're someplace else

It's a new day
Let's look at all we've got
It's everything we thought
We ever wanted
It's beautiful

(Baby, hold on)
Let's start this over
(Baby, hold on)
We're not much older now
(Baby, hold on)
If you still see what I see
Keep holding on
Hold on to me

I look across the room and catch you staring at me
And see the love we almost left behind
So lead me by the hand and let's make up
Let's make up for lost time

(Baby, hold on)
Let's start this over
(Baby, hold on)
We're not much older
(Baby, hold on)
If you still see what I see
Keep holding on

(Baby, hold on)
Hold on to me
(Baby, hold on)
Just hold on to me
(Baby, hold on)
Hold on to me
Keep holding on

Hey, it might never be the same
We might never live those days gone by
But we can try

I have now lost 50lbs! I am looking and feeling better. Everyone that I did not tell about surgery keeps asking what DIET I am on. When I tell them they can't believe it! I am getting asked all the usual questions. I really feel I would have lost more if my thyroid would work properly. It is now REALLY out of wack. Maybe they will take it out now that it will NOT stablize. I am really happy I had surgery. I would not trade it for anything.

I have now lost about 57lbs. I am finding things in my closet that I never knew I had. I bought things and they did not fit, well now they do. I was eating more a month ago than I am now. I am not sure why but I have read others feeling the same way. Yesturday was a bad day. I decided to go to realty school and in the middle of everything I had an awful gas attack. I was in so much pain the girl next to me asked if she could help me b/c I got so incredibly pale. Today I am feeling better but still a little sore. All in All I am feeling better and doing more. At night though I am exhausted! I am very happy I went forward with the surgery.

Today was both good and bad. Good - I bought my first xl outfit in years and it fit! Bad - I guess it was dumping. I had heart palputations for the first time. The farther out I get the bigger the eyes are the harder it is to realize what I can and can not eat. I will be trying harder b/c I do NOT want to do that again.

This past weekend we went to Mexico and walked the beach. I did it with out wishing I was sitting some where else and it felt great! According to my scale down 60lbs!

I got on the scale and it went down again. Ok moment of truth. Up until now I have not wanted to put my weight down as silly as that sound. This should have been my safe haven... Well I was 285 post op BMI 43 Today I am 217 I am so excited that I did not even check my BMI. I now fit into XL clothing but keep finding myself in womans clothing. I feel like a like I am betraying a friend. My best friend came to vist and took me shopping to celebrate. Cori if you ever read this know that meant the world to me. I go to the Dr. tomorrow for a weigh in with him. I hope the numbers are the same or lower! I never imagined how incredible the journey would be. I am actually think of a tt later. I never thought I would even consider that. I thought I would be happy just smaller. Thank all of you for the great support.

Well it has been a whirl wind. I have slowed down as far as weight loss has been. This month I am down 82lbs (this could change slightly when I see the Dr. this week- his scale is always different than mine). I can feel my weight shifting. In the last week I was able to take the extention off of my watch. I was at the gym and I think i got hit on (I did not know what to say- this was totally an OMG moment). While sitting in the hot tub. The best part was my swim suit was falling off of me. I was literally holding it on. I had bought new bathing bottoms and wished I had bought a new top also (top size 22, bottoms 16). So if you are reading this and think you can do without something. DON"T. Go buy whatever this item is. I learned through embarassment that I really do need certain things such as... bathing suit tops, smaller shoes, smaller work shirts. All those every day things. I am so happy that I am losing everything. I am very hopeful that by Christmas I will be down another 25lbs. I REALLY want to be able to go buy those cute Christmas outfits. I always hated my sister when she would show up in them. MY TURN!

I am finally back into the 100's weighing in at 198! For a grand total of 87lbs gone! Never thought I would be able to say that!

I thought I would write on an outcome. Prior to surgery my hubby was not supportive at all. Well since then things have changed sooo much. Last night we were laying in bed and he asked when I planned going in for plastics and what I wanted done. I felt like turning on the lights and seeing who I was laying next to. The other big improvement is that he asked me why I did not cook for all of us. Why I always made separate meals well that changed this weekend too. I now make 1 meal (usually salad) everyone eats it except my older son. But hey 5 out of 6 is not bad! I am still going to the gym 3-4 times a week. Things are difintely a changing!

