New Friends

Feb 15, 2013

I have come to a point in my life where I know someone who did not know me before surgery. The mom of my son's friend and I were talking about weight and I told her that I had surgery and have lost 85 pounds now and she was surprised!! She had no idea. It made me feel so so good about my lose skin. Apparently, I hide it well. I am hoping to lose another 20 and give my body some time to adjust and then see if I want to pursue any plastic surgery. I am so very grateful for my surgery and my new life. So is the family!! They love the active person I have become. More good times to come for all of us!!


Funny Story

Oct 17, 2012

I have a funny story to share....I was folding laundry the other day and as I folded this pair of jeans I was giving them one of those wierd looks. My 5 year old asked me what was the matter. I unfolded them to look at them again and told her I don't know whose jeans these are. (In my mind I am thinking both my older daughters (21 & 18) are away at college so the jeans don't belong to them)...So whose jeans are these. Then it occurs to me...they are mine!! I started out my journey wearing a size 24 and now I am down to a 14. OMG!! I am so happy.

I am 101 days post-op. I have lost 48 pounds since surgery and 68 pounds since January 2012. I only need to lose another 20 pounds to be at the weight the Dr. wants me to be. But I would like to lose another 20ish. I will have to wait and see when I get there.

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Chicken & Raspberry

Jul 01, 2012

Ok, so I packed up a bunch of protien powders and yogurt and applesauce and headed to my mother-in-laws for the weekend.  Saturday was a lovely night of visiting with my sissy-poo and her daughter.  Karlie, Amia (her friend), Reeve, & Riley had a blast swimming for about 3 hours.  Then Sunday up and had some oatmeal and a protien shake and headed outside to do some stuff for my mil(mother-in-law).  About a month ago I had powerwashed her upper pool deck but hadn't gotten back to finish the lower deck.  So that was my goal.  Clear off the deck, get out the powerwasher, connect the hoses, get out the cleaner and read the directions.  Now I was ready to begin.  OMG how much better it looks.  But eventually I needed to take a break.  So I went in to make my another protien drink (I am on my pre-op diet and I have lost 9 pounds in 1 week).  You really should smell your protien before you add it to your drink (I had put them in tupperware containers so I wouldn't have to take the whole container).  Chicken Unjury and Raspberry Crystal Light is not a good combination.  Not at all!!  It still kind of gags me just to think about it. 
So the food critic in me gave this 2 enthusiastic thumbs down.


Jun 29, 2012

I don't remember exactly when, but I have lost 17.1 pounds since I first signed up on I hadn't even realized it. It was such a nice surprise when I did the math. Yippie!! I have lost 7 pounds just since I started my liquid diet on Monday 6/25. I might actually be able to lose weight this time.

Is it really time?

Jun 26, 2012

I knew the time would fly by, but man I wasn't expecting it to be this fast.  I started my liquid diet yesterday and it was a good day!!  I have a slight headache today, but not hungry at all.  WOW, protien really does fill you up.  I even cooked dinner last night for the family.  I am not gonna lie, it smelled really really good.  I don't know if I will be able to keep doing that and stay strong.  I asked hubby to please do the rest of the meals so I won't be tempted.  I still have so much I want to do before surgery.  You know, the usual, cleaning the house so I don't have to look at it.  Organiziing this and that.  Trying to keep myself busy so I don't obsess any more than I already do. 


May 30, 2012

I had my last Dr. appt. yesterday (of the 6 month supervised appts.), came to work and scanned the form to Rachel @ 11:26 and at 3:26 p.m. I heard back that my insurance approved my surgery!! WOO HOO!! I never expected to hear back that soon. So now I am trying to get myself organized and ready. I decided to do the RNY after thinking I was doing the sleeve. I think it will be the best fit for me. I was worried that with the sleeve I might be tempted to cheat and push it to the limit because I might not get dumping. That is not acceptable. And I was once told by my PCP that with the RNY I will be getting more bang for my buck. Also, I don't want to have a revision some day. Not that something can't happen with the RNY and I still need to meet with Dr. Demick, so who knows for sure. I could still change my mind. It is my perogitive, right??

