
Feb 09, 2011

I was laying in bed last night thinking that I am totally ready for this. i have 3 months to go before I can be finally approved for surgery. My doctor told me that I should have no problem qualifying for the LapBand. I have made so many life changes I cant belieev it really. Now granted i still have a lot more to to and leanr but I just know that I am ready for this. I have never been so ready for somthing so far in my life. I cant wait I know this will be for the better. I am ready
1 comment


Feb 07, 2011

I have 3 months left until my 12 months diet deadline people! I am so excited its moving along pretty quickly. Faster than I thought. Anyways. I have lost 22 pounds since last May. I am hoping that at the end of April we can send in all of my diet documentation and that the surgery scheduling process will move right along. I hope it does! Cross your fingers and toes baby!


Bad week

Jan 21, 2011


My parents were gone to the bahamas so I was watching their house and of course didn't eat very well all week. I gained 4 lbs. UHG im so angry. I was doing so well. So im set back a ton. For dinner I tried to make up for it and I just ate a plate full of steamed veggies with brown rice. It was pretty good. Lunch I just ate green beans.... I hope I get back on track!

My mood has been really crappy - plus this Asthma that I have developed - im guessing from being overweight - is kicking me in the side so hard right now. I just can't keep it at bay. And I have to use my rescue inhaler multiple times per day which is striking me as unusual. But I guess im not sure since Ive never had asthma before! I hate it.

Hopefully I can get through it. It's just bad in the winter.

Anyways hope everyone is doing well.



Jan 17, 2011


Ok so ive been losing little by little on this pre diet thing - which will be finished up in May. Im hoping this will come up pretty fast! Im very excited but Im terrified that I will get turned away for any reason at all! Then Im afraid I will get depressed again and gain all plus more back again because of all the hard work ive done. Im trying to keep positive but - you never know- and with my luck you REALLY never know!


Dec 28, 2010

had a fabulous christmas - hope everyone else did as well.
Back hard onto the diet  :)
Here we go.

Also I totally got a scam e-mail if anyone else did please dont fall for it.
Its amazing the lengths people go through these days.


Dec 10, 2010

OK so people listen- finally somthing positive to work towards!
I went to see my dr. today. She said it looks like I have everything pretty much done and ready except for my diet documentation. Right now we are possibly looking at June 2011. I just have to keep on documenting my deit and weight progress and I should be good. Can't wait!

so sick of negativity

Dec 07, 2010

ok so here again is another negative post. Come on somthing good please swing my way!
I was put on a new med last week and am having MAJOR side effects. uhg. The dr just said i basically have to deal with it. Also I was reading up on it and one of the common side effects is weight gain. Great. Just what I need to hear. Anyways. My little beep beep has been sick with some nasty bug and as a result of course mommy got it too. You always get your kids cooties! uhg no as a result -double whammy. Not feeling well- not eating much at all. I have no desire to eat at all. I have a dr. appointment this week to get some things straightened out before hopefully getting the ok for surgery. I have 6months of diet logged, and have lost about 15-20 lbs. Im at a stand still now as usual. I always lose about that much and hit a rock. Im not surprised. Anyways. Hopefully things start to get on track.

Also had a relapse with my depression. Not so good. But thankfully doing a lot better.
Wish me luck for Friday!



Nov 25, 2010

Hey Everyone,

Haven't been on in a while because I've been focusing on my diet and what not. I've been on my 1200 calorie diet that my dr put me on in September. Im down 15 pounds and seem to be at a stand still. I did pretty well yesterday considering the spirit of thanksgiving. Ive been used to eating so much less now that I really did eat that much to feel overly full. I was very surprised.      Ever since yesterday though I've hada weird stomach ache. One of those ones where you just toss and turn and it's more of a pain instead of gas pain or somthing. Anyway. I go to see my doctor on the 10th of December to discuss the surgery and the steps that I need to take. I am excited to hear what she has to say because I haven't seen her since September.

Our next support group meeting is the 15th I believe and then the next day I head down to Flint for an orientation on all of the different surgeries. I'm excited to meet the surgeon that I want - he'll be doing the orientation.

Anyways. Had a good holiday and hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving

New outlook

Nov 10, 2010

Ok so!
I joined a new suport group on tuesday which I found in my own city. I am very excited about this because I know they will and have already shed new light on my experience. I feel like eveyrthing is going to become a very long process. I called my insurance company today and they do not cover the lap band procedure. They only cover the vertical sleeve gastrectomy which I am ok with because I have been looking at that one also anyhow. I am hoping to get things rolling but we will see.


Bad Day

Nov 04, 2010

Today was an awful day. My dr office never called me back.
So dissapointing. I know I just need to patient but I just wish somthing GOOD would happen in my life,
and also that I had somthing to look forward to everyday besides of course just looking forwad to seeing
my son's smiling face. I started a new life with me and Jackson and I want to keep it going.
We are doing well besides the fact that I can NOT stand his father. He left us when Jack was only 9 months old.
It's a shame. Guys now in this day in age don't know what family really means. Anyways that somthing I can
rant on and on about for hours. We will save those stories for different days.

Not loving life right now.

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Surgery Date
Oct 16, 2010
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RNY 5/29/2018 Day of Surgery Weight 233#

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