Today I stepped onto my scale (yes my scale ) to see 190! that is a total of 95lbs! I wish I could be excited, but my Aunt who is like another Grandmother has had a brain anurism (sp?) 2 weeks ago. since then 5 angioplasties. All I have done is cry and wish I could be there (i am in AZ she is in IL). So at this point all I can do is pray. This has been the hardest time not to sit down with a tub of ice cream and feel better.


Since my last post my Aunt Mary had a brain anurism. She spent about 3 weeks in the hospital and passed yesturday afternoon. This has been very hard. She was always the life of the family. It is hard to believe she will no longer be there. I am learning not to turn to food. I have made myself feel really uncomfortable. Before she got sick she planned on coming for a visit. She told me how much she could not wait to see me due to all the wiehgt I have lost. I really feel rotten for not going to the hospital to visit her. (I think I forgot to mention the $400.00 airfare there) I will be leaving on Sat night to go back to Chicago to say good bye. This has been my first craving for chocolate since surgery.
These next few days are going to be some of the hardest of my life. I forgot to mention she gave me the nick name Wendella when I was little. She will truely be missed.

I just returned from Chicago from my Aunts funeral. It seems like years since I posted last. I keep thinking I want to eat, but know it is emotional and stop myself. I feel as if I am being tested. These last few days have been the hardest I have been through since my Uncle passed away 12 yrs ago. My weight tonight was 187. These last few days don't even seem real!

I have hit the -102 lbs mark! I am soo excited. I now fit into a 14/16! It has been years since I could do this! My hubby was given an award for work and this pass weekend we got to go to OK. for a very elegant weekend. I bought y first formal gown in YEARS and I think I looked pretty good too. I will post pics as soon as my hubby brings home the disc with them on it. Tomorrow is the first turkey day that i am not dreading in years. For the first time I will be able to get dressed up and not have my parents on my back about what I put into my mouth. It might actually be a nice day. I am sure they will find some thing new to pick on me for but who cares. I will look great! Happy Turkey Day!

I went to the Dr. and I have lost 107 lbs! I got my picture taken to be added to the century wall and a cute pin. It was the best Dr. appt. I have ever been too! It sure beats a year ago when I would get on the scale and cry b/c I was trying to lose but instead I gained. I do need to get to the gym more though. This has been a very difficult month. I am trying very hard to move forward. My Pcp did give me some zoloft (anti-depressants) to help get through. I guess woman hold thier hormones in thier fat cells so between losing so much so fast and my aunts death my system needed a little help. Well 27 lbs left til goal! I can not wait!

Well today I got on the scale and it moved! I am now at 168lbs. In my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be this low. I actually feel good when I leave the house now. I can wear jeans and a t-shirt and it actually looks cute. I am starting to enjoy my decision. 18 lbs til goal!


Future Update
Well I went shopping and today I bought my size 12 jeans! Yes! Size 12! I am so excited I have not worn that since I was single! I actually bought 2 pairs b/c I couldn't decide which ones I liked best. I have not bought 2 pairs of jeans in 20 years!

I went to the gym for the 1st time in about 2 mos. It has been a hard couple of mos. On the way home I stopped at a Henery's and bought there soy chips (ranch flavor). They are great! I am stuffed full of them! I am down to 165. My weight is now going down slow now. But it is still coming off and that is the main thing.
Future Update

Today I fit into a size 10 jeans! They are a little on the tight side but they fit. I can wear them! I am down to about 167. I am very excited!
Future Update

According to my scale I am 14lbs to goal I go to the Doc. On March 1st so we can see what his scale says. I have been getting so much attention. It has been alot of fun. A week ago my Huey died, He was a toy poodle and my best friend for 14.5 yrs. This years has not been a whole lot of fun.
Future Update

