Day 16 post-op and feeling pretty good

Aug 25, 2010

Hard to believe that it is just a little over 2 weeks since I have had my surgery and now I am finally able to have pureed food woohooo!!!!  It tastes so good to have food but pureed.  I haven't had any problems as of yet with the food for supper I had a piece of a bbq'ed pork chop with some potatoes and carrots and it tasted good, although the looks are not very  I was pretty full after measuring out a cup of supper combined.  Now I am having some pears pureed yummy..well once day 28 comes along I can introduce my stomach to whole food and just have to remember to chew chew chew.  I will be so looking forward to August 31st to get here so I can get these staples removed they are driving me crazy as they are itchy and so ready to come out now.  Oh well when I go to get them removed they will also be weighing me and giving me my next appointment to receive my first fill.  So far I feel pretty first day back to work is the 28th so that should be interesting.