Time Keeps on Ticking....

May 24, 2012

I have a surgery date, YAY!!  July 9th.  It is hard to believe it is only 46 days away.  It seems right around the corner now.   Back in November when all my stuff was submitted to the insurance company and came back denied I was very upset.  It was my own fault, I did not have exactly 6 months of supervised weight loss, but we tried it anyways.  DENIED!!  I let myself be upset for 1 day and then I was determined!!  I came back from vacation and scheduled an appt. with my Dr. and now I have my last appt. on 5/30 and we can submit to the insurance company again.  (nervous)Hopefully it comes back approved. 

But now the whirlwind starts...pre-op on 6/13 and another pre-op on 6/19 and I want to do the nutrition appointment again for a refersher.  Liquid diet begins 6/25.  I am so glad my supervisor is on vacation 6/14 - 7/4.  I will have to do her job too and that will keep me busy, which makes the days go so much faster.  But, my hubby says to never wish time away, so I am just trying to make it tick a little faster.  Sorry to babble, but this is how my mind races. 


Apr 16, 2012

My 4 1/2 year old told me this weekend that she didn't want me to be fat anymore.

I am so glad I have made the decision to have WLS.  I never thought it bothered my kiddies, but apparently it does. 

Like they say.  Out of the mouths of babes.


Apr 12, 2012

My hubby is always saying stuff like, "we should just not buy candy or junk food for 2 months and you will loose the weight and not need the surgery"  or "we should just bike ride 15-20 miles every day and cut back on our food and you won't need the surgery".

REALLY??  I am 100+ pounds from my goal weight!!  I have done, we have done his suggestions above and I never lose more than 10-15 pounds and then I get discouraged and the weight creeps back on. 

I tell him that I need this surgery to help me get the best results possible.  I have been very dedicated to eating healthy since November 2011 and I walk 30 minutes everyday at lunch and I have been trying to ride my bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes (when it isn't snowing or nasty outside).  And all I have lost is 9 lbs.  Yes, it is 9 lbs., YAY ME!!  But nothing like it will be after I have my surgery. 

I think I really have his fear of me having WLS.  He loves, loves, loves to eat out.  Well, I do too, but I have been less willing to go out lately.  When we do eat out I make smart choices and usually only eat no more than 1/2 of the meal.  I never realized how large the portions were before, but now YIKES!! 

I know I am making the best decision for me and my children (21, 17, 7, and 4).  I am hoping he might even see how it changes my life and decide to change his bad eating habits too.  (I can't even begin to explain them...too large of portions, then eating the leftovers on the kids plates, then taking a nap right after he eats (every meal), then wanting a snack before bedtime, then getting up in the night for a snack and to watch tv and then fall asleep in front of the tv).  It drives me crazy!! 

Thank goodness my 7 & 4 year old take after me (or am I taking more after them).  I make sure they eat their protien first the veggies and then if there is a potato or bread.  My son will not eat a potato (unless it is a french fry) for anything and when my hubby tries to make him I usually step in and point out he ate his meat and veggie and doesn't need to eat the potato if he doesn't want to. 

What do you think??  Am I out of line??

Another one bites the dust!

Mar 28, 2012

Lost another 3.2 lbs. this month.  Not too bad for a week in Denver, CO for work.  I even had 1/2 piece of red velvet cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.  I threw the other piece away.  Don't get me wrong.  It was great, I just didn't want it.  I normally buy sodas & snacks for the week also, but not this time.  I took my water bottle and stayed true to my water.  Walked 2 miles yesterday with our walk at lunch program.  I was the slowest one, but I did it!!  Only 2 more doctor visits until I can submit for surgery again.  I can do it!!
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About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 23, 2012
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