well i have not posted in a while. But thats b/c I have leveled off. I am at 160-167 depending on what part of the month it is. I am 10 lbs from goal and really I could careless. I am in a size 8-10 and I can eat just about anything without getting sick. (this is probably why I haven't hit goal yet!) But I am enjoying my new life. There are a few that are having a hard time accepting the new me but to them i say eat my dust! B/c for the 1st time in yrs I am having fun. I would also like to thank the whole OH community b/c with out your posts both good and bad I really don't know if I would have made it at times. Diana E you are a wonderful person I am especially proud to call u friend. Even when you didn't feel well you routed me on. That was wonderful I am truely thankful for our friendship. I have gotten very lax about adding here and hope to add more in the future but for now I am extremely happy a size 10/8 and just wanted to thank all of u!
Future Update
well today is my surgery anniversary! I have lost 120lbs and i still have 10 to go but that is fine with me! I alsohave met the mostincredible friends. I would like to thank u all for ur support. One thing that i have learned is thatyour weight does not only have an impact on you but also those around you. People who y thought were ur friends stop calling to say hi. I recently became reaquainted with a man who i date in H.S. and out of everyone i have soo much talking w/ him b/c he only remembers me as thin. The other person is Cathi and I met her on OH she was my secrete pal and she is terriffic. I can only hope that everyone joins and carries through with the program because if it wasn't for the program I would have missed out on a great friendship.

Well It has been awhile. Things are very hectic as usual. I am just praying I make it through the summer. For the 1st time in 12 years I will be home with out children all day! I am very excited. I just may get part of my house back-lol. My weight has been coming off extremely slow but I think my thyroid is going haywire again. I hate going to give a qt of blood b/c no one can ever hit my vein so I am tring to fix that problem on my own before going to the Dr. I am going to meet with a Doc on Fri about a TT. Please pray ins. will cover it. I figure I will fight for it just lk I had to fight 4 surgery.I am very thankful to have Meet Kathi on here through the secrete pals. She has made the times I have been fustrated about not losing so much easier. It is really great to have a friend who is going through alot of similar things. Who ever put us together in the beginning must have known what they were doing and I thank you for that. Now I am off to check the dryer. One more thing- I am now "Normal" in my weight. For what ever "normal" is worth-lol.

I have pretty much leveled out at 160-170 and am a size 8/10 I am very happy. My skin is a little loose every where but in the stomach and chest this is where I need my help. I have been to 2 different plastic surgeons and have found out you really need to shop around. The prices are incredible they go from 20,000 to 10,000 w/out ins. I am tring to get ins. to pay for everything now. But I do have to admit all the looks I get from guys has been incredibly fun. DH is paying more attention to me too. Which is really fun. I will be hopfully adding some more pics soon.
Future Update

Well it is now 8-8-06
boy how time flies. I am stable in my weight loss I am still the same as last mo. I watch everything I eat. My biggest down fall is starbucks frap.- I LOVE THEM! Other than that I try not to test new foods in fear I might over eat. I am enjoying being this thin and having people not recognize me. I am waiting to hear from an old friend- Hope he calls so we can meet- b/c he is going to flip-lol Well thats it for this month. Nothing to new or exciting to report. I will post if he calls and what his reaction is- This is one of those I can't wait moments-lol What a butt head he was and still is!!!!!

I have stalled my wt is some where btwn 160 and 175 buying a new scale is NEVER a good idea-lol I have to say though this year has changed my life. I am wearing make up and had to add a rod to my closet- before I could careless what I had on and make up was unheard of. I am having fun watching the boys watch me. I am trying to get a tt approved b/c my wt all moved forward and is putting wt on my back. I do not like tking c2's daily for the pain. I see it as a disaster waiting to happen. I am still very careful what i eat and drink. I am starting to enjoy life in a different perspective. I now live for the moment not for tomorrow. After having my aunt taken away from me at a young age it is very hard. I still have the occational days when getting out of bed is hard, but once out I usually don't regret it. I'll have to write more later the laundry won't stop buzzzzzzing!

It is very hard to believe it has been 5 yrs ago that the world changed. I did not know any of the people who are no longer here as a result but my family were all on call for days around the sears tower. Not all my family members are still here but atleast they were able to leave this world not by the hands of killers who are sending children out to kill and be killed.

Time seems to be flying. I am having problems with my back. since losing so much wt my stomach has so much extra skin that it is hurting my back. It also does not help that my boobs have not changed cup size. So a good gust of wind hits and I will fall over-lol I have submitted to insurance but the plastic surgeon wants to add to my boobs. This is NOT what I told him I wanted. SO we are starting from the beginning and we'll see what happens. Wish me luck.

Well after my 1st parent teacher conferance w/ my youngests teacher I have come to the conclusion he will be the next Johnny Carson. He is a hoot!
I have been asked to be in one of my good friends wedding as the maid of honor. I am very excited for the 1st time ever it was because of me not because it was my sisters wedding and my parents made her. I was asked because of me. My family is not very supportive of my decision b/c I asked my aunt who I don't have a problem with (and they do) to come watch my children. To me this is a chance of a life time it is a board a 7 day cruise and my aunt that passed away left me with one piece of advice i will never forget- Always have something to look forward to. Thats what makes life worth living. SO i am. I know she would approve. she is probably smiling down on me right now. I only need 2 more dressesand I am set! LOL. I am very excited and sadden by my families response to my aunt coming to watch my children- I must remind you none of them would have done it. So thank you A. JO I will always be greatful.

one other strange thing that has happened in my life I have a friend who appeared to come back into my life as a very good friend has made it appearent that this is too much to handle and instead of talking things out. They have chosen not to speak to me. We spoke off and on for yrs and the last yr (so I thought) we became close. Now they have nor want anything to do with me. It makes me wonder was was me and what is the way I now look. Despite everything I wish them well and hope some day they can come to terms with our friendship. They really need help growing up. But then again I am not the easiest person to say NO too- LOL!!


I had a nice Christmas and New Years.  It has been awhile since I wrote.  Not to much is happening.  I have started trying new foods and then wonder why feel like shit later on.  I need to stay with what I know I can eat -but shoot the other stuff looks and tastes so good!  With that being said I have been able to maintain my weight.  Some days are better than others just as it is with everything. 


Another WOW moment

When walking through the mall.  A woman stopped and asked my son (4) if he knew that he had a beautiful mom.  In true David form he said BUT OF COURSE!

I am off to the plastic surgeons in the next 2 weeks.  I am praying ins. will cover atleast a TT.  Not much else is happening.  I am hoping that DH gets his act together and graduates in May.  I am going to try to go back to school.  I would love to get my DO.  At this point it is a matter of financing and having the time to get the schooling done.  I know what I am doing but just have to get through the schooling.

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-70 lbs
Sept 3, 2005

DH 40th b-day- present was a Harley (mid life crisis)


I am so excited.  My old (and supposedly to start up again) exercise partner asked me to be the maid of honor in her wedding.  Her mom told her she needed someone beautiful to stand next to her and they thought I would be perfect.  I AM SOOOOO EXCITED.  I was supposedly the maid of honor at my sisters wedding but I felt like I was there just b/c I was her sister.  I really didn't think I had many options with any thing.  The only thing I felt i did have a say in was the dress. Other than that no one even told me what time to be there for pictures.  Now I get to actually help b/c some one wants my in put.  I am truely blessed to have her as a friend.  This time last year we did not know if my Aunt would make it (which she did not) and it was the worst time of my life.  Farrahs timing could not be better b/c I now have something to look forward to thats positive.  My Aunt told me once that having something good to look forward to was what life was about.  I now do.  Thank you aunt mary for watching over me.  Well thats it for now.  I am now tring to find a babysitter b/c it is on a 7 day cruise!  I will find the money some place- not sure where right now, but I am very excited. Till next time......


Well a year has passed. so much has happened.  I still have dreams about my aunt and because of that I can not believe that it has been a full year.  One of my close friends asked me to be maid of honor in her wedding so we will be going on a cruise to the Mexican Riveria come Sept.  I am so excited.  I have passed out while driving my new car 2 times thank god for Matts buddy owning a body shop or I would be in even bigger trouble around here.  I even tried to super glue the mirror- not advisable- just incase you ever thought of it.  Then my job was trying to accuse me of taking something I did not take and with no warning let me go.  I took this very hard b/c I always have done such a good job.  I have been told by friends to seek a lawyer but I was such a nervous wreck that I ended up w/ water blisters all over so urgent care pretty much drugged me for 1 week.  They did a very good job of it too i might add.  So now I am off looking for a job.  But today I have the flu, so I am working on my christmas cards.  One other thing this month a person who I considered a very good friend decided that he did not want to be friends any longer- this was the icing on the cake.  This has not been my year I am looking forward to next year and in hopes that it will be a great one!

About Me
Mesa, AZ
Surgery Date
Apr 25, 2005
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 4
Over 3 years out
Thanks to all
What the next step for me is....
My Name and Family
