Feb 05, 2010



I didn't know anything about Hibernation Syndrome, but I believe it to be a real side-effect after wt. loss surgery.  

Just wondering IF this is a real side-effect (although not serious), but is this common?  This past week (week # 3) was probably the roughest time I've had in my life.  Depressed, sad, withdrawn, turning the ringer off the phone, and in bed by
8 pm every single night!

Last night, my ex-b/f came over to see how I was doing.  I hadn't seen him since July and I was actually nervous to see him.  I won't talk much about him, as I've chosen to focus on ME and nothing else.  Seeing K was interesting last night.   We have issues in the past about my weight, so getting him to acknowledge that he could "see" the weight loss already, that I'm looking amazing already.   I almost said, "See?  you should have kept the cute, fat, chick, but you blew it.  You don't get a chance with the "after."   I didn't need to be said though, I think he knew that.  He did call today to see how I was feeling (as I've been sick all week, scared to eat).

I actually feel great today, I'm not sure if it's cuz I've been using my tension bands and can see the inches I've already lost, or cuz I had finally had oysters yesterday, not sure if it's that I saw K last night, maybe the "3rd Week Blues" have finally passed? 

With all that being said, just wondering if anyone has experienced Hibernation Syndrome?  How long does it last?



First let me say thank you to all of you have been supportive and come to rescue so many times already on O/H!  I'm so grateful for the support and encouragement!!  This past week has been brutal for me, but I can say that I'm glad a Mac Truck didn't run over my body!!  ROFLMAOOOO

I'm happy to say that I'm finally starting to feel a wee bit better.  I'm still terrified to eat cuz I don't want to vomit again, but I know this feeling of being scared will pass too.  I got all my vitamins in this week, and I managed to get in 2 protein shakes in each day.  

Today was the first day that my "inside stomach muscles" weren't in agony, so I thought, "hmmmm, gonna try to eat something today, at least if I vomit, my stomach muscles won't hurt so much?"  I went to Shoppers Drug Mart and bought a can of smoked oysters.  I figured, good source of protein, and they're soft enough to chew 20-30 times till they're even more mushier, right???  Guess what?  Made it through the can.  Took about an hour to eat a total of 15 oysters, but they tasted DELICIOUS!!!   I loved oysters pre-op, so they could have been a 10 oz. steak and I wouldn't have known the difference today!  LOL  I'm all good today.

On Wednesday, Oct. 28th, I'm seeing Dr. Klein for my 1-month Post-Op Appointment, and I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask.  Please forgive me if this question has already been raised elsewhere or in other Forums besides
Ontario.  Is there a way to "search" for topics in forums, because if there is, I haven't maneuvered to find it yet, please help? 


1)  When I vomited on Sunday was that "dumping" or was that just merely eating too fast?  Nothing came up when I vomited.  Dry heaves only, why?

2)  What are some of the "basic" grocery items I should be buying now?

3)  When can I go back to the gym?  I know 4-6 weeks is target, does that apply, or can I slowly start using my treadmill?

4)  Should I be getting the H1N1 flu shot?  Is it safe?  Am I at more risk for getting ill with the flu since having had surgery, or will I run more risk of getting ill from having the flu shot?

5)  When's a safe time to have intimate relations again?  Safe positions?  Here's the $64,000 question, is it safe to swallow or should I be spitting??  ROFLMAOOO   Will swallowing upset my stomach or make me vomit?

If there are any other questions that some of you can offer up, I'd really appreciate it as well.





A special thank you to everyone for responding to my "help - run over me with your truck!"


For all those of you who wondered what a can of smashed assholes looks like, this would be the can of smashed assholes:

I'm feeling a wee bit better today.  I've decided to take all of your advice and stick with protein shakes for now.  After not having any solid food for a month, I think I rushed solids too quickly.  I was feeling so amazing last week, that I thought I was indestructible!!  Tsk Tsk Tsk, shame on me huh??

I bought some Diesel protein powder yesterday after work (Chocolate/Peanut Butter) which has 27g. of protein and 0.5 g. of carbs, so I made that this morning.  Put it in my thermos and I'll have that for lunch.  I also plan on going to GNC to buy some protein bullets.  Since I'm getting sick of shakes, I'd rather just get my protein in a couple of quick "swigs" and be done with it.  I find that drinking a protein shake is taking me 2-3 hrs. sometimes and just feels yucky sitting in there.

I'm getting water in, so I'm staying hydrated.  I'm going to order my MedicAlert braclet today - (thanks Bonnie for the website), I've decided after much research to go with the  bracelet since I can get 4 lines on the back of it.

Again, thank you to all of you for your support and quick response for help and encouragement!!




I had RNY surgery 20 days ago, and I felt better last week, then I do this week.  I feel HORRIBLE and I'm praying for a Mac Truck to run over my body right now.

I went to a Wt. Loss Surgery Support group on Saturday, and felt fantastic.  Even went for coffee and soup with the girls afterwards.

On Sunday, I had a brutal day.  I had very little appetite, and in fact, forced myself to eat something.  I had one scrambled egg, I had 3 mini rice-cakes (which I chewed up really well), and I had a cup of decaf tea with very little skim milk, and a tsp. of raw sugar.  Within an hour, I felt horrible.  I vomited, but NOTHING came out.  I mean nothing.  The absolute worst dry heaves I've EVER had.  I thought I was tearing out all my internal stitches and staples.  I was shaking like a leaf, I was crying so hard from the pain.  This "episode" lasted about 20-25 minutes of pure agony.  I took my temperature and it was at 37.9°C.  I managed to crawl to bed, and pulled the duvet over my head by
8:30 pm.  A few post-op patients have said this was a "dumping" episode due to the rice cakes + tsp. of sugar I had.  I guess I had always assumed that "dumping" came out the back side.  I did not have any diarrhea at all, just vomited air, that's it, no liquids, dry heaved AIR.  WTF?!??!!

On Monday, I woke up feeling like a can of smashed a$$holes, and managed to drag my a$$ to work.  I managed to get in all my vitamins, and I managed to hold down 2 protein shakes, and I had a sugar-free strawberry Jell-O when I got home. Was in bed by
8:00 pm.

On Tuesday, I got my vitamins in, and I managed to get in 1 protein shake in the morning, and I had the cook at work make me 1 plain egg-white omlette at lunch.  Nothing for the remainder of the day.  Was in bed by
9:00 pm.

Today, I got my vitamins in, and I've managed to get in 1 protein shake, and I'm about to try another one.

My dilemma is I'm TERRIFIED to eat anything now.  I don't want ANY food, nothing.  Just the thought of vomiting as violently as I did, is scaring the hell out of me.  My whole body hurts right now.  My stomach muscles feel raw, and it hurts when I bend over.  I know I need to get more protein and food in, but I don't know what to eat.  I'm sick of soups, I'm sick of yogurt, I'm sick of applesauce, I'm sick of protein shakes.  I honestly could care less if food ever crossed my lips again.

Right now I'm at work, and I'm feeling run-down and jittery, I'm feeling tired, I'm feeling cranky, I have a headache, and I just want to go home and pull the duvet over my head.

Right now, all I keep thinking is, "Why did I do this stupid surgery??"  I can't recall a time when I felt sooooooooo crappy.



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Feb 05, 2010